
WWE RAW Results for 10/4/21 The WWE Draft Continues

The 2021 WWE makes its way to Monday Night RAW at 8pm EST on USA Network!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE RAW!

– We open tonights show with the Smackdown Women’s champion Becky Lynch before talking about Charlotte and the RAW Women’s title, and how she’s considering becoming a double champion again. Becky is then interrupted by Charlotte before saying that she made Becky famous and will never be as decorated as her before saying that they have unfinished business before they’re interrupted by Bianca Belair. Bianca talks about how Becky and Charlotte cheap shotted her Friday before Charlotte tells Bianca to shush and plays to the crowd when they say that she sucks before Bianca threatens Charlotte. Charlotte says that she gives out opportunities and not charities before Bianca goes to attack Charlotte and Adam and Sonya come out and make tonight’s main event featuring Charlotte and Bianca.

– We go to the stage to the first round of the draft with RAW taking Smackdown Women’s champion Becky Lynch, Smackdown taking tag team champions The Usos, Bobby Lashley stays on RAW, and Smackdown keeping Sasha Banks to end the first round.

WWE United States Championship Match

Damian Priest (c) vs Jeff Hardy

Damian locks in a standing side headlock before dropping Jeff with a shoulder block and Jeff hits a jawbreaker before Damian boots Jeff out of the ring and Jeff fights off a chokeslam onto the apron. Jeff then misses a diving cross body off of the apron and crashes onto the floor before Damian hits Jeff with a cannonball off of the steps as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Jeff making his comeback as he hits a Whisper in the Wind for two before Damian drops him and Jeff counters The Reckoning before Damian counters a Twist of Fate. Jeff then hits a sling blade into the Twist of Fate before he hits a Swanton Bomb and Damian pins him out of nowhere with a crucifix for the win when he goes for the pin.

Winner: Damian Priest retains his United States title by defeating Jeff Hardy via pinfall.

– After the match Jeff is interviewed before he’s interrupted by Austin Theory who lobbies Jeff for a selfie before clotheslining Jeff and laying him out and taking a selfie with Jeff laid out.

– We get a backstage interview with RAW Tag Team champions RKBRO where they discuss their title defense against AJ Styles and Omos at Crown Jewel before Randy challenges Omos to a one on one match.

– We go back to the stage for the second round of the draft with RAW taking Seth Rollins, Smackdown keeping King Nakamura and Rick Boogs, RAW keeping Damian Priest, and Smackdown taking Sheamus to end the round.

Shayna Baszler vs Dana Brooke

Dana backs Shayna into the corner before wringing her arm and beating Shayna down in the corner before Shayna hits a backbreaker into Dana rolls her up for two before Shayna locks in a Kirifuda clutch for the tap and the win.

Winner: Shayna Baszler defeats Dana Brooke via submission.

– After the match Shayna stomps Dana’s hand into the LED board before she goes to stomp Dana’s hand into the steps and Dana is saved by Doudrop before the two face off and Shayna cheap shots Doudrop. The two then have a stare-down as Doudrop is visibly upset before helping Dana to her feet.

– Backstage The Usos and Paul Heyman are interviewed as we go to commercial.

Mustafa Ali & Mansoor vs Humberto Carrillo & Angel Garza

Humberto and Mansoor start the match off before Ali and Angel come in and Angel clotheslines Ali for a two count that Mansoor breaks up before Humberto takes out Mansoor at ringside. Humberto then sends Ali face first into the post before Angel pins Ali for the win.

Winner: Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza defeat Mustafa Ali and Mansoor via pinfall.

– We go back to the stage for next round of the draft with AJ Styles and Omos staying on RAW, Smackdown taking Shayna Baszler, Kevin Owens coming to RAW, and Smackdown ending the round with NXT’s Xia Li.

– WWE champion Big E comes out to the ring before he’s interrupted by Drew McIntyre who talks about how E deserves to be champion and the two shake hands before they’re interrupted by Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode. Dolph shows videos of how he’s been instrumental for the success that both E and Drew have had in WWE before the four exchange words and Dolph asks for a thank you. E and Drew then reject Dolph’s request before setting up a tag match between the four.

