
Top Dolla And Ashante “Thee” Adonis Discuss Hit Row’s Release From WWE

Two Hit Row members have opened up about their WWE releases.

On November 18, exactly two weeks after the release of B-Fab, the remainder of Hit Row (Isaiah “Swerve Scott,” AJ “Top Dolla” Francis, and Ashante “Thee” Adonis) were all released from their WWE contracts

The group formed in NXT and quickly became a top act, with Isaiah even capturing the North American Champion. The foursome was drafted to SmackDown in the 2021 WWE Draft and were in the early stages of a feud with Jinder Mahal and Shanky prior to their releases.

Top Dolla and Ashante “Thee” Adonis were guests on the most recent episode of Busted Open and shared how they are doing in the aftermath of last Thursday’s news.

Top Dolla: “I mean, to be honest, we know that we are talented and we know that us being released is just a child of circumstance. There’s not really much more we could have done to prove we belonged. When I get released and WWE Hall of Famers are the first people to reach out to me and say, ‘Man, I don’t know what they’re doing,’ then I know that I did something right.”

Ashante: “Yeah, I agree. I talked to a lot of people, WWE Hall of Famers as well reached out to me. A lot of people in WWE reached out to me. My mood, I mean, I’m doing good. Still shocked and stuff but I’m doing good. I feel like I have a really good mindset about everything and I’m just ready to start the next chapter.”

Both men admit that the events leading up to their releases were bizarre, as they were booked and removed from multiple events. Top Dolla added that it came on the heels of them visiting WWE headquarters and being told that action figures and video game DLC of them were on the way.

Ashante: “Thursday morning was a little weird because we were booked for SmackDown, Survivor Series and Raw and then we were unbooked. Then they booked us again and then we were unbooked. So I’m like, ‘Okay, it’s what goes on in WWE. There’s a lot of things to figure out.’ So I was like, ‘Okay, maybe they’ll have something for us on Friday or Saturday.’ I remember I was watching Thursday Night Football, and I missed the call from John Laurinaitis. I called him back and he just told me, ‘Hey, budget cuts and stuff like that,’ and I was like, ‘Okay, thank you.’ It just is what it is.”

Top Dolla: “We just went to HQ and met everybody and talked to everybody. Talked about how we were going to get action figures and be DLC in the video game and all these different things. Everything just got pulled out underneath of us and to be honest, when we got taken off of this weekend, I knew then that we were about to get released even though I didn’t contact anybody or tell anybody because that’s the same thing that happened to Briana. When Briana got released, we were all booked to do a Black Friday commercial together, which we ended up shooting without her, which obviously they’re not going to be able to use this Friday anymore. We were all booked to do the commercial together and then she got unbooked and we didn’t understand why. Then found out that she was released, so once we were booked for Friday and weren’t booked for Survivor Series and Raw yet, so then they unbooked us Thursday morning for SmackDown but then said we’re still needed for Survivor Series and Raw. Then they were like, ‘Actually, we don’t need you for Survivor Series and Raw, either.’ As soon as I saw that I knew what was going to happen.”

For Top Dolla, not being able to show what he can do in the ring was a particular disappointment, as he was having 20-30 minute matches on the independent circuit before joining WWE.

Top Dolla: “It’s sad, man, because I feel like we showed that we had a lot to offer and, not to mention, I never even got a chance to show what I can do in the ring. That was my biggest downfall from my time in WWE was I spent the first year and a half with people pretending like I didn’t know how to work because they didn’t give me a chance to. Once they finally started giving us chances in the ring, they would give us 2-minute squash matches. We had one match that went longer than 10 minutes and it was the main event with Legado Del Fantasma and it was an incredible match and I did the three-man move. I mean, I was working 20, 30-minute main event matches on the indies before I got to WWE and now it’s like, ‘Well, we need to see what you can do.’ I always just thought it was funny that they didn’t do that with other people. With other people they would just be like, ‘Ah, here’s 20-minutes, go have a match.’ They would tell us we need more work in the ring. ‘You guys need more seasoning in the ring,’ but then they wouldn’t give us matches.”

Building on that, Ashante shared that he thinks about his character 24/7 and even has a whiteboard with ideas written all over it. Sadly, as he puts it, WWE just didn’t understand him or what he was trying to do.

Ashante: “That’s so funny because I got signed to WWE in — My first day was August 14, 2019, and the second I came in I already knew who I was as a character and what I wanted to do. I feel like they just didn’t understand me and understand what I was doing. I’m just saying, I feel like I was really, really good at this stuff in all aspects of sports entertainment and a lot of true hard work, like not even at the PC, I’m thinking about my character 24/7. Literally to my left, I have a whiteboard [that says] Ashante “Thee” Adonis and ‘Character Development.’ I even have a Hit Row section. I’ve literally thought in detail about literally everything about this character since day one.”

Top Dolla went on to describe the creative process in WWE, even sharing the story of how they were asked to write promos for five other teams upon their main roster call-up.

