
Sean Raw Sapp (3/13): Podcast Notes, Brock Lesnar Appears, Goldberg Doesn’t

Opening segment

  • Brock Lesnar seems in good spirits this evening.
  • This crowd is really mixed for Lesnar and Goldberg. Great environment.
  • Heyman says the tide is starting to turn in Lesnar's favor, as we saw last week.

Sasha Banks (w/ Bayley) defeated Dana Brooke (w/ Charlotte)

  • It's a year later, and Dana Brooke still shouldn't be on the main roster. 
  • Sasha rolls up Dana Brooke and beats her. 
  • Charlotte goes off on Dana Brooke. Dana Brooke has the same facial expressions no matter what.
  • Dana attacks Charlotte. Too bad she couldn't keep from getting pinned in a minute earlier.
  • The brawl is pretty good, and Dana gets a nice reaction and chant. She's fired up.
  • There is an honest to god "Dana" chant. 

Tony Nese & Brian Kendrick defeated TJP & Tozawa

  • TJ Perkins is one of the most unlikable babyfaces this side of Roman Reigns.
  • Why do wrestlers have to pretend like they don't know how to get out of the ring apron?
  • Did you all see that black/gold Cruiserweight title design on Reddit? It was dope.
  • TJ Perkins hit an awesome springboard DDT. I liked that the pin was broken up instead of Nese kicking out.
  • Both sets of teams accidentally run into each other, and Nese gets a pin. This seems like it's setting up a multi-man Mania match.

Backstage crappenings

  • Stephanie McMahon wants to take Mick Foley under her wing, and wants to start by having Mick fire someone. Ooh. That's good. Wouldn't be surprised to see Rusev go.
  • Eric LeGrand is the recipient of the Warrior Award. A wonderful selection. 
  • Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows are backstage, and Gallows' tan is comical. They recite a bad, written promo.
  • Nia Jax cuts a bad promo to Foley and Stephanie about deserving a chance even though she lost to Sasha. Well, she's a heel
  • Jinder Mahal aggressively wants a shot to prove Rusev was holding him back. Foley gives him Roman Reigns.
  • New Day Talks is on backstage, with Big Show. They interrupt repeatedly, then Titus interrupts and he's mad that he's not in the Jetsons movie and pushes show.
  • Emma vignette. Graves asks "are we really doing this again?"
  • Bayley and Sasha cut a pretty decent promo about Nia's dominant physical nature and WrestleMania.
  • Jericho says next week "the real" Kevin Owens is his guest on the Highlight Reel.

Sami Zayn and Chris Jericho defeated Samoa Joe & Kevin Owens via DQ

  • Kevin Owens is out in a "KO-Mania 2" shirt in the style of WrestleMania 2. Nice.
  • Owens cuts a really good promo, saying he wants to take Jericho's title. 
  • Jericho and Joe start each other off. I really hope Jericho and Owens don't touch during this match. Maybe after.
  • Kevin Owens mocks Jericho with his flexing pin on Zayn, and superkicks Y2J off the apron. 
  • Sami Zayn hit a big dive over the top onto Joe and Owens, which is a good spot to do that move. 
  • Zayn kayfabe injures his knee, and the heels attack it. We get a DQ and Joe chokes out Zayn.
  • Jericho makes the save, but Owens and Joe double team him. Pop up Powerbomb ends it.

Number One Contender Match
Enzo & Cass vs. Sheasaro

  • Enzo and Cass get a great reaction this week. Really an awesome crowd overall this week.
  • A fan has a great "cuppa haters" sign in the crowd that shows a mug with Cesaro, Sheamus, Anderson and Gallows in it. Cass has a pretty good March Madness inspired promo.
  • This is hardly a new thing, but why does everyone backstage watch the matches at a weird angle? Gallows is the exception.
  • Enzo continues his tradition of great selling. 
  • Anderson and Gallows interfere. This is setting up a triple threat tag match…..yeeeeeep. Foley just set it up. They wove it into Foley's ongoing storyline well.

Roman Reigns defeated Jinder Mahal

  • Please make Reigns work from underneath Jinder, sandwiched between Strowman and Taker matches.
  • Reigns has went the Cena route with his old back suplex slam, and does a lazy version of it.
  • Mahal lands a sick knee to the face, and a horrible slam.
  • Reigns superman punches him to death.
  • THE BIG DOG calls out Undertaker, but gets Shawn Michaels instead!!!
  • HBK says Reigns is distracted and Taker will eat him alive.
  • Reigns' demeanor is pretty awesome here. He says Taker retired HBK, and Reigns will retire Taker.
  • Strowman comes out and bulldozes Reigns!!! He tells HBK if he wanted to do it to him, he would. 

Austin Aries defeated Ariya Daivari

  • Aries isn't missing the beat. He gets a pretty good reaction, too.
  • I don't know what the shit Aries was going for after that kneebreaker, but he should have told Daivari.
  • This was longer than it needed to be. Aries should have dominated.

Big Show defeated Titus O'Neil

  • C'mon. You guys know what's up here. Big Show kills Titus, Rusev style.

Bayley defeated Nia Jax via DQ

  • This was a nothing happening match. Bayley dropkicked Nia in the ass though.
  • Nia gets DQ'd after refusing to stop throwing the worst stomps in wrestling history. She then tosses Bayley into the barricade.


  • Mick Foley tells Stephanie that she's the one that deserves to be fired. She mistreats talent, and lied to him about Triple H's involvement in Kevin Owens' win.
  • HHH comes out and says nobody can ever find him, but he's everywhere. He calls Foley a nostalgia act, and makes fun of him.
  • They go back and forth in a great promo. HHH got a little rattled by CM Punk chants. 
  • Rollins makes the save on a crutch! Oh snap! He's healthy! The Kingslayer is back. 
  • HHH gets the crutch and attacks! Grade A.

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