
AEW Saturday Night Dynamite Results for 10/16/21 Bryan Danielson vs. Bobby Fish plus more

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight coverage of every match on the card. Follow us on Facebook! Facebook.com/FightfulOnline.

– AEW commentator Jim Ross begins the telecast with “It’s Saturday Night, and you know what that means.” Ross then introduces tonight’s special guest commentator CM Punk. Punk heads to ringside and greets the fans before heading to the commentator’s table. Next, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur begin going over tonight’s card.

Malakai Black vs. Dante Martin (w/ Lio Rush)

Malakai Black makes his way to the ring first. Next, Lio Rush accompanies Dante Martin to ringside. The match begins with a tie-up. Martin counters Malakai Black’s German suplex into a nice arm drag.

Black gets some offense in; however, Martin hits Black with a nice springboard shotgun dropkick. Black goes to the outside of the ring, but Black gets right back and hits Dante Martin with a big clothesline.

Martin goes to the top rope for a maneuver, then Black counters him with a powerbomb and then a half-crab leg. Malakai now has Martin in a knee-bar submission; Martin gets out of it by kicking Black multiple times. Dante Martin goes for another springboard move, but Black catches him. Martin counters and then goes for hurricanrana. Martin hits springboard dive; Malakai hits a huge German suplex. Black goes for the pin; Dante kicks out at two as the crowd chants, “This is Awesome.”

Black now pulls Dante Martin to the corner turnbuckle; both men exchange punches. Dante hits Black with a Super Hurricanrana; Martin goes for another springboard moonsault but barely hits it and sells his knee injury. Next, Black has Martin in the half Boston crab. Black releases the hold, Martin goes for another high spot maneuver, but he misses, and Black hits Martin with Black Mass and then pins Dante Martin for the win. After the match, Malakai Black walks back to the entrance area and stops, and nods in approval to the match he just had with Martin.

Winner: Malakai Black

– We go to a backstage promo with Jurassic Express; they talk about their injuries and how Christian is out. Then, they get attacked by Kenny Omega, Adam Cole, and The Young Bucks. CM Punk references that The Young Bucks were accused this week of wearing fake Jordan’s this week. (Referencing the back and forth between The Young Bucks and WWE’s Top Dolla on Twitter)

– The Inner Circle is now out for an in-ring promo. The crowd is chanting for Jericho; Santana starts the promo and talks about how great Miami is. Next, American Top Team’s Dan Lambert comes out and demands respect. Chris Jericho has the mic and says, “Miami, welcome the fat face, Dan Lambert.”

Next, Jericho asks Paige Van Zandt if she has a thing for him. Finally, Jericho says, “I wouldn’t touch you with your husband’s genitalia.”Then Jericho challenges American Top Team to a 10-Man Tag-Team Match. Dan Lambert then criticizes each Inner Circle member; Scorpio Sky mentions he pinned the GOAT (Jericho) twice. Sky says that he wants a shot at the AEW Tag-Team Championship.

AAA Tag-Team Champion Match
The Lucha Bros. (w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. Las Super Ranas

The match begins, and it’s clear that the team Andrade brought in was FTR. The match starts with a back and forth. The Lucha Bros. are trying to remove the masks, and they eventually do, and it’s revealed that it is FTR. FTR hits El Penta Zero M and Rey Fenix with nice lariats, and they then head out to go to a commercial break.

FTR is entirely in control now; however, when we return, The Lucha Bros. take control. Penta and Fenix both hit top rope maneuvers. Tully Blanchard runs down and gets into the ring; this distracts AEW Referee Aubrey Edwards. The distraction allows Dax Harwood to use the AAA title belt as a weapon. He nails Fenix with it and then ends it when he hits Fenix with a huge Brainbuster. Harwood pins Fenix for the win.

Winners and New AAA Tag-Team Champions: FTR

– Tony Schiavone is backstage and confronts FTR; Andrade shows up and hands MJF a check and cash. MJF says, “this is a one-time deal, and FTR will team with them only once.” Andrade seems confused.

Jon Moxley vs. Wheeler Yuta (w/ Orange Cassidy)

Jon Moxley walks to the ring, and the bell rings. Moxley comes in with a flurry of punches and takes down Wheeler Yuta real quick. Moxley hits Yuta with a Paradigm Shift and then pins Yuta for the quick-win. This match lasted maybe a minute to a minute and a half.

Winner: Jon Moxley

– Tony Schiavone is backstage and is interviewing Serena Deeb; Deeb says the Women’s division has gotten way too comfortable, and that is the reason for the attitude change. Then, Deeb gets attacked by Hikaru Shida. They go back to the ring, and CM Punk says, “Fantastic head of hair on Serena Deeb. I’ll tell ya.”

