Joe Rogan Wonders Why The UFC Even Has Championships

Color commentator Joe Rogan has been with the UFC for nearly two decades now.

The UFC recently booked a middleweight title fight between champion Michael Bisping and the returning Georges St. Pierre. This fight has made the longtime UFC employee in Rogan wonder the the promotion has any titles at all.

“As a person who deeply respects the position of champion – if you’re gonna do this whole interim title thing and you’re gonna have guys come back after being out of the sport for three years and get a shot right at the title, why have f**king championships at all? Why have a champion at all? Just set up great fights. And if you’re just setting up great fights, well that’s a great fight. Bisping versus GSP is a great fight. If you’re going to have a title, this is the champion of the world, then the champion should be defending his title against the number one challenger and that right now is Yoel Romero,” Rogan said on the 5ive Rounds podcast.

A date for the fight between Bisping and GSP hasn’t been announced by the promotion yet. Rogan also feels that the claim made by Bisping that he will fight Yoel Romero six weeks after GSP is crap.

“You know, Michael says that he’s going to fight Georges and then six weeks later he said he’ll be ready to fight Yoel Romero right afterwards but I wouldn’t believe that if I was Yoel Romero. When was the last time anybody ever did that? Has anybody ever defended the title against a former world champion and all-time great and then six weeks later defended the title again? I mean, come on, get out of here. That’s not happening. I see him drunk, in Vegas, in English flag underwear, having a great time. I think he’s gonna make a giant payday and good for him. I get it,” says Bisping.

Joe Rogan will be seen next at UFC 210, which is taking place this April.

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