Top Dolla: “The craziest part about the creative process with us, is when we first got called up to SmackDown, they were like, ‘Alright, we want you guys to do promos, write promos for The Usos, the New Day, the Viking Raiders, the Women’s Division for Briana and an introductory promo.’ The introductory promo that we did on SmackDown on our debut was the promo that we wrote that night when we wrote all five of those promos. I bring it up because it was 2 o’clock in the morning and we’re writing these promos and we record us saying the promos so we can send it to them so that they can see what we’re going to say, how we’re going to say it because sometimes you see something on paper and it doesn’t translate the same way. You know what I’m saying? Sometimes you can’t comprehend from the paper how it’s going to come off. So we sent them the videos of us doing the promos so that they could see it, and they were like, ‘Wow, we love the work ethic. Nobody does anything like this. Nobody dedicates themselves to do things like this.’ Then like, all for not, so it’s just wild to me.”

Shifting gears, Top Dolla commented on potential heat he had backstage, noting that the only time WWE ever got mad at him was when he called and questioned them releasing B-Fab. The company also tried to remix their theme song without her vocals, but the guys decided to record a new song instead, another fact that wasn’t received so well. 

Top Dolla: “They got mad when Briana got released that I called up to the office and was like, ‘I don’t understand why you would release Briana.’ We were a foursome group. You take Briana out of the group and yeah, we’re still cool and yeah, we can still do all of the same things, but we’re just every three-man wrestling group. And, they were upset, because when they took Briana out of the group, they wanted to re-do the song. So they did a remix of the song but the song doesn’t sound the same without her part. So what we did is we went in the studio and made a new song. I guess they were upset that we made a new song, but we’re a rap group, so it’s like, ‘How are we a rap group if we can’t make a song?’ Then we’re just wrestlers.”

Top Dolla also touched on the rap that he released online about Jinder Mahal and Shanky, which some attributed to his release.

Top Dolla: “People want to bring up the fact of the song that I released for Jinder and Shanky on Twitter that people got mad about, but Jinder Mahal himself not only loved the song, but said, and I have the proof of it, ‘I said nothing wrong in the song.’ This is Jinder saying this. The whole point of it is that we were in a feud together and we were trying to get more juice in the feud. Me and Jinder are cool. That was the whole point of it. When people are like, ‘The beat he used was insensitive.’ The beat I used is called ‘Beware’ by Punjabi MC, the most famous sample in the history of Indian hip-hop. When I picked the beat, Jinder Mahal was sitting right next to me in the locker room when we formulated the plan to do this. So, for people to be upset with me and think that that’s the reason why we got fired is ridiculous because even Jinder himself went and talked to them and was like, ‘No, it’s not like that. We planned this out together.”

Ashante: “That’s just the people thinking they know everything and they really don’t. Me personally, and AJ can tell you this, I’m a very to myself person. I’m very quiet most of the time. Very opposite of what I present on TV. I was like that at work too, very to myself, so I don’t see how I would have heat with anything at all, so I don’t understand it.”

Top Dolla went on to say that a lot of people in WWE like to treat you like a child even though you’re a man in your 30s. He also shared how he would keep quiet about a lot of disrespectful things that were said, saying that he would have been fired two years ago had he spoken up. Specifically, he recounts one incident which had several producers apologizing to him for what was said over the headsets.

Top Dolla: “I said this yesterday on Twitter, there was so many times — Like, I’m a 31-year-old grown man. I’ve accomplished a lot of things in my life. People in this business like to treat you like you’re a little kid all the time. If I would have — And Mark knows this, as a black man in America, if I actually showed my frustration and anger with situations, I would have been fired two years ago. So, I made a point to never do that. Even when people would constantly disrespect me, and us, and sweep the little things that they say that they don’t understand what they’re saying, but we hear it and internalize it, it’s like, ‘What do you expect from us? You want us to just sit on our hands and let you say whatever you want to say to me about whatever you want to say because you can?’ Even if you go look, when we were on SmackDown, we did the segment with Sami. We were rehearsing this thing and the audio was really loud in the arena, so I politely asked, ‘Do you think that we could turn down the audio in the arena just a little bit?’ Because they were playing music and nobody in the arena can hear what we’re saying and we can’t get a reaction from them. I don’t know what was said, but something was said about me over the headset that was so disrespectful that three different producers who heard it on the headset came up and apologized to me afterwards even though I didn’t hear what was said. So clearly something was said very wild and disrespectfully because they felt the need to apologize to me for something I didn’t even know. If I would have heard it and said anything back, then I’m ‘disgruntled, and I’m ‘aggressive’ or ‘I’m the angry black man.'”

Having made the most of the little screen time they were given, Top Dolla and Ashante know that they will be able to make a difference wherever they end up next.

Top Dolla: “It’s unfortunate the way things shape out but at the end of the day, I’m not telling anybody to never watch WWE again. I’m going to watch WWE. I’m not sitting here pretending that I’m not. I watch everything. But also, that’s not the end all be all. That’s not where we have to be to be successful. We are more than capable of going anywhere in this world and making the same impact. You got to really think about it, when we were on NXT, people loved us on NXT. Bro, we were getting 45 seconds.”

Ashante: “We were doing the max with the minimum. That’s what it always felt like.”

Top Dolla: “Imagine we go somewhere else and they give us three minutes a week. Imagine what we can do to your programming if we go somewhere else and get three minutes a week.”

You can view the full list of talent releases on November 18 by clicking here.

If you use the quotes above, please credit the original source with a h/t and link back to Fightful for the transcription. 

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