
WWE Survivor Series Results Roman Reigns vs Big E, Becky Lynch vs Charlotte Flair

It’s a battle for brand supremacy tonight at 8pm EST on Peacock!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for WWE’s Survivor Series event!

Kickoff Show

– We open tonight’s kickoff with a break down of the card before we get a video package for the Champion vs Champion match between RAW Women’s champion and Smackdown Women’s champion Charlotte Flair.

– We go backstage to see the Women’s Smackdown Survivor Series team getting ready ahead of their match later tonight with tensions visibly high.

– We get a video package for the Champion vs Champion match between the RAW Tag Team champions RK-BRO and the Smackdown Tag Team champions The Usos.

– We get a video package for the 25th anniversary for the debut of The Rock.

Champion vs Champion Match
Damian Priest (c) vs Shinsuke Nakamura (c) (w/ Rick Boogs)

Shinsuke and Damian lock up before exchanging wrist locks and headlocks before Shinsuke hits an arm drag and Damian dodges a kick before mocking Damian’s signature bow and arrow pose before they lock up again and Damian lays into Shinsuke with knees. Damian sends Shinsuke into the corner and misses a splash in the corner before Shinsuke hits Good Vibrations and misses knees in the corner before Damian hits a springboard leg lariat for two. Damian hits a jumping back elbow for two before grounding Shinsuke with a side headlock before Shinsuke gets to his feet and is immediately dropped with a kick before countering a suplex into a single leg dropkick and rocking Damian with a flurry of strikes. Damian stumbles back into the corner before Shinsuke hits a sliding German before Damian fights off a waist lock and knocks Shinsuke out of the air with a spinning heel kick before kicking Shinsuke and rocking him with a discus forearm. Damian drops Shinsuke and hits a jumping back elbow in the corner before turning him inside out with a lariat and hitting a Broken Arrow for a deep two count before calling for a chokeslam and Shinsuke counters with a high knee.

Damian and Shinsuke exchange kicks before Damian claps the ears of Shinsuke and Shinsuke drops him with a spinning kick before calling for the Kinshasa and Damian dodges and rolls Shinsuke up for a near fall. Damian then gets caught in the air with a kick before Shinsuke hits an ax kick into a low dropkick for two before calling for the Kinshasa and Damian grabs him and hits South of Heaven for a near fall. Shinsuke then counters The Reckoning before hitting a flying armbar and Damian locks in a triangle before Damian breaks the hold and gets out of the ring and breaks Rick’s guitar before laying him and Shinsuke out with a piece of it for the disqualification.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura defeats Damian Priest via disqualification.

Main Show

– We open tonight’s show with a video package for the event intertwined with highlights of The Rock’s new movie Red Notice before we get a video package for Becky and Charlotte.

Champion vs Champion Match
Becky Lynch (c) vs Charlotte Flair (c)

Becky and Charlotte brawl before countering each other’s finishers and Charlotte spears Becky before beating on her and they spill to the outside before they get back into the ring and Charlotte hits a back breaker into a dropkick before smashing her face into the mat. Charlotte stands on Becky’s head and neck before Becky goes out onto the apron and traps Charlotte’s leg before hitting an enzuigiri and Charlotte rocks her with a knee before sending her into the post. Charlotte plays to the crowd before Becky shoves her off of the top when she takes too long to go for a moonsault before Charlotte clutches her knee at ringside against the barricade before Charlotte back drops Becky across the top of the barricade. Back in the ring Becky and Charlotte brawl before Charlotte drops Becky and beats on her in the corner before Becky hits a jump kick before Charlotte rolls her up when she goes for an armbar for a deep two count. Charlotte misses a moonsault and lands on her feet before hitting a standing moonsault and Becky lays into her with strikes in the ropes before hitting a diving leg drop in the ropes off of the second turnbuckle for two.

Becky gets two off of a sunset flip before rocking Charlotte with uppercuts and Charlotte drops her with a back elbow for two before dropping her with a boot for two before Becky hits a reverse DDT for two. Becky beats on Charlotte before going up top and missing a diving leg drop before hitting the Man Handle Slam for a near fall when Charlotte grabs the ropes for the break before locking in a figure four. Charlotte rolls over and reverses the pressure before Becky gets to the ropes for the break and Charlotte knocks Becky off of the apron before hitting a moonsault and tossing Becky back inside for two before locking in a Fujiwara armbar. Becky gets to the ropes for the break before Charlotte chops her in the corner and rolls Becky up with the ropes for a near fall when the referee sees it before Becky does the same and the referee doesn’t see it for the win.

