
AEW Rampage Results For 1/7/22 Eddie Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz vs. 2Point0 and Daniel Garcia

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– Excalibur kicks off the show with “It’s Friday Night, and you know what that means.” Excalibur then introduces his broadcast colleagues Taz, Ricky Starks, and Chris Jericho.

Adam Cole vs. Jake Atlas

The match begins with a tie-up; Jake Atlas takes control after taking Adam Cole down with a side headlock takedown. Cole gets out of it and kicks Atlas in the midsection. Then, the two begin countering each other’s holds and moves. First, Atlas takes Cole down with a dropkick; he follows up with a chop. Next, Atlas hits Cole with multiple elbows.

Atlas is on the top rope and Cole pushes Atlas off, and Atlas falls out of the ring. Cole takes control and punishes Atlas with multiple kicks and strikes. Atlas goes for springboard back elbow, but Cole counters and hits him with a backstabber. They head out for their first picture-in-picture commercial break. Cole continues to control the match during the commercial break. We return with Atlas with a standup hurricanrana; Cole exits the ring and hits Cole with a tope suicida.

Cole goes for a superkick; Atlas blocks it and hits Cole with an enzuigiri. Cole then hits Atlas with a backstabber; Atlas is back up, and he goes for a springboard, but he hits the canvas awkwardly. Cole was on the top rope and hit the Panama City Sunrise.

However, he sees that Atlas is hurt. Cole then locks in a kneebar, and Atlas taps out. After the match, Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly come to ringside to celebrate with Adam Cole. They were about to attack Atlas, but Orange Cassidy’s music hit, and he came out with Wheeler Yuta and Chuck Taylor.

Winner: Adam Cole

– After the match, they announce that Cody Rhodes is not cleared for Saturday Night’s Battle of the Belts in Charlotte, NC. Instead, they reveal that Dustin Rhodes will take his place.

– Tony Schiavone is backstage to interview Andrade El Idolo, and he states he has a problem with Darby Allin, and that’s why he went out and distracted Allin and Sting, which allowed The Acclaimed to attack them.

HOOK vs. Aaron Solo

HOOK grabs Aaron Solo and tosses him like a ragdoll. HOOK takes Solo down again and then delivers multiple punches to Solo. Solo backs away, and Q.T. Marshall grabs HOOK’s leg allowing Solo to get in some shots. HOOK gets out of it and hits Solo with a Russian leg sweep. Next, HOOK hits Solo with the Taz Suplex; HOOK begins clubbing Solo with vicious blows.

HOOK then finishes it off by locking in the Redrum, the ref calls for the bell. HOOK gets the victory; after the match, QT Marshall gets in the face of HOOK. HOOK takes Marshall out with the capture suplex.

Winner: HOOK

– Ricky Starks says he will defend the FTW title against Matt Sydal at Battle of the Belts.

Riho and Ruby Soho vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. and Jamie Hayter ( w/ Rebel)

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D., and Jamie Hayter begin attacking Riho. Rebel pulls the legs out underneath Ruby Soho and pulls her out of the ring. Finally, the bell rings, and we see Riho take control of the match right away.

Baker is soon tagged in, she hits Soho with a few shots, but Soho comes back and takes Baker out. Riho and Soho begin double-teaming Baker. A few seconds later, Baker rakes Ruby Soho’s eye, which gives Baker the upper hand again. They head out for another commercial break with Baker in control.

We return from the commercial break; Soho hits Baker with a Saito Suplex. Riho gets the hot tag, and she kicks Hayter; Riho goes for the pin; however, Baker breaks up the pin.

Riho goes to the top turnbuckle, and Baker knocks her off the top. Hayter hits Riho’s backbreaker, and Baker hits Riho with a superkick.

Riho is in the corner, and she ducks an upcoming punch from Hayter; Riho ducks, and Hayter punches Baker by accident. Riho then rolls up Hayter for the victory.

Winners: Riho and Ruby Soho

– We get a promo from Dan Lamber with Men of the Year and say that they are tired of Cody Rhodes kissing Tony Khan’s ass, or maybe it’s Tony Khan who is kissing the executives ass’s at TBS.

Mark Henry is interviewing both teams for the main event; however, he gets interrupted by Matt of 2point0 and begins talking about his opponents. The next thing you see is Eddie Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz attacking Daniel Garcia and 2Point0.

Eddie Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz vs. Daniel Garcia and 2Point0

We come back from the commercial break with everyone fighting outside the ring. Eddie Kingston hits Daniel Garcia with a metal trash can. Kingston continues attacking Garcia with the metal trash can. They cut back and forth, showing 2Point0 fighting Santana and Ortiz around ringside.

Garcia rakes the eyes of Eddie Kingston, and we see Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz hit stereo suplexes. Then, they head out for their last picture-in-picture commercial break with 2Point0 and Garcia in control. Garcia and 2Point0 are just beating down their opponents.

Kingston gets clobbered with the metal trash can. We return from the break and see Santana and Ortiz hit Parker with a cutter.

Garcia enters the ring and goes for a quick roll-up on Ortiz; however, Ortiz kicks out. Jeff Lee throws powder into the eyes of Santana; Lee hits Santana with a DDT. Daniel Garcia grabs the bell from the ring announcer and hits him. Garcia goes for the pin; however, Kingston kicks out.

The action goes to the outside, and 2Point0 put Kingston through a table. Santana grabs a chair and begins taking out his opponents with chair shots.

Garcia and Ortiz exchange strikes in the ring; Parker enters the ring. Ortiz and Santana hit a running lariat combination. Santana pins Jeff Parker for the win.

After the match, 2Point0 and Daniel Garcia begin hitting Kingston, Ortiz, and Santana with low blows. They tape Kingston to the ropes, and the attack continues until Chris Jericho makes it to the ring. Garcia and 2Point0 retreat, and the show goes off the air.

Winners: Eddie Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz

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