
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 11/4/21 Huge Six-Man Tag Team Match

The leader of Suzuki-gun makes his in-ring debut tonight at 8pm EST on AXS TV!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV!

X-Division Championship Number One Contender Match

Steve Maclin vs Laredo Kid vs Black Taurus (w/ Crazzy Steve) vs Rohit Raju (w/ Raj Singh)

Rohit and Laredo exchange strikes before Black lays them both out with a double clothesline and runs the ropes with Steve before Steve drops him with a back elbow and knocks both Rohit and Laredo off of the apron when they try to get back inside. Rohit takes out Steve with a dive before Laredo hits Black with a hurricanrana takes everyone out with a moonsault at ringside before tossing Rohit back inside. Raj distracts Laredo before Rohit capitalizes and counters a fireman’s carry into a neckbreaker and a sit-out face buster for a two count that Steve breaks up. Steve and Rohit exchange before Black takes them both out and hits Steve with a Samoan drop for a two count that Laredo breaks up. Laredo then hits a springboard splash for two before Rohit hits him with a jumping flat liner for a near fall before Laredo hits a Driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Laredo Kid defeats Rohit Raju, Steve Maclin, and Black Taurus via pinfall to become the new number one contender for the X-Division title.

– After the match Steve attacks Trey and Laredo when Trey comes out to the ring before they team up and send Steve out of the ring.

– We get a backstage interview with Ace Austin where he debuts a new shirt that says “I beat Chris Sabin.”.

– Violent By Design come out to the ring and Erick gets on the mic and says that he’s healed and ready to get back into the ring.

Eric Young (w/ Violent By Design (Joe Doering & Deaner)) vs Jay Bidell

Eric immediately clotheslines Jay and drops him with a back elbow before slamming him and beating him down in the corner before hitting a powerbomb and a piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Eric Young defeats Jay Bidell via pinfall.

The Good Brothers vs FinJuice

David and Karl start the match off before Juice comes in and exchanges with Karl before Juice knocks Doc off of the apron and Karl rips at his face. Karl then sends Juice out of the ring and distracts the referee before Doc boots Juice at ringside as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Doc in control until he gets the hot tag to David who hits Karl with a rolling uppercut and drops Doc before Karl counters a Doomsday Device and everyone is attacked by Bullet Club who rush the ring for the double disqualification.

Winner: No Contest

Mickie James vs Madison Rayne (w/ Kaleb)

Mickie and Madison lock up before Mickie takes Madison down and locks in a straight armbar before Madison gets to the ropes for the break before Mickie hits a snap mare into a kick for two. Kaleb and Mickie play tug of war with Madison before Madison distracts the referee and Kaleb knocks Mickie off of the top for two before choking Mickie in the ropes. Madison controls Mickie with a front headlock before turning it into a submission and Mickie gets free before getting two off of a clutch and Mickie hits a neckbreaker. Madison hits a cutter for a near fall before hitting a baseball slide that sends Mickie out of the ring before Kaleb accidentally slaps the post and Mickie whips him into the stairs. Back in the ring Mickie then hits a kick into the ropes into a meteora off of the top for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mickie James defeats Madison Rayne via pinfall.

– After the match newly signed Knockout Mercedes Martinez comes out to the ring and has words with Mickie before making her intentions clear that she’s coming for the Knockouts title.

Madman Fulton (w/ Ace Austin) vs Chris Sabin

Chris rushes Fulton, but is shoved away before Fulton catches him when he goes for a diving cross body before Chris hits a head scissors that sends Fulton out of the ring. Fulton then catches Chris when he goes for a suicide dive and chokeslams him onto the apron as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Fulton in control before Chris comes back with an enzuigiri before Fulton hits a fireman’s carry flap jack for a near fall. Chris then counters a black hole slam before hitting a tornado DDT into an inside cradle for the pin and the win.

Winner: Chris Sabin defeats Madman Fulton via pinfall.

Moose, W.Morrissey & Minoru Suzuki vs Eddie Edwards, Josh Alexander & Matt Cardona

Josh and Minoru kick things off for their respective teams before W comes in and attacks Josh from behind only to be dropped and put in an ankle lock. Eddie then comes in and exchanges strikes with Moose before knocking W and Minoru off of the apron before Team Josh clear the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Matt and Moose in the ring before Matt hits a missile dropkick for two before W kicks Matt from the apron and Matt knocks him off. The referee checks on Moose while Minoru locks in an armbar in the ropes before Minoru comes in and locks in a rear chin lock before W comes in and boots and chokes Matt in the ropes. Matt comes back with and gets the hot tag to Josh who suplexes Moose repeatedly and hits W with a rolling senton before Eddie gets the blind tag and hits an enzuigiri before Josh hits a German. Eddie hits a with a blue thunderbomb for a near fall that Minoru breaks up before he and Josh exchange strikes until the six face off and exchange until everyone hits a move until W pins Eddie with a powerbomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: W.Morrissey, Moose, and Minoru Suzuki defeat Eddie Edwards, Josh Alexander, and Matt Cardona via pinfall.

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