Winner: Becky Lynch defeats Charlotte Flair via pinfall.

Men’s Survivor Series Match
Team Raw (Bobby Lashley (w/ MVP) , Austin Theory, Kevin Owens, Seth Rollins & Finn Balor) vs Team Smackdown (Jeff Hardy, Happy Corbin (w/ Madcap Moss), Drew McIntyre, King Woods & Sheamus)

Seth and Kevin argue as soon as the match starts before Kevin and Woods start the match off and Kevin leaves before getting counted out for the first elimination before Drew attacks Seth at ringside and Woods grabs and tosses Austin into the ring. Woods chops Austin in the corner before Austin rocks him with a back elbow and Woods hits a dropkick in the ropes for two before Team Smackdown take turns beating on Austin until he tags in Seth who is dragged to the corner. Seth is next to be isolated by the blue team before he wrenches the arm of Sheamus before Finn comes in and is dropped by Sheamus before Woods and Happy double up on Finn for two. Drew suplexes Finn for two before Finn fights out of the corner and Happy hits him with a Deep Six for a two count that Bobby breaks up before Happy chokeslams Austin and posts himself before Finn hits an enzuigiri into the Coup de Grace to Happy for the pin and the elimination to even the score at one elimination a piece. Finn and Jeff go back and forth before Seth tags in and tags in Bobby who spears Jeff in the corner and beats him down before Finn comes back in and hits a snap mare before controlling Jeff on the mat with a side headlock.

Jeff gets to his feet and hits a Whisper in the Wind before Bobby rips Drew off of the apron and sends him into the barricade and the post before Woods gets the hot tag and drops Austin and Seth. Bobby knocks Woods off of the top and gets the legal tag before he calls for a spear and turns Woods inside out with one before locking in the Hurt Lock and forcing Woods to tap for the elimination. Jeff and Sheamus attack Bobby before pairing off with Finn and Seth before the four brawl until Seth and Finn take out Jeff and Sheamus with stereo sling blades and work together to take out Sheamus at ringside. Bobby and Drew face off before exchanging strikes until Bobby hits a flat liner and a running shoulder tackle in the corner before Drew clotheslines him and sends him over the top rope and down onto the floor. Drew and Bobby try to send each other into the post before Bobby clotheslines the two of them over the barricade before Drew hits a back drop across the barricade and both Drew and Bobby are eliminated via count out.

Seth mocks Drew before Drew lays him out with a headbutt before leaving and Sheamus covers Seth for a near fall before Seth gets the tag to Finn who gets two off of a sunset flip and Sheamus clotheslines Seth over the top rope before hitting Finn with a powerslam for two. Finn hits a sling blade into a shotgun dropkick before missing the Coup de Grace and Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick for the pin and the elimination before Austin hits him with a flying kick from off screen before dragging him to the corner. Seth and Austin double up on Sheamus before Sheamus tags in Jeff and the two double up on Seth before he and Sheamus club Seth and Austin the ropes before Sheamus counters a stomp into an air raid crash. Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick before Austin distracts him and Seth superkicks Sheamus for a near fall before Sheamus sends Seth out of the ring and Seth rips Jeff off of the apron before Austin rolls Sheamus up with the tights for the elimination. Sheamus lays out Austin before talking to Jeff and laying him out before Austin tags in Seth and Seth hits a diving splash for two before Jeff fights off a double superplex and hits a Swanton Bomb for the pin and the elimination to bring it down to Seth and Jeff.

Seth counters a Twist of Fate before Jeff hits a reverse DDT into a bridging pin for a near fall before Seth gets a near fall and Jeff counters a stomp into a Twist of Fate before Seth gets his knees up when he goes for a Swanton Bomb and hits the stomp for the pin, last elimination, and the win for Team RAW.

Winner: Team RAW defeat Team Smackdown with Seth Rollins last eliminating Jeff Hardy via pinfall.

– Backstage shows up to Vince’s office and the two shake hands before discussing Roman’s cousin The Rock’s career and his meteoric rise to super stardom before Vince shows off the gift Dwayne got him in the form of what he calls Cleopatra’s Egg.

