
National Wrestling Alliance Presents Hard Times 2 Results Trevor Murdoch vs Mike Knox

The NWA World Heavyweight Championship is on the line tonight at 8pm EST on pay-per-view!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage National Wrestling Alliance’s Hard Times 2 event!


Matthew Mims (w/ Crimson) vs Jax Dane

Jax drops Matthew with several shoulder blocks before Matthew tries to knock Jax over only to get himself knocked down before going out and regrouping with Crimson before getting back into the ring and Jax lays into him with strikes. Jax bends Matthew around the post before whipping him into the corner and stomping him on the mat before Matthew comes back with strikes and a headbutt into a running back elbow in the corner and a flying clothesline. Jax then drops Matthew with a clothesline before having words with Crimson at ringside and mockingly covering Matthew who grabs him and rolls him back into a crucifix for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matthew Mims defeats Jax Dane via pinfall.

NWA Women’s World Tag Team Championship Fatal Four Way Match
The Hex (c) vs Missa Kate & Natalia Markova vs Kylie Rae & Tootie Lynn vs Paola Blaze & Jennacide (w/ Taryn Terrell)

Everyone team up on Jennacide before Kylie rolls Allysin up for two before Tootie drops Paolo with a roundhouse for a two count that Jennacide breaks up before Natalia and Jennacide exchange strikes until Jennacide drops Natalia and hits an elbow drop for two. Marti hits running moves in opposite corners for two on Tootie before The Hex double up on Tootie and Allysin and Jennacide face off before shoving each other and putting two women on each of their shoulders before Natalia hits a double missile dropkick. Everyone brawl at ringside before Marti hits a tope and takes out everyone at ringside before everyone come back in and hit a move until The Hex pin Tootie with Hex Marks the Spot for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Hex retain their NWA Women’s World Tag Team titles by defeating Missa Kate, Natalia Markova, Kylie Rae, Tootie Lynn, Paola Blaze, and Jennacide via pinfall.

NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship Qualifying Gauntlet Match
Alex Taylor vs Ariya Daivari vs CW Anderson vs Darius Lockhart vs Homicide vs Jeremiah Plunkett vs Jamie Stanley vs Kerry Morton vs Luke Hawx vs PJ Hawx vs Sal Rinauro vs Victor Benjamin vs Ricky Morton

Luke and Kerry start the match off before Sal comes in and Ariya comes in next before Luke pins and eliminates Sal before PJ comes out and he and his father double up on and eliminate Ariya before exchanging a hug. CW come in next and runs over everyone before Alex comes in and faces off with CW before CW hits a huge spine buster for the pin and the elimination before Homicide is next to enter the match. Homicide takes out everyone with strikes before Kerry eliminates CW and Victor is next to enter before Homicide pins and eliminates Victor and Ricky Morton comes out next and joins his son. Jeremiah comes out next and Jamie comes out next as Ricky pins and eliminates Jeremiah before Ricky immediately eliminates Jamie and the two father and son teams gang up on Homicide until he rolls out of the ring and Luke eliminates Ricky before Kerry eliminates Luke. Homicide eliminates PJ before beating on Kerry until Kerry sends Homicide out of the ring and takes him out with a suicide dive before Homicide gets back inside and Kerry hits a diving cross body for two.

Homicide then hits an exploder suplex into a clothesline before hitting a Koji cutter for the pin and the win.

Winner: Homicide wins the gauntlet to qualify for the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship match.

Main Show

Rhett Titus vs Austin Aries

Rhett and Austin exchange wrist locks and side headlocks before Rhett drops Austin with a shoulder block and controls him with a head scissors before Austin hits a basement dropkick and Rhett hits a dropkick of his own into a monkey flip. Austin knocks Rhett off of the top and knees him in the ropes before hitting a neckbreaker in the ropes and a suicide dive before tossing him back inside and hitting a slingshot senton for two before Austin hits a back suplex. Austin gets booted when he goes for a running dropkick in the corner before Rhett hits a famouser and chops Austin before they exchange strikes until Rhett suplexes Austin and Austin locks in the Last Chancery before Rhett gets to the ropes for the break. Austin claps the ears of Rhett before Rhett dropkicks him and hits a belly to belly suplex for a near fall before hitting a series of running boots in the corner for another near fall before Austin crotches Rhett on the top rope. Austin then hits a rolling elbow into a running dropkick in the corner into a brainbuster for the pin and the win.

