
AEW Rampage Results For 12/10/21 Hook Makes His In-Ring Debut and Adam Cole Vs. Wheeler Yuta

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card. Follow us on Instagram! Instagram.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

– AEW Commentator Excalibur kicks off the show with the usual opening “It’s Friday, and you know what that means.” Excalibur then welcomes us to Long Island and that they are coming to us from the UBS Arena at Belmont Park. Next, Excalibur welcomes his colleague Taz to the broadcast.

The Lucha Bros. (w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. FTR (w/ Tully Blanchard)

The bell rings with Penta El Zero M and Dax Harwood starting the match. Dax takes Fenix down with a quick takedown. The two men lock up again, and Fenix takes control and has the upper hand for his team. Fenix tags in Penta; Penta drops Dax and goes for the pin; Dax kicks out at two. Cash Wheeler is tagged in, and he rolls up Fenix for a quick pin attempt, but Penta kicks out. Penta hits Cash with a big superkick.

Fenix tags Penta for the blind tag; Penta hits Cash with a heavy strike, and Cash hits the canvas. The referee is distracted, so Tully and Dax hit Fenix with some shots. Cash tags in Dax, and Dax takes Fenix down to the canvas with a heavy strike. Dax goes to the top rope; however, Fenix is up and goes right at him and hits the hurricanrana on Dax.

Penta hits the Made in Japan and goes for the pin; however, Cash kicks out at two. Fenix is going to the top rope, Tully is on the ring canvas, and Fenix hits Tully knocking him off the ring. Fenix gets the hot tag, Fenix clears the ring. Dax hits Fenix with the Liger Bomb and goes for the pin; Fenix kicks out at two.

Cash attempts to use his AAA championship belt; however, Fenix catches it. The two are playing tug of war, and Cash lets it go; the belt hits Dax. Fenix then walks the ropes and hits Cash. Fenix then goes for the frog splash, and he hits it.

Fenix goes for the pin, but Dax kicks out. Cash hits Fenix hard, allowing FTR to hit The Big Rig on Fenix. Cash goes for the pin, Penta flies in from the top rope breaking the pin attempt. Fenix and Penta hit Cash with the Fear Factor, and Penta pins Cash to get the victory.

Winners: The Lucha Bros. (w/ Alex Abrahantes)

Penelope Ford, The Bunny, and Nyla Rose (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs. Anna Jay, Tay Conti, and Ruby Soho

Tay Conti and Nyla Rose start the match; Nyla Rose grabs ahold of Conti, drags her over to her corner, and tags in The Bunny. The Bunny cannot control Conti, and Conti hits The Bunny with a knee to her face. Conti hits The Bunny with a colossal kick; Tay Conti gets distracted after Vickie Guerrero attempts to trip her. 

Penelope Ford then hits Conti with a huge right hand, and she follows it up with a big pump kick. Next, Penelope Ford tags in Nyla Rose, Nyla hits Conti with a few strikes. Now, Nyla tags in The Bunny, and The Bunny takes Conti down with a quick kick. 

Tay is back up, and she nails The Bunny with a heavy strike, and now both competitors are down on the canvas. Conti has enough energy to make it over to Ruby Soho for the hot tag. Soho controls the action for about a minute until The Bunny makes it over to Nyla for the tag. Nyla immediately takes control when she grabs Soho and holds her in a bear hug.

Now, Nyla tags The Bunny, and The Bunny runs over to the opposite corner and hits Anna Jay with a cheap shot. The Bunny controls the match; however, she goes back and tags in Nyla as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial break.

Nyla Rose, The Bunny, and Penelope Ford control the action for the entire break. We return from the break, and Anna Jay gets the hot tag. Anna Jay hits Nyla Rose with a big kick to the face of Nyla in the corner. The Bunny interrupts a quick pin attempt.

Tay Conti enters the ring and hits The Bunny with Tay-KO. Then, Vickie Guerrero hands The Bunny a pair of Brass Knuckles. Next, the Bunny hits Anna Jay with the Brass Knuckles, and then Nyla Rose hits Anna Jay with the Beast Bomb and pins Jay to victory for her team.

Winners: Penelope Ford, The Bunny, and Nyla Rose (w/ Vickie Guerrero)

– Tony Schiavone is backstage to interview Darby Allin and Sting; Tony brings up next week’s Winter is Coming event. Then, before Sting can respond, he gets attacked by FTR and Tully Blanchard. FTR beat down Allin and Sting, Tully hits Sting with a low blow, and then we go to a commercial.

Hook vs. Fuego Del Sol

The bell rings, and Hook takes Fuego Del Sol down right away. The crowd is cheering loudly for Hook. Hook puts Del Sol in a submission hold; Del Sol grabs the ropes. Hook gets in the referee’s face, allowing Del Sol to go for a pin attempt. 

Hook then hits Del Sol with a flurry of punches, Del Sol gets control and attempts to go for the Tornado DDT, but Hook stops it and drops him with a huge lariat. Hook then hits Fuego with an overhead slam; Hook then lays in some heavy shots at Del Sol’s head. Hook then grabs Del Sol, putting him in the Tazmission, and Del Sol taps out almost immediately.

Winner: Hook

– Excalibur and Taz go over some of the matches scheduled for AEW Dynamite’s Winter is Coming.

– Before the match begins, Mark Henry is backstage interviewing Adam Cole and Wheeler Yuta. Adam Cole takes some shots at Chaos and asks Rocky Romero if he has pink eye.

Adam Cole (w/ The Young Bucks, Bobby Fish, and Brandon Cutler) vs. Wheeler Yuta (w/ Rocky Romero, Orange Cassidy, and Trent)

The bell rings, and they begin with a tie-up. Wheeler Yuta throws the first punch, and this upsets Adam Cole. Cole hits Yuta with multiple punches. Cole then throws him into the ropes and hits him with a shoulder tackle. Cole and Yuta are in the corner, and Cole hits Yuta with a superkick.

Yuta is back up quickly; Cole hits Yuta with a quick suplex. After that, Cole is in complete control; Cole begins mocking Orange Cassidy by kicking Yuta Wheeler in the back with some soft kicks. Then, Yuta moves out of Cole’s grasp, but Cole hits Yuta with a pump kick. Now, Cole hits Yuta with a neckbreaker and then sends him out of the ring.

While Wheeler Yuta is outside the ring, Cole and Orange Cassidy stare at each other. Yuta goes to the top turnbuckle and lands a crossbody on Cole. Yuta hits Cole with an enzuigiri kick, and then he hits Cole with an elbow from the top rope.

Yuta hits Cole with a German suplex and goes for the pin attempt, but Cole kicks out at two. Now, Yuta hits Cole with an Angle Slam. Then, Yuta goes for a frog splash, Cole puts his knees up, and Yuta is hurt. Cole then hits Yuta with The Last Shot, and he hits it. Adam Cole then pins Wheeler Yuta to get the win. 

After the match, almost everyone is in the ring, jawing at each other. They are about to start fighting, and the next thing we see is Bobby Fish taking Trent down from behind. Now, everyone is fighting. The SuperKliq takes control relatively quickly.

The Young Bucks hold Orange Cassidy up, which will allow Adam Cole to hit Orange Cassidy with The Panama Sunrise, but he stops when he lands on the canvas and instead kicks him in the groin. Then, Bobby Fish rolls Trent back into the ring, and The Young Bucks hit Trent with the BTE Trigger. The SuperKliq celebrate as the show goes off the air.

Winner: Adam Cole ( w/ The Young Bucks, Bobby Fish, and Brandon Cutler)






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