The Rock 25th Anniversary 25 Man Battle Royal Match

Omos eliminates a handful of people immediately before R-Truth gives Otis a slice of pizza and is eliminated before facing off with Omos and the two try to run each other over before Omos eliminates Otis and Cesaro eliminates Chad. Shanky eliminates Erik and Ivar before facing off with Omos and Omos eliminates Shanky before Roode and Ziggler eliminate Mansoor and Omos eliminates Robert before AJ eliminates Dolph and Cesaro and Ricochet take out Sami before Street Profits eliminate him. Omos eliminates Azeez before Azeez and Omos have a tug of War with AJ before Apollo causes Omos to drop AJ before Omos eliminates Apollo, Cesaro, and Street Profits to bring it down to Ricochet and Omos. Ricochet then uses his speed and nearly low bridges Omos before Omos grabs him and throws him over the top rope and down onto the floor for the last elimination and the win.

Winner: Omos wins the battle royal by being the last person in the ring.

Champion vs Champion Match
The Usos (c) vs RK-BRO (c)

Riddle and Jimmy start the match off before Jey and Randy come in and Jey drives Randy into the corner before stomping him down and Randy hits a snap mare before hitting an assisted corkscrew senton with Riddle before RK-BRO clear the ring. Jey knocks Riddle off of the apron and into the barricade when he tries to get back into the ring before dropping him face first across the top of the barricade and Jimmy hits a suicide dive with Jey holding Riddle. Back in the ring Jey chokes Riddle in the ropes before the Usos double up on Riddle before isolating him and keeping him from tagging in Randy before he comes back with a BTS and tags in Randy. Randy hits a powerslam to both Usos before Jey drags Randy out of the ring and Randy back drops him across the announce table before hitting Jimmy with a draping DDT and calling for an RKO. Riddle hits a rip cord knee before hitting a jumping splash in the corner and an exploder into a running senton before Jey gets his knees up when Riddle goes for a second senton and hits a neckbreaker for two. The Usos then hit a double superkick to both Riddle and Randy for a deep two count on Riddle before Riddle posts Jey and Randy gets the blind tag before Jimmy drops Riddle with a kick and goes up top before Randy hits an RKO out of the air for the pin and the win.

Winner: RK-BRO defeat The Usos via pinfall.

– Adam and Sonya meet with Vince in his office before we are informed that someone has stolen the egg and he’s tasked them to find out who it was and demands that both roster show up on RAW Monday night to get to the bottom of who stole the egg.

Women’s Survivor Series Match
Team RAW (Bianca Belair, Rhea Ripley, Carmella, Queen Zelina & Liv Morgan) vs Team Smackdown (Sasha Banks, Shotzi, Natalya, Shayna & Toni Storm)

Toni and Carmella kick the match off for their respective teams before Carmella tags in Zelina and gets her mask put on before Zelina stomps Toni in the corner and tags Carmella back in before Rhea accidentally makes Zelina rip off Carmella’s mask and Toni rolls Carmella up for the pin and the elimination. Bianca and Shotzi come in and Shotzi backs Bianca into the corner before Bianca takes her down to the mat and Shotzi slams Bianca by her hair before hitting a jumping splash for two before Bianca comes back with a splash of her own and Rhea and Natalya come in next and Rhea headbutts Natalya before hitting a low dropkick for two. Shayna and Natalya hit Rhea with a double suplex before Shayna attempts to rip Rhea’s arm out of socket and Rhea stops her from stomping her elbow before Rhea rocks her with a forearm and Shayna hits a gut wrench suplex for two. Shotzi rips Sasha off of the apron and mocks her before Shayna fights off a Riptide and Rhea drives her into the corner before setting her up top and Shayna hits a flying armbar before Rhea stacks her up for two before transitioning into the Kirifuda Clutch before Rhea gets to her feet and slings Shayna off of her. Everyone come in and hit a move until Rhea clears the ring and Shayna locks in a sleeper on her back before Rhea falls backwards to get free before Sasha finally enters the match and faces off with Bianca before the two shove each other.

