
WWE Main Event Report For February 17: Cedric Alexander/Mustafa Ali vs. Tony Nese/Drew Gulak & Jinder Mahal In Action

Welcome to the WWE Main Event report for February 17, your commentary team will consist of Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton & R-Truth.

Sin Cara vs. Jinder Mahal

The match begins with Mahal holding Cara in a headlock before dropping him with a shoulder tackle, Cara catches Mahal with a few roll ups for near falls. Mahal gets angry and he drops Cara with a punch, Mahal then nails Cara with a forearm strike to the face. Cara recovers to drop Mahal with an arm drag, Cara starts wrenching away on the arm of Mahal for a short time. Mahal drops Cara with a strike to the face, Cara traps Mahal in the corner and he assaults him with a bunch of punches. Mahal propels Cara to the ring apron before knocking him to the arena floor, Mahal brings Cara back into the ring before choking him on the bottom rope. Mahal picks up Cara before dropping him with another punch, Mahal goes to the middle rope before nailing Cara with a diving chop.

Mahal then catches Cara with a knee drop before applying the chin lock, Mahal goes back to the middle rope and Cara catches him with a drop kick when he leaps off the ropes. Cara then catches Mahal with a springboard high cross body and springboard elbow strike, Cara follows that up by dropping Mahal with a head scissors and a springboard moonsault for a near fall. Mahal drops a charging Cara on the top rope before catching him with a neck breaker for the three count.

Winner: Jinder Mahal

Our first Raw Flashback shows Braun Strowman defeating Mark Henry in a singles match, Roman Reigns would confront Strowman after the match.

The next Raw Flashback shows the Festival Of Friendship with WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho. Owens would turn on Jericho as the celebration concludes, throwing him into the big screen TV as well.

Mustafa Ali & Cedric Alexander vs. Tony Nese & Drew Gulak

The match begins with Ali working over the arm of Gulak before applying a headlock, Gulak briefly breaks free and Ali holds him in another headlock. Alexander tags in and he wrenches on the arm of Gulak, Alexander then drops Gulak with a headlock of his own. Gulak breaks free so Alexander can nail him with a head scissors followed by a drop kick, Alexander then cracks Gulak with an European uppercut. Gulak traps Alexander in his corner before tagging Nese into the match, Alexander quickly takes Nese down with a headlock. Gulak distracts Alexander and that allows Nese to trip him up before bringing him out of the ring, Nese then tosses Alexander into the ring edge as we go to commercial break.

We return from the commercial to see Nese nail Alexander with an elbow drop, Gulak tags in and he teams with Nese to nail Alexander with a series of double team moves. Gulak slows things down by applying the abdominal stretch to Alexander, Nese tags in and he stomps on a downed Alexander. Alexander tries fighting back and Nese drops him with a back elbow strike for a near fall, Gulak tags back in and he nails Alexander with strikes in the corner. Nese tags back in so Alexander can take both members of the opposition out with handspring kicks, Ali gets the tag and he cleans house on the opposition. Ali cracks Nese with a rolling neck breaker for a near fall, Gulak tries interfering and Alexander takes care of him. Nese then throws Alexander out of the ring, Ali catches Nese with a tornado DDT and an inverted 450 splash for the three count.

Winners: Mustafa Ali & Cedric Alexander

The final Raw Flashback of the night shows Bayley defeating Charlotte to win the WWE Raw Women’s Title.  

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