Dirty Dawgs vs Big E & Drew McIntyre

Drew drops Dolph and hits a delayed release suplex before E comes in and hits a splash onto the apron before Dolph rolls over to Robert and tags him in before E drops Robert with a back elbow and Drew comes back in. Drew chops Robert against the ropes before hitting a neckbreaker and tagging E back in before Robert kicks E in the midsection and backs him into the corner before DD double up on E for two. E gets the hot tag to Drew who drops Roode and Ziggler before hitting them with several overhead belly to belly suplexes before posting himself. Dolph then takes out Drew at ringside when Roode distracts the referee as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to DD in control of Drew before he gets the hot tag to E who suplexes Dolph repeatedly and hits a jumping splash before Dolph and E counter each other until E hits a uranage for a two count that Roode breaks up. E sends Roode out onto the apron before Roode counters a spear and Dolph hits the Zig Zag for a near fall that Drew breaks up before Roode sends Drew out of the ring and Drew hits a suplex onto the floor. Dolph then gets a near fall off of a roll up before E goes for the Big Ending, but Drew tags himself in and pins Dolph with a Claymore.

Winner: Big E and Drew McIntyre defeat Dirty Dawgs via pinfall.

– After the match E hits Roode with the Big Ending before Drew hands E the WWE title belt and the two exchange words while smiling before Drew leaves.

– Backstage Reggie escapes several Superstars to keep his 24/7 title as we see Apollo Crews and Commander Azeez backstage.

– Kevin Owens comes out to the ring and addresses the WWE Universe before he’s interrupted by Akira Tozawa who he lays out with a Stunner.

– We go to the stage for our next round of the draft with RAW taking Street Profits, Smackdown taking Viking Raiders, RAW taking Finn Balor, and Smackdown ending the round with Ricochet.

Nikki A.S.H. & Rhea Ripley vs Natalya & Tamina

Natalya goes right after Nikki and smashes her face into the turnbuckle before Nikki hits a pair of dropkicks and Natalya rolls out of the ring before Nikki goes after her and gets back inside as Tamina gets the blind tag. Tamina drops Nikki with a boot and beats her down in the corner before tossing her across the ring and superkicking her for a two count that Rhea breaks up. Nikki gets the hot tag to Rhea who lays into Natalya with strikes and knocks Tamina off of the apron before hitting Natalya with several clotheslines and a headbutt. Rhea hits a low dropkick before playing to the crowd and running into the corner before Natalya misses a basement dropkick and Rhea clears the ring before Nikki hits a double diving cross body at ringside. Back in the ring Rhea then hits the Riptide before dropping Nikki onto Tamina off of her own shoulders for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H. defeat Tamina and Natalya via pinfall.

– We go back to the stage for the fifth round of the draft with RAW keeping Karrion Kross, Smackdown taking Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza, RAW keeping Alexa Bliss, and Smackdown ending the round by keeping Cesaro.

– Goldberg and Bobby Lashley come out to the ring and face off ahead of their grudge match at Crown Jewel before Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin attack Goldberg and are quickly laid out as Bobby smiles from the stage.

– We get a backstage interview with Seth Rollins who sings before he tries to get the interviewer to go party with him before saying that he doesn’t care if Edge has been drafted to RAW because he’s on a different level than Edge.

New Day vs Shelton Benjamin & Cedric Alexander

Shelton drives Kofi into the corner and hits a high back body drop before hitting Kofi with forearms in the corner and Kofi hits a tornado DDT before Xavier and Cedric come in and Xavier drops Cedric repeatedly. Xavier hits a side Russian leg sweep into an enzuigiri before hitting a diving elbow drop for the pin and the win.

Winner: New Day defeat Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander via pinfall.

– After the match the Street Profits come out to the ring and celebrate with New Day as we go to commercial.

– RKBRO come out to the ring before AJ and Omos come out and Omos goes to answer Randy’s challenge before Randy attacks AJ and RKBRO leave before Omos can get a hold of them as we go to commercial.

– We end the final round of the draft with RAW taking Carmella, Smackdown taking Ridge Holland, RAW taking Gable Steveson, and Smackdown ending the draft by keeping Sami Zayn.

Bianca Belair vs Charlotte Flair

The two lock up before exchanging side headlocks and Bianca counters Charlotte repeatedly before dropkicking her and playing to the crowd before Charlotte rolls her up for two. Charlotte then rocks Bianca with a boot before Charlotte hits a backbreaker onto the apron and tosses Bianca into the time keepers area as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Bianca making her comeback before hitting a delayed suplex for two before going for a moonsault and Charlotte gets her knees up before chopping Bianca against the ropes. Charlotte rolls Bianca up and powerbombs her for two before Bianca counters the Natural Selection and Charlotte counters the KOD before Charlotte spears Bianca for a near fall. Bianca then hits a spine buster for