Winner: Austin Aries defeats Rhett Titus via pinfall.

– After the match Austin helps Rhett up and shakes his hand before giving him a hug and leaving.

ROH World Tag Team Championship Match
OGK (c) vs Aron Stevens & Kratos

Kratos and Mike start the match off before Matt and Aron come in and Matt dropkicks Aron before hitting a twisting neckbreaker and Kratos knocks him off of the ropes when he goes for a springboard before turning Matt inside out with a clothesline and suplexing him for two. Aron and Kratos isolate Matt until he comes back with a series of enzuigiri and gets the hot tag to Mike who drops both Kratos and Aron with strikes before hitting Kratos with a DVD for a deep two count. Matt then superkicks JR before Mike spears him for two before Kratos hits a running release powerslam for a near fall that Mike breaks up before OGK double up on Aron and tears at the eyes of Mike before rolling Matt up and Mike hits him with a discus forearm for the pin and the win.

Winner: OGK retain their ROH World Tag Team titles by defeating Aron Stevens and Kratos via pinfall.

Colby Corino vs Doug Williams

Doug backs Colby into the corner for a clean break before Colby wrenches on the ankle of Doug before the two exchange wrist locks and Doug counters a guillotine into a float over suplex for two before Colby gets two off of a clutch. Doug takes Colby down and controls him with a straight armbar before Colby hits a drop toe hold into the ropes and a wheel kick in the ropes for two before beating on Doug in mount and an elbow drop into a standing 630 senton. Colby stretches Doug out and covers him for two before they exchange strikes until they collapse before Doug rolls out of the ring and down onto the floor before rocking Colby with uppercuts at ringside. Colby hits a wrecking ball dropkick before going for a suicide dive and Doug hits him with an uppercut in mid-air before rolling back inside and hitting running clotheslines in the corner into a flying uppercut. Doug suplexes Colby for two before Colby rolls through into a jumping stomp for two before hitting an inverted cannonball in the corner and Doug hits a Tiger driver for a near fall before posting himself and Colby cradles Doug for the pin and the win.

Winner: Colby Corino defeats Doug Williams via pinfall.

IMPACT Knockouts Championship Match
Mickie James (c) vs Kiera Hogan

Kiera and Mickie hug before the match starts before they lock up for a stalemate and Kiera rolls away before exchanging wrist locks and Mickie takes Kiera down to the mat with a straight armbar before she gets to her feet and Mickie applies a hammer lock. Kiera tries to hit snap mare to get free, but Mickie holds onto her before taking her down with a side headlock take over and Kiera locks in a head scissors hold before Mickie gets free and they shake hands. Mickie and Kiera have a test of strength that Kiera wins before Mickie takes her down with a head scissors and Kiera comes back with a thrust kick for two before hitting a running splash in the corner into a running clothesline in the corner and Mickie hits a head scissors that sends Kiera out of the ring. Mickie hits a baseball slide and tosses Kiera back inside before Kiera hits a jumping stomp in the ropes and Mickie falls out of the ring before hitting a suicide dive and tossing Mickie back inside for two. Kiera chops Mickie around the ring before stomping her in the corner and choking her before Mickie comes back with chops in the corner and chokes Kiera before they exchange strikes until they drop each other with a roundhouse kick.

Mickie hits a Thesz press into a pair of clotheslines and a neckbreaker for two before Kiera counters a DDT into a roll up for two before hitting a baseball slide in the corner for a deep two count with Mickie stacked up. Mickie gets two off of a bridging pin before missing a dive and landing on her feet before Kiera superkicks her and goes up top before hitting a diving cross body and Mickie rolls through for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mickie James retains her Knockouts title by defeating Kiera Hogan via pinfall.

