
Fred Rosser Talks Infamous Promo On Tom Lawlor, LA Comic Con

Fred Rosser is living the dream in NJPW STRONG but wants to hurt Filthy Tom badly.

Fred Rosser, formerly Darren Young in WWE, has had a career resurgence in NJPW STRONG and is currently involved in a heated rivalry with Tom Lawlor and Team Filthy. Despite the fact that he is no longer competing on the WWE stage, Rosser says he is much happier making less money and being properly utilized than he would be while making a ton of money by accepting a check while he is not being tested to the best of his ability.

In a new interview with Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful, Rosser noted that he is a fan of Gary Vaynerchuk and Gary’s words helped him see more of his potential.

Rosser would also say that the biggest compliment he ever received is from Tom Lawlor, who said that the minute he and Rosser touched, he knew it would be something special.

“I’m a big fan of Gary Vaynerchuk. He doesn’t like to be called a motivational speaker but I’ve been able to use his platform and share my story. In my field, I’d rather make $150,000 than be happy than make $500,000 and be unhappy and underutilized. At $150,000, you have to live a little bit more humbly. I get that analogy from Gary Vee and I utilize it in my life and my career. I’m very happy with New Japan and New Japan STRONG. They’ve given me the platform to not only share my story but have the match of the year with ‘Filthy’ Tom Lawlor in 2020. The biggest compliment from a peer was from Tom Lawlor when he said in an interview in a million years he never thought himself and Darren Young would share the ring, but he said the minute we touched, he knew it was going to be something big and something special. I take that and run with it. We recently wrestled again and a lot of people who were in attendance are saying that it was better than the first match with no crowd. That’s the true test, performing in front of no crowd because your work is just you and a camera. The people can see the work, the passion, and you giving it your all. I’m living the dream with New Japan STRONG.”

Following Team Filthy shaving his head, Fred Rosser cut a promo on Lawlor that was so scathing that New Japan had to censor a portion of it after Rosser threatened Tom in the heat of the moment

“I’m the only one to beat Tom Lawlor on New Japan STRONG and he was a little upset, so Team Filthy decided in Philadelphia to chop my afro. The greatest fro of all time is gone because of Team Filthy. The most sickening part about it s that Tom Lawlor ate my hair. It was the most sickening thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I was quite upset. Then, my mom is my biggest support system and she comes to all of my shows. Team Filthy intimidated my mom. You can intimidate me and try to bully me, but you don’t try to bully my mom, my biggest fan. I was quite upset with Team Filthy. In 2022, things get better, hopefully, I can fight Team Filthy in Japan. That is still my goal. I’m with New Japan STRONG, but my ultimate goal is to perform in Japan. Patience is a talent so I have to be patient.

“Yeah, I was speaking from the heart and I work best [while] speaking from the heart. I meant everything that I said, I was going to ask the boys where Tom Lawlor lives in Vegas and I was going to come to his ass, drag him outside of his house in front of his family, and hoe boat him. That’s the PG version. I will see Team Filthy again. They haven’t seen the last of Mr. No Days Off.”

Fred Rosser was introduced to WWE via the first season of NXT. Chris Jericho was one of the pros on that season and even though he wasn’t personally working with Rosser on television, Rosser credits Chris Jericho as a huge inspiration to him and noted that Jericho is the one that really instilled into him the importance of the story and the ability to sell tickets to a match.

“The thing I learned from guys like Chris Jericho, and I always bring him up because before the pandemic I had the opportunity to do my first musical in New York off-broadway and he was a big inspiration because of his stint on Dancing With The Stars. Jericho has that Midas touch. In any interview I do, I always bring his name up as a huge inspiration. Jericho always talks about, ‘I can have a good wrestling match with Shawn Michaels, but is it going to sell tickets?’ He wants to sell tickets and cram people into the building. I want to have a good match and a good performance, but I was to be able to sell tickets too. That’s always my goal. I’m not afraid to admit that I’m not the most talented wrestler, but what separates me from everyone else is my sickening work ethic. When the other guy is sleeping, I’m at the gym. If I have a flight at 11 am, I’m up at 5, at the gym at 6, and make my workout and flight. I’m always grinding. Mr. No Days Off isn’t just a gimmick, it’s a lifestyle. That’s where I excel, my work ethic.”

Rosser will be appearing at Comic-Con in Los Angeles, California from December 3 – December 5. Speaking about his appearance at Comic-Con, Fred would call himself the “Tommy Dreamer of New Japan STRONG” because of how proud he is to represent the brand at such a venue as Comic-Con.

“I think the last time I talked to you, I talked about my love and my passion to do something with New Japan, you know, and I didn’t just speak it into that sphere. I spoke to people like yourself that would hold me accountable. Now I’m making moves and New Japan STRONG. It’s like my heart and soul, you know, so to be able to be at Comic-Con this weekend. A panel discussion that’s on Saturday at 10:30 AM and then Sunday from 1-3 PM at booth 851. I’m going to be representing so we’re slowly expanding here in the state of New Japan STRONG. I’m happy to be a part of it. I like to say that I’m like the Tommy Dreamer of New Japan STRONG man because no one can talk bad about STRONG, man.”

Fightful has regular coverage of New Japan STRONG every week in our results section. You can learn more about the LA Comic-Con at this link.

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