
AEW Dynamite Results For 12/1/21 Atlanta Street Fight with Cody Rhodes vs. Andrade El Idolo

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– AEW Commentator Excalibur begins the telecast with “It’s Wednesday Night, and you know what that means and that they’re coming to us live in Atlanta, Georgia.” Excalibur then sends his good wishes to AEW Commentator Jim Ross who is currently away battling cancer. Next, Excalibur welcomes Tony Schiavone, and they both go over tonight’s card. We then hear “Hangman” Adam Page’s music hits, and he walks out and joins Excalibur and Tony Schiavone.

Bryan Danielson vs. Alan Angels

While Bryan Danielson is making his way to the ring, Excalibur announces that it is official that “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson will challenge “Hangman” Adam Page at AEW Winter is Coming on December 15th. The match begins with Danielson taking Alan Angels down right away.

Danielson lets Angels back on his feet. Alan Angels goes right at Danielson with a few chops; however, Danielson begins throwing stiff chops on Angels. Now, Danielson hits Angels with a running dropkick, and Angels hit the mat by the corner turnbuckle. Angels gets Danielson with a backslide pin attempt; Danielson is out right away. Angels goes to suplex Danielson; however, Danielson hits Angels with a butterfly suplex into an armbar. Angels hit Danielson with a Spanish fly; however, Danielson takes Angels down again with a Busaiku Knee.

Danielson then begins stomping on Angels’ head multiple times and ends it by putting Angels in a kneebar; Alan Angels then taps out right away. After the match, Danielson cuts a promo and says he snapped Angels MCL, and last week he knocked Colt Cabana’s tooth. Danielson says that he will takedown another Dark Order member in their hometown next week in Long Island, referring to John Silver. “Hangman” has had enough and was going to walk down to the ring, but he gets stopped by John Silver. Silver tells Hangman “that he cannot touch him, but I can.” Silver runs down to the ring; however, Danielson then leaves the ring and says he will not do it tonight.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

– We have a vignette for Miro, and he says, “a line has been drawn and that now he will bring fear when he returns.”

Lee Moriarity vs. CM Punk

Before the match begins, MJF walks out to a chorus of boos and joins the commentary team for the match. Things start with a tie-up; Lee Moriarity and CM Punk go back and forth with wrist locks. Punk has Moriarity down with a headlock; Moriarity comes back with a shoulder tackle and then a hip toss. Punk gets has the advantage; however, it does not last long. Moriarity then starts working on the shoulder of CM Punk.

Moriarity hits Cm Punk with a crossbody and immediately puts Punk in a crossface submission hold. CM Punk hits Moriarity with a hurricanrana; Moriarity instead rolls it into a pin attempt, and then pin attempt Punk and Moriarity go back and forth with pin attempts. Moriarity counters Punk’s Pepsi Twist attempt with his own Pepsi Twist. Moriarity goes for the pin, but Punk kicks out.

CM Punk has Moriarity on his right shoulder, and then he moves Moriarity over more and hits Moriarity with a GTS and then ends it by pin. After the match, MJF and CM Punk then go and back and forth for a promo. MJF says he will be better than Piper in Portland and better than Bret in Canada. MJF then starts taking shots at CM Punk’s dog Larry and says that if he keeps bringing his dog around, he will be the one putting Larry to sleep. CM Punk leaves the ring and goes after MJF; however, Wardlow comes out, and now Wardlow and MJF have a staredown.

Winner: CM Punk

– Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. is backstage with Rebel, Jamie Hayter, and Tony Schiavone. Tony asks Baker about her match against Riho last week. Baker says she is mad and upset that she now has to wrestle Riho. Baker and Hayter are taking shots at each other. Baker says they are currently on the same page, and Riho will wrestle Hayter on next week’s AEW Dynamite.

– Adam Cole is out to do commentary for the next match; before he joins the commentary team, he walks to the ring and does his regular entrance for the crowd. Before the next match begins, Orange Cassidy’s music hits, and he walks over to Adam Cole, and they get into each other’s faces. The Young Bucks come out right behind him and are about to hit Cassidy with a Superkick; however, Cassidy catches them. Cassidy is then staring them down. Cole hits Cassidy with a low blow, and that is then followed up by The Young Bucks hitting Cassidy with Superkicks. They are working on getting Cassidy to the ring; however, Chuck Taylor and Wheeler Yuta come out, and The Young Bucks retreat.

Wardlow ( w/ Shawn Spears) vs. AC Adams

The bell rings, and both men hit each other with a few chops, Wardlow delivers a massive chop, and then he hits Wardlow with four consecutive powerbomb’s. Wardlow then pins Adams, and it is over. After the match, Shawn Spears and Spears hit Adams with multiple chair shots.

Winner: Wardlow (w/ Shawn Spears)

– We return from commercial break; Tony Schiavone is doing a backstage interview with Penta El Zero M and PAC. Tony says that Rey Fenix is injured and was not allowed to travel and now will face FTR on AEW Rampage.

The Gunn Club vs. Darby Allin and Sting

Colten Gunn and Darby Allin begin with a collar and elbow tie-up. Gunn takes Allin down with a shoulder tackle; Allin comes back and hits Gunn with multiple arm-drags and then a shotgun dropkick which sends Colten into the corner, and he tags in Billy Gunn. Billy Gunn wants Sting, so Allin tags in Sting, and they both get into each others’ faces.

Billy Gunn and Sting begin exchanging strikes; Gunn leaves the ring after Sting has the advantage. Darby is now the legal man in; Allin goes for the Coffin Splash; however, Billy Gunn catches him, and Gunn tosses Allin around quickly. Colten and Billy Gunn are keeping Allin in their corner to maintain their advantage. We head out for a picture-in-picture commercial break with The Gunn Club in complete control.