Sasha and Bianca match each other move for move before Sasha locks in the Banks Statement and Bianca counters into a fireman’s carry before Sasha gets free and Bianca hits a fall away slam into a hand spring that knocks Natalya off of the apron. Bianca drives Sasha back into the corner before Sasha dodges a spear and hits a tornado DDT for a two count that Rhea breaks up before Sasha knocks Rhea back out of the ring and Bianca hits Sasha with a spine buster for two before tossing Zelina on top of Sasha for two. Zelina hits a running meteora in the corner before Sasha counters a code red and tags in Toni before Sasha and Toni double team Zelina for the pin and the elimination. Liv and Toni exchange pin attempts before Toni headbutts Liv and Liv stacks her up for a near fall that Shayna breaks up before hitting Toni with a code breaker and dumping Shayna out of the ring before hitting a rebound flat liner for the pin and the elimination. Shayna locks in a sleeper on Liv before knocking Rhea off of the apron and dragging her back to the corner before Shotzi comes in and hits a diving splash and Sasha hits one of her own for the pin and the elimination of Liv.

Sasha knocks Bianca off of the apron and exchange with Rhea before Rhea hits Sasha with a delayed suplex for two before hitting a missile dropkick and Sasha hits a back stabber before Shayna and Shotzi work together to eliminate Rhea. Shayna beats Bianca down in the corner before dragging her back and Natalya comes in and Bianca rolls her up for two before hitting a delayed suplex for two before knocking Sasha and Shotzi off of the apron. Bianca dumps Shayna out of the ring before Natalya powerbombs her and and Sasha and Shotzi tags in before arguing and shoving each other until Sasha tosses Shotzi out of the ring and Shotzi drags Sasha out of the ring. Sasha shoves Shayna down before everyone take turns dragging Sasha off of the apron until they make her back off and go to the back before the heels huddle up and surround Bianca around the ring before Bianca knocks Shotzi and Shayna off of the apron and Natalya clotheslines her before locking in a sharpshooter and Bianca knocks Natalya into Shayna and pins Natalya for the elimination. Shayna attacks and lays out Bianca before Bianca fights off a sleeper into a glam slam for the pin and the elimination before Shotzi comes in and locks in a tarantula before Bianca catches her coming off of the top.

Shotzi then hits a bulldog into an inverted cannon ball against the ropes for two before Bianca hits Shotzi with the KOD for the pin and the elimination for the win.

Winner: Team RAW defeat Team Smackdown when Bianca Belair last eliminates Shotzi.

– An event called Day 1 is announced for January 1st 2022 on New Years Day.

Champion vs Champion Match
Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) vs Big E (c)

Roman and E lock up for a stalemate before locking up again and E shoves Roman away before Roman rolls out of the ring and regroups with Paul before getting back into the ring and exchanging standing switches and forearms. Roman clotheslines E for one before beating him down in the corner and the two run the ropes before E drops Roman with a back elbow and drags him out onto the apron before missing a splash onto the apron and Roman rolls back inside before hitting a drive-by. Roman tosses E back inside and stomps and punches him in the corner before hitting a jumping elbow for one and locking in a rear chin lock before E gets to his feet and Roman drops him with a back elbow for two before E comes back with forearms and runs into a boot in the corner. Roman hits a running boot for two before dumping E out of the ring and sending him into the post before E sends Roman into the steps and the two get back inside before getting counted out and get to their feet before E hits a series of suplexes. E hits a jumping splash before running the ropes and Roman hits a Samoan drop for two before hitting clubbing blows in the corner and a running clothesline in the corner before E hits a uranage for two.

E locks in a stretch muffler before Roman counters into a roll up and a single armed sit-out powerbomb for two before calling for a Superman punch that E dodges before Roman hits a uranage of his own for two before hitting a Superman punch. E gets to his feet almost immediately before Roman hits a second Superman punch before playing to the crowd and calling for the spear before E marches him down and Roman counters the Big Ending before E spears him through the ropes. E tosses Roman back inside and Roman spears him for a deep two count before Roman locks in a standing guillotine and E drives him into the corner to get free before Roman locks in a guillotine in the ropes and snaps E’s neck in the ropes. Roman locks in a guillotine before E powers out and hits Roman with the Big Ending for a near fall when Roman grabs the bottom rope before Roman rolls out of the ring and onto his feet before E smashes his face into the announce table and into the post. E then sends Roman into the barricade before Roman sends him over the steps and Roman hits a flying Superman punch off of the steps before tossing E back inside and countering another Big Ending into a spear for the pin and the win.

Winner: Roman Reigns defeats Big E via pinfall.

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