
WWE 205 Live Coverage & Discussion! 3/7 The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived Sets His Sights On The King Of The Cruiserweights!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE 205 Live! Tonight after staking his claim of the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Austin Aries looks to return to in-ring action for the first time in five months and The Brian Kendrick looks to give Akira Tozawa yet another lesson and much more so be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST!

-Austin Aries comes out to start the show, deciding to interview himself. Aries says that punched Neville because he could and that if you want to make a statement you find the toughest person in the room and punch them in the face. Aries admits that Neville was the king until he got there and that he is no longer a journalist and is now an in-ring competitor before Neville comes out to the ring. Neville accosts Aries, but Aries comes back and says he's an entire level above Neville.Neville says that Aries hasn't earned the right to face him, then says that there's an entire locker room just dying to get their hands on Aries. Aries says that he's happy to face everyone in the back and that he's essentially issuing an open challenge. 

-We then have Rich Swann and Jack Gallagher talking in the locker room before Noam Dar interrupts them and asks about the flowers that were delivered to Alicia last week. 

Ariya Daivari & Noam Dar vs Jack Gallagher & Rich Swann

Swann and Daivari start it off, Rich hitting a huricanrrana that sends Daivari out of the ring. Ariya gets back in the ring and backs Swann into their corner, Dar and Ariya tagging in and out and isolating Swann in their half of the ring. Dar gets tagged in and starts focusing on the arm of Swann, Dar tags Ariya back in and Ariya tries to keep the high flying Swann grounded, Jack finally gets tagged in and drops Ariya repeatedly before Swann gets the blind tag, then Swann hits a phoenix splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jack Gallagher & Rich Swann via pinfall

-We get an interview segment with The Brian Kendrick about Akira Tozawa.

Akira Tozawa vs Bryan Kendrick

-The Brian Kendrick gets on the mic outside of the ring before the match, then some guy named Brian Kendrick comes out to the ring.

Tozawa drops Kendrick, then stomps on him before hitting a PK and a senton, following up with a snap German suplex with a bridge for the pin and the win.

Winner: Akira Tozawa via pinfall

-We then get a Neville interview segment about Austin Aries.

Austin Aries vs Tony Nese

They lock up to start the match for a clean break, then Nese takes Aries down before mocking him. Aries takes Nese down repeatedly, then mocks Nese by reclining on the top rope, the two shoving each other. Aries hits a springboard senton for a quick 2 count, then follows up with a series of right hands and a running European uppercut. Aries hits Nese in the back of the neck with an elbow off the top rope, Nese rolling out of the ring immediately after. Nese sends Aries onto the apron, but Aries hits a neckbreaker off of the second rope. Aries gets hung up on the top rope, then Nese picks him up and hits a gutbuster before pounding on Aries for a quick 2 count. Nese sends Aries out of the ring, then hits a cartwheel off of the apron and to the floor before superkicking Aries, rolling Aries back into the ring for a near fall. Aries comes back and drops Nese repeatedly before hitting a gutbuster into an STO, then a pendulum elbow drop. Nese hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall, then Aries sends Nese out of the ring before diving through the ropes out onto him. Aries rolls Nese back into the ring, then hits Nese with a discus elbow for the pin and the win.

Winner: Austin Aries via pinfall


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