We return from the break with Colten putting the Scorpion Death Lock on Darby Allin. Allin is busted open, gets away from The Gunn Club’s corner, and makes it over to Sting for the hot tag. Sting cleans house; Sting hits Colten Gunn with a spinebuster; Sting goes for the Scorpion Death Lock; however, Austin Gunn enters the ring, and Colten punches Sting while the referee is distracted.

Billy Gunn then enters the ring and hits Sting with the Fameasser. Darby takes out Austin and Colten Gunn after multiple running dives. Darby enters the ring and hits Colten Gunn with the Stundog Millionaire, and then Gunn gets hit with the Scorpion Death Drop. Sting then pins Colten to get the victory and end The Gunn Club’s winning streak.

Winners: Darby Allin and Sting

– We go backstage, and we see Chris Jericho is getting interviewed, and he gets attacked by 2.0 and Daniel Garcia. They head out to a commercial break with Jericho laid out.

– Taz is cutting a promo about next week’s Dynamite Battle Royal. Lio Rush comes out and tells Taz that he will do everything he can to win, even if it’s only one percent. Dante Martin comes out and stands in front of Lio Rush and smirks at him as they cut away.

– Jade Cargill is backstage for an interview segment with “Smart” Mark Sterling, and she congratulates Thunder Rosa on her win from last week.

TBS Women’s Quarterfinal Tournament Match
Ruby Soho vs. Kris Statlander

We begin the match with a tie-up; Kris Statlander takes Ruby Soho down a side headlock takedown. Now, Statlander and Soho go back and forth with countering headlocks and other various moves. Now, Soho hits Statlander with a flatliner as they head out for another picture-in-picture commercial break.

We return from the break, and Soho goes off the top rope with a senton; Soho goes for the pin; however, Statlander kicks out at two. Statlander is back up, blocks a suplex attempt from Soho, and counters it into a Blue Thunder Bomb. Statlander goes for the pin, but Soho kicks out at two. Statlander hits Soho with a buckle bomb. Statlander plants Soho with another Blue Thunder Bomb; however, Soho kicks out. Soho hits Statlander with a Poisonrana, only gets a near fall.

Soho goes for the No Future, Statlander backs out and goes for the Big Bang Theory, Soho counters and rolls up Statlander for the victory and advances to the semi-finals. After the match, Soho and Statlander shake hands and embrace. Statlander begins to walk up the ramp, and Nyla Rose enters the ring and attacks Soho. Statlander comes back to save Soho, and Nyla retreats.

Winner: Ruby Soho

– Before going to a commercial break, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone begin going over the upcoming matches for this Friday’s Rampage and next week’s Dynamite.

Atlanta Street Fight
Andrade El Idolo (w/ Jose The Assistant) vs. Cody Rhodes ( w/ Arn Anderson)

Andrade El Idolo is out first and makes his way to the ring. They show that the rapper T-Pain is sitting in the front row for the show. The match begins while Rhodes is making his way to the ring; Andrade and Rhodes are fighting in the crowd. Cody and Andrade make it back to the ringside. Andrade drops Cody face-first into the steel steps.

Cody sends Andrade into the ring post-face-first. Andrade is down; Cody walks over to T-Pain and hugs T-Pain. Cody then asks for a chair from T-Pain, and he attacks Andrade with it.

The action finally makes it into the ring; Andrade hits Cody with a shot to the groin. Andrade then grabs Cody’s weight belt and hits him with it. Andrade then throws the weight belt into the crowd. Andrade now goes and empties a bag, and he pulls out a laptop, and he hits Rhodes with the laptop twice.

Andrade is punishing Cody with multiple chair shots; Andrade then puts a steel chair on Cody and hits him with a split leg moonsault. Andrade lifts Rhodes back a back body drop; however, Cody gets out of it and kicks Andrade in the groin. Cody is going for the Cody Cutter; however, he cuts him off and sends Rhodes over the top rope, and Cody lands hard on the outside. Finally, we head out for the last picture-in-picture commercial break of the evening. We see Arn Anderson and Jose the Assistant fighting during the commercial while making their way back to ringside.

Andrade goes for a 450 splash; however, Cody throws a chair at Andrade in the middle of it. Cody wraps some chains around his right hand and hits Andrade with it. The action goes outside the ring after Cody goes for the tope suicida; however, Andrade hits him with a chair. Cody is bloodied up but still has the advantage after knocking Andrade down. Cody grabs a Kendo stick from underneath the ring he throws it down. Now, Cody grabs a Sledgehammer, but he throws that down and grabs a Golden Shovel. Jose, the Assistant, runs down to attack Cody with a taser; however, Cody stops him and hits Jose with the shovel.

Andrade hits Cody with a dive from the top turnbuckle. Cody is back up and trying to get back into it. Andrade brings out a table, and Andrade sends Cody through a table with a hip toss. Andrade has another table, and he tries to hit him with a superplex; however, Andrade fights him off. Now, both Andrade and Cody are on the top turnbuckle duking it out.

Brandi Rhodes enters the ring with a mask on and then reveals herself to the crowd. Brandi has two small cans of lighter fluid, and she pours the fluid onto the table and lights it. The flames are going strong. Now, Cody ends it as he hits Andrade with a reverse superplex through the flaming table. Cody and Andrade are in agony; you can see flames still going on Cody’s body. He manages to roll on top of Andrade to pin him and get the victory. After the match, AEW Ringside Doctor Doc Sampson enters the ring to check on Cody immediately. Cody is up, and he celebrates his victory with Brandi Rhodes. The show goes off the air as the couple shares a kiss in the ring.

Winner: Cody Rhodes (w/ Arn Anderson and Brandi Rhodes)

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