
AEW Dynamite Holiday Bash Results For 12/22/21 Cole vs. Cassidy, Owen Hart Tournament News, and more

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card. Follow us on Facebook! Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE and Instagram.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

– AEW Commentator kicks off the telecast saying, “It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means.” He welcomes the viewer to the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina, for AEW Dynamite: Holiday Bash. Excalibur then introduces his colleagues Tony Schiavone and Taz to the telecast.

Adam Cole vs. Orange Cassidy

Adam Cole’s music hits, and he is the first one out, he comes out alone, and Orange Cassidy is out next, and he also comes out alone. The match is underway, and instead of going at it right away, both men take in the crowd. So now, both competitors meet in the middle of the ring.

Cassidy takes Cole down with a headlock takedown, and Cole returns the favor. Cassidy goes for a quick roll-up pin; however, Cole kicks out. Cole and Cassidy are countering each other’s holds and strikes. Cole sends Cassidy to the corner and nails him with the backstabber. Cole sends Cassidy into the corner and then does it again for good measure. Cassidy is back up, and he takes Cole down with the diving crossbody and then hits Cole with the DDT. Cassidy goes for the pin attempt; however, Cole kicks out. The Young Bucks and Chaos come to ringside, and they begin fighting right away.

Cole sends Cassidy to the steel steps back-first. Now, Cole lowers his knee-pad and hits Cassidy, but Cassidy ducks and Cole nails the steps with his knee. Then, they head out to their first picture-in-picture commercial of the evening.

During the commercial break, Cassidy and Cole take each other out with a double clothesline. We return with Cole and Cassidy exchanging strikes. Cole would hit Cassidy with force, and Cassidy would hit Cole like he typically hits people. Cole goes for another big strike, but Cassidy ducks and hits Cole with a superkick. Next, Cassidy hits Cole with a Stundog Millionaire; soon, Cassidy hits Cole with a Michinoku Driver.

Orange Cassidy goes for the pin; however, Cole kicks out at two. Cassidy goes to the top turnbuckle as he comes down, Cole hits him with a Superkick, and Cole hits Cassidy with the Panama Sunrise. Cole goes for the pin; however, Cassidy kicks out at two. Cole is in shock; Cole goes to end it. But, now, Cassidy is ready for it, and he hits the Beach Break.

Cassidy goes for the pin, and now Cole kicks out; Cole rolls out of the ring. Bobby Fish comes down to the ring and distracts the referee. Kyle O’Reilly is in the ring! He attacks Orange Cassidy; Cole gets back into the ring and hits Cassidy with The Boom. Cole then pins Cassidy for the win. After the match, Cole has some words for O’Reilly; however, they both begin fighting members of Chaos and clear the ring.

The Young Bucks then walk out and are surprised and want an explanation, Cole talks to them, but they leave the ring instead, and we go to a commercial.

Winner: Adam Cole

– We return from a commercial break, and Tony Schiavone is in the ring to interview Adam Page. Page comes out, and Schiavone says, “if you had maybe two or three more minutes, you would have won.” But, instead, Adam Page says, “I am going to stop you right there.”

Page says that he did not feel like a champion after his match with Bryan Danielson. Danielson comes out, and he tells Page that he will kick his ass again on January 5th. Danielson says he does not want another situation in which Page stalls for sixty minutes, and Danielson proposes that they have judges for their match to have a true winner. Page agrees to the stipulation and says that he has given up so much to get that title; Page says he will be Danielson in under an hour.

– MJF is in the dressing room with the rest of the members of The Pinnacle. MJF asks Wardlow where he was when CM Punk, Sting, and Darby Allin came out. MJF says never mind and begins cutting a promo, and he tells CM Punk that he disrespected him by not shaking his hand. Dax Harwood then says that he had no problem with CM Punk until he started threatening his way of life and the things that matter to him. Harwood says to Punk, “if you want to be a King, you have to kill a King.” Harwood says that FTR and MJF are “The Three Kings of Wrestling.”

Wardlow (w/ Shawn Spears) vs. Captain Shawn Dean

The bell rings, and Wardlow takes Shawn Dean down with ease, and Wardlow hits Shawn Dean right away with four powerbombs. Then, Wardlow puts one foot on Dean to get the pin and the win. After the match, Shawn Spears enters the ring and hits Shawn Dean with two chair shots.

Winner: Wardlow (w/ Shawn Spears)

– We get a promo for Sammy Guevara and Cody Rhodes’s upcoming match.

– Dan Lambert is up in a suite with Men of the Year and cuts a promo talking about Tony Khan and how unless your a friend of his, then they don’t matter. He goes over the accolades of Shawn Spears and Ethan Page. Lambert says Khan told him “to get the fans to cheer for Cody Rhodes, and says how the hell am I supposed to do that? Because Cody is a bigger dick than I am.” Lambert says they soon won’t need the AEW owner, and they will be future champions.”

– Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. is doing a promo and tells Riho that she is out of her league.

– We see a montage of Owen Hart clips from his NJPW days, different AEW personalities from Mark Henry, Adam Cole, Eddie Kingston, and many others talk about what Owen meant to them. Excalibur then promotes the upcoming Owen Hart Tournament.