The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds, John Silver, and Evil Uno) vs. The Superkliq (w/ Don Callis and Brandon Cutler)

The Dark Order gets attacked right away by The Superkliq. The bell rings, and The Dark Order takes over right away and hits a series of attacks on Matt Jackson. John Silver and Matt Jackson are the legal men, Silver is in control, and he goes on a rampage and is hitting every member of The Superkliq until he gets hit with a Super Kick. Now, all six men are in the ring and fighting. The Superkliq is in control and just punishing John Silver as we head to a commercial break.

We return from the break, and Adam Cole goes for the Superkick, but Evil Uno counters it, and then Uno brings out his version of Socko! The Superkliq goes to end it, but Alex Reynolds and John Silver trip up The Young Bucks, and they then get into the ring and kiss Adam Cole. Uno hits, Fatality goes for the pin, Young Bucks make the save. Superkliq takes over the match; a short time later, Adam Cole ends it with The Boom, and Superkliq wins. After the match, Jungle Boy comes down and attacks Adam Cole, Jungle Boy escapes and grabs a chair, and The Superkliq runs away. Brandon Cutler is still in the ring, and he gets hit with a big chair shot.

Winners: The Superkliq (w/ Don Callis and Brandon Cutler)

– We get a video of Cody Rhodes training with Arn Anderson; Arn shows why Rhodes needs to change things. Toward the end of the video, Cody starts to show that the message is getting there.

– MJF is cutting a promo stating that Darby Allin is not there for their match. MJF demands that a referee get out to the ring and count to ten. Wardlow comes out, and he is dragging AEW Referee Bryce Remsburg. Remsburg gets to nine, and the lights go dark. Sting appears and gets into the ring; MJF pushes Wardlow toward Sting, and Sting hits him with the baseball bat. MJF runs off and avoids Sting.

– We get a promo from Anna Jay and Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. appears and calls Anna Jay a loser, and The Dark Order is full of losers. Anna Jay throws a heavy punch, and they both begin fighting, and personal backstage stops the fight.

Kiera Hogan vs. Penelope Ford

The match begins with Kiera Hogan and Penelope Ford getting in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Hogan calls the upper hand a few offensive strikes; Ford will soon counter by hitting Hogan with a bulldog. Then, they head out to a picture-in-picture commercial break.

We return from the break with both competitors on the top rope. Hogan hits Ford with a superplex; Ford is up first, and now both begin exchanging strikes. Hogan hits Ford with a series of strikes, including a sliding dropkick. Ford hits Hogan with a stunner; Hogan hits Ford right back with a neckbreaker variation. Ford hits Hogan with a Springboard Stunner; Ford then bridges Hogan and has the Muta Lock submission locked. Kiera Hogan has no choice but to tap out. After the match, Ruby Soho comes out and attacks Penelope Ford.

Winner: Penelope Ford

– We get a promo from Miro; Miro says his God did not make a mistake, and everyone will pay.

– Tony Schiavone is in the ring to interview “Hangman” Adam Page. Page talks about “he and his friends left Ring of Honor and New Japan.” Page says he failed when he did not become first the champion; Page says he lost his confidence, lost his friends, and lost himself. Page says things got better when the fans started chanting “Cowboy Shit.”

Page says Cowboy Shit changed his life, and he left to be at home for the birth of his beautiful baby boy. Adam says he made a call, and he came back to get what he wanted. Page says he does not know how Full Gear will end, but he says he will give his everything, but Hangman knows one thing that he will provide the fans with “Cowboy Shit.”

– The AEW commentators begin going over next week’s AEW Rampage and AEW Saturday Night Dynamite.

Bobby Fish vs. Bryan Danielson

The match begins with Bryan Danielson and Bobby Fish exchange a few holds, but Fish gets the upper hand with a few Muay Thai kicks. Danielson comes back, though, and he begins punishing Fish with a few maneuvers. Danielson attempts to avoid Fish, but Fish nails Danielson with a huge kick. Danielson gets back up and hits Bobby Fish with a tope suicida.

Fish and Danielson are both out of the ring; Danielson sends Fish into the ring post. Danielson goes for a running knee; however, Fish takes the legs out, and Danielson hits the mat hard. We head out for the last commercial break of the evening. During the break, Bobby Fish controlled the entire match. Fish worked on Danielson’s legs.

We return from the break, and Bobby Fish is still working on the legs of Bryan Danielson. Fish hits Danielson with a big lariat; Danielson is now in half-crab; Danielson counters the hold and has Fish in an ankle lock. Now, Danielson delivers two dragon screw leg whips to Bobby Fish. Danielson is in control and is now punishing Bobby Fish’s knees. Danielson takes the knee out of Bobby Fish; Fish gets up quickly and drops Danielson down with an Avalanche Falcon Arrow; Fish then has Danielson in a kneebar. Danielson puts Fish in a heel lock from out of nowhere, and Fish taps out.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

– After the match ends, they announce the bracket for the Full Gear Eliminator Tournament.

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