
WWE NXT Live Coverage & Discussion! 3/8 The King Of Strong Style Returns!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE NXT! Tonight after losing his title and and getting injured at NXT TakeOver: San Antonio, the King of Strong Style, Shinsuke Nakamura is back in action when he takes on the former WWE Cruiserweight Champion TJ Perkins! Be sure to come back here at 8PM EST to see if the former NXT champion will run through Clark or if perhaps, he has some ring rust!

Tye Dillinger vs Eric Young

-Before the match Sanity bring out a battered and beaten Roderick Strong, Tye going up to the ramp to check on him, Jose coming out soon after as Sanity are in the ring, EY saying that Tye made them do that. Tye and Jose get in the ring and fight Sanity, but the numbers are too much and they are overwhelmed. 

Winner: Match never started

-We get a vignette for Alesteir Black.

Ho Ho Lun vs Andrade Cien Almas

Almas is in control the entire time, dropping Lun and whipping him into several corners before hitting a snapmare and a dropkick to the back of the neck before beating on him. Lun tries to fight back and gets dropped with a clothesline, then Almas hits a hammer lock DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Andrade Almas via pinfall

Ember Moon vs Billie Kay

Moon is in control early, hitting Billie with a springboard cross body, then Peyton distracts her allowing Billie to slingshot her between the ropes for a quick 2 count. Billie hits Eat Defeat for a near fall, then gets another near fall off of a discus forearm. Moon comes back with a series of kicks, then a running high knee in the corner before hitting Eclipse on Kay for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ember Moon via pinfall

-After the match it appears that Moon's finisher legitimately hurt Kay as she's down in the ring for several minutes and various trainers come out and talk to her. She points to her neck before sitting up and holds onto it before they help her out of the ring, Peyton genuinely worried about her as we go to commercial.

-We get a backstage interview with TJ Perkins before his match with Shinsuke in the main event. 

The Revival vs Ealy Brothers

-Before the match starts Authors of Pain come out and kill the brothers before The Revival escape into the crowd.

Winner: Match never started

-Regal announces Asuka and Ember Moon for TakeOver: Orlando.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs TJ Perkins

They lock up for a clean break, then they exchange dabs before Shinsuke drops TJ repeatedly as we go to commercial after Shinsuke sends him to the outside.

Shinsuke is in control as we come back, hitting a snapmare into a diving knee drop, then TJ comes back and starts focusing on the knee of Shinsuke. Shinsuke hits Good Vibrations in the corner, then TJ counters Shinsuke running at him with a neckbreaker. TJ hits Shinsuke with a series of kicks, then a flying back elbow in the corner before hitting a triangle dropkick into a DDT for a near fall. Shinsuke counters a Detonation Kick with an armbar into a triangle choke, then TJ gets a roll up for a quick 2 count. Shinsuke hits a spinning roundhouse kick that drops TJ, then drops TJ repeatedly before hitting his signature double knees in the corner, but TJ gets out of the way and dropkicks the injured knee of Shinsuke. TJ hits a dragon screw leg whip, something Shinsuke experienced a lot when he faced Hiroshi Tanahashi who loved to use the move quite often, then they exchange submission attempts before TJ locks in a single leg Boston crab. TJ transitions, then Shinsuke rolls him up for a near fall, TJ transitioning into a kneebar, but Shinsuke gets to the ropes for the break. Shinsuke comes back with a series of knees and kicks, before hitting the double knee and a backstabber into a reverse exploder suplex. Shinsuke then hits TJ with the Kinshasa for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura via pinfall

-After the match Regal announces that the winner of the title match next week will face Shinsuke at TakeOver: Orlando.

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