Ruby Soho vs. Nyla Rose (w/ Vickie Guerrero)

Once Ruby enters the ring, and gets attacked right away by Nyla Rose. Nyla begins trying to pull Ruby Rose’s jacket off of her, and they have a legit issue in which Rose cannot remove her jacket as it’s caught between her arm. Finally, Ruby gets the jacket off and starts throwing some strikes on Nyla Rose.

Nyla does not let Ruby get much offense in and then punishes Ruby Soho with heavy strikes. Then we see Soho roll out of the ring; the action continues as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial break.

We return from the break, and Soho is finally getting some upper hand in the match. Rose leaves the ring and grabs a chair, and Soho kicks the chair and takes out Rose. Soho gets Rose back into the ring; as Soho gets back into the ring, she gets pushed off the top rope by Vickie Guerrero. Rose hits Soho with the flying knee drop. Rose goes for the pin, and Soho kicks out. Rose then hits Soho with a powerbomb; she goes for the pin again and kicks out again.

Nyla Rose is going to the top rope again to end this match. However, Soho escapes Nyla’s grasp and hits the No Future. Soho pins Rose to get the victory.

Winner: Ruby Soho

– Serena Deeb cuts a promo about her loss against Riho last week.

Malakai Black vs. Griff Garrison (w/ Brian Pillman Jr.)

The bell rings, and Griff Garrison runs right at Malakai Black; however, Malakai hits him right away with a roundhouse kick. Garrison is down, so Black rolls out of the ring and attempts to get into Brian Pillman Jr.’s face. Garrison comes out of nowhere and hits him with a tope suicida. The action goes back into the ring; Black controls the match for the next few minutes.

Garrison surprises Black with a running elbow, Black retakes control, and he has Garrison in a single-leg crab submission hold. Griff taps out, and Malakai Black gets the victory. After the match, Black keeps the hold on, and Pillman enters the ring and throws him off. Pillman then checks on Garrison; Malakai then takes Pillman out with ease.

Winner: Malakai Black

– We get a promo for Isaiah Cassidy vs. Jungle Boy for AEW Rampage. The commentators announce some of the upcoming matches that we will see on AEW Rampage, Dynamite, and New Year’s Bash.

FTR and MJF (w/ Tully Blanchard, Shawn Spears, and Wardlow) vs. Darby Allin, Sting, and CM Punk

MJF and FTR are out; first, they are followed out by Sting, Darby Allin, and CM Punk. First, Sting has CM Punk warpaint on his face. Next, Darby Allin and CM Punk wear some old-school Sting warpaint. Finally, MJF and Sting will start things off; however, MJF tags in Dax Harwood.

Dax and CM Punk counter each other holds. Punk and Dax begin exchanging strikes; Punk then hits Dax with two arm-drag takedowns. Dax tags in Cash Wheeler and Punk tags in Darby Allin. Allin and Cash exchange some strikes and Wheeler tags in MJF.

Allin tags in MJF but Allin tags in CM Punk; MJF does not want to have anything with CM Punk, so he exits the ring and gets back into the ring and tags in Wheeler once he gets back into the ring. Punk tags in Sting, and MJF gets tagged back in. Sting gets a few strikes in on MJF, and he then tags in CM Punk. MJF escapes the ring and leaves the ring; CM Punk begins to chase him. MJF and Punk run up the stairs to the arena’s concourse and then run right back down them.

MJF needs a break, and FTR stands outside, but Allin comes out of nowhere, dives through the ring, and takes out all three of his opponents. We go to a picture-in-picture commercial break.

We return with Darby Allin getting just getting beaten down by FTR and MJF; they constantly exchange tags and control the match. Allin recovers and hits Wheeler with a massive bodyslam. Allin makes it over to Sting for the hot tag. Sting takes out his opponents with ease; he hits FTR with multiple Stinger Splash’s. Sting has the Scorpion Death Lock on Wheeler; however, MJF enters the ring and breaks the hold. We go to our last commercial break of the evening with FTR and MJF maintaining control over Sting.

We return from the break, and Sting is trying to make a comeback; Dax goes for his own Stinger Splash, Sting makes him pay. MJF is tagged in, and Sting gets the best of him. Sting then falls headfirst on top of MJF’s groin area. Sting makes it to CM Punk for the hot tag; Punk quickly takes out FTR. Punk hits Harwood with a neckbreaker. Punk goes for the pin attempt, Dax kicks out at two.

Punk is going for the elbow drop, but Wheeler distracts him for far too long, allowing Dax to get back into the action. FTR hit CM Punk with the Power Plex; Harwood goes for the pin; however, Punk kicks out at two. Now, Harwood and Punk exchange punches. FTR hit Punk with the Big Rig; they go for the pin; however, Sting breaks up the pin.

MJF enters the ring and hits Sting with a DDT. Sting is right back up and gets in the face of Allin. Sting tosses MJF over the top rope, and MJF lands on his head onto the concrete outside of the ring. It looked awful; however, he seemed okay. MJF gets back into the ring, and Punk will attempt to hit MJF with the GTS. However, Dax Harwood is in the ring to protect MJF. Punk hits him with the GTS, Sting hits him with the Scorpion-Death-Drop, and Allin finishes it off with the Coffin Drop. CM Punk pins Dax Harwood to get the victory. After the match, MJF puts on one of the commentator’s headsets and says CM Punk was a coward for running away from him. We see Darby Allin, Sting, and CM Punk stand tall as the show goes off the air.

Winners: Darby Allin, Sting, and CM Punk

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