NWA World Television Championship Special Guest Referee No Disqualification Match
Tyrus (c) (w/ Austin Idol) vs Cyon

The Pope comes out to the ring first to be the special guest referee for the match for the title that he previously held before the match starts off with the two facing off before Cyon shoves the face of Tyrus and dropkicks his knee before kicking Tyrus in the chest. Cyon beats on Tyrus before he rolls out of the ring and Cyon grabs a chair and hits Tyrus in the ribs before tossing the chair and several others into the ring before tossing a trash can into the ring and Tyrus drops Cyon across the announcers desk before sending him into the post. Tyrus slams Cyon onto the floor before ripping at his mask and tossing him back inside before focusing on his leg and whipping him into the corner before hitting a splash in the corner into a fall away slam. Tyrus hit an elbow drop for two before Cyon hits a DDT for two before elbowing Tyrus in the collarbone and hitting him with a chair before Tyrus turns him inside out with a clothesline and puts a trash can on top of him before kicking it and hitting a series of elbows drops. Tyrus sets Cyon up top before dropping him onto chair set up against each other and tearing at his mask before Cyon low blows Tyrus and hits him with a trash can lid before having a tug of war with Austin over a table before The Pope ejects Austin from ringside.

Cyon sets a table up in the ring before Tyrus chokeslams him and Cyon puts Tyrus through the table for a near fall before Pope attacks Tyrus and accidentally hits Cyon when Tyrus gets out of the way. The Pope is then forced to count the pin for Tyrus for the win.

Winner: Tyrus retains his NWA World Television title by defeating Cyon via pinfall.

– Mick Foley shows up dressed as Santa before telling a story and saying that he’s going to be keeping an eye on everyone and see who’s naughty and who’s nice.

NWA National Heavyweight Championship Match
Chris Adonis (c) vs Judais (w/ Father James Mitchell)

Judais and Chris lock up and go all around the ring for a clean break before James gives Judais advice and they lock up again before digging right hands into the midsection of Chris in the corner and Chris jabs Judais before chopping him in the corner. Judais tosses Chris into the corner and drives his shoulder into his midsection before clotheslining him and stomping him before hitting a jumping elbow drop and a running clothesline in the corner into a snake eyes. Judais misses a boot and gets caught up on the top rope before Chris focuses on his now injured leg and hits a shotgun dropkick before going back to the leg of Judais and locking in a half crab before Judais gets to the ropes for the break. Judais comes back with a suplex for two before Chris counters a chokeslam into a spine buster for two before Judais drops him with a boot and counters a superplex into a diving clothesline before grabbing his leg. Chris then locks in the Adonis Lock before Judais passes out and the referee calls for the bell for the win.

Winner: Chris Adonis retains his NWA National Heavyweight title by defeating Judais via referee stoppage.

NWA World Tag Team Championship Match
La Rebelión (c) vs The End

The End attack LR as soon as the match starts before LR clear the ring and hit stereo suicide dives before Parrow tosses Bestia into Mecha and tosses Bestia back inside before standing on him and sending Bestia end over in into the corner and tagging in Odinson. The End double up on Bestia for two before Parrow knocks Mecha out of the ring when he breaks up a pin before turning Bestia inside out with a clothesline and The End hit the Blood Eagle for a near fall before Bestia gets the hot tag to Mecha off of a tornado DDT. Mecha plants Odinson with a flapjack before LR double up on Odinson and Parrow before hitting an assisted blockbuster on Odinson for a near fall that Parrow breaks up before Odinson launches off of the back of Bestia and clotheslines Mecha before taking out Mecha and Bestia fights off a doomsday device. Bestia then hits a frankensteiner before LR hit running moves to Parrow in the corner before Odinson launches Mecha across the ring and The End hit a colliding powerbomb to both members of LR before Bestia saves Mecha from a doomsday device and Bestia knocks Odinson off of the top and into Parrow before Mecha hits Parrow with a 450 for the pin and the win.

La Rebelión retain their NWA World Tag Team titles by defeating The End via pinfall.

– After the match Dirty Dango and JTG come out and make it clear that they’re coming for the tag titles.

Nick Aldis vs Thom Latimer

Thom immediately gets out of the ring when Nick tries to lock up before Nick chases Thom around the ring and back inside before hitting a drop toe hold and moving around on top of Nick before Nick gets to his feet and Thom poses on the top rope. Nick and Thom take each other down before wringing each others arms and Thom hits a monkey flip before Nick hits a clothesline in the corner into a scoop slam and a Thesz press before kicking the leg of Thom repeatedly. Nick hits an inverted atomic drop into a clothesline before Thom gets to the ropes when Nick grabs his legs before Thom sends Nick into the referee and Nick stops himself before Thom pokes his eyes and hits a piledriver for two. Thom clotheslines Nick and suplexes him before pinning Nick’s shoulders down for two before hitting a gut wrench suplex and slams him into the ropes before grabbing the ring bell hammer and the referee takes it from him before he low blows Nick. Thom misses a diving senton before Nick hip tosses Thom into the turnbuckles before Nick hits a falcon arrow for two before Thom hits a DDT for two before locking in a figure four and Thom gets free before hitting a powerbomb into a lion tamer before Nick gets to the ropes for the break.

Nick then kicks Thom into the corner and hits a piledriver for two before they exchange strikes until Nick pins Thom with a jack knife cover for the win.

Winner: Nick Aldis defeats Thom Latimer via pinfall.

– We go to the ring for a special tribute to the career of Jazz who comes out to the ring and addresses her career and time in NWA.

NWA World Women’s Championship Match
Kamille (c) vs Melina

Melina sends Kamille out of the ring before dropkicking her and clotheslining her over the top rope and down onto the floor before Kamille catches her when she goes for a dive off of the apron and Melina sends Kamille into the post before she gets back inside and Kamille hits a spine buster. Kamille hits a leg lariat for two before hitting a gut wrench suplex and a running splash in the corner before stomping Melina down and hitting a snap mare into a kick to the spine before choking Melina in the ropes and chopping her in the throat. Kamille beats on Melina in the corner before hitting a gut wrench suplex into back elbows in the corner before Melina chokes her in the corner and dives onto Kamille for two before Kamille gets two off of a sunset flip. Melina hits a code breaker into a straight armbar that takes down and controls the champion before slamming her arm into the mat and Kamille fights off an armbar before Melina stretches Kamille in the ropes. Kamille clubs Melina in the ropes before clotheslining her and Melina locks in a Muta lock before Kamille gets to the ropes for the break before Melina slams her into the apron and goes to wrap her arm around the post before Kamille pulls Melina into the post.

Kamille then stretches Melina before Melina pulls on the ear of Kamille and goes to hit Kamille with her knee brace before Kamille spears her for the win.

Winner: Kamille retains her NWA World Women’s title by defeating Melina via pinfall.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
Trevor Murdoch (c) vs Mike Knox

Trevor sends Mike out of the ring before the two brawl at ringside and Trevor sends Mike into the post and chops him around ringside before tossing him back inside and hits a leg drop onto the apron before they exchange strikes back inside and Trevor hits a drop toe hold. Trevor cross faces Mike with clubbing blows before hitting mounted punches in the corner and Mike hits a running cross body before punching Trevor in mount and hits a running hip attack in the corner. Mike plays to the crowd before choking Trevor in the ropes and Mike drops Trevor with a boot before locking in an abdominal stretch and the two clothesline each other before getting to their feet and Trevor clotheslines Mike. Trevor then hits a DDT for two before going up top and Mike hits the ropes and crotches Trevor up top before hitting a superplex for two before Trevor hits a diving bulldog for the pin and the win.

Winner: Trevor Murdoch retains his NWA World Heavyweight title by defeating Mike Knox via pinfall.

– After the match Matt Cardona comes out and distracts Trevor before Mike low blows Trevor and Mick Foley comes back out before The Pope comes out and attacks Mike before Matt attacks Pope and sends him into the post before getting into the ring and Mike boots Trevor. Matt then picks up the title and drapes it over Trevor as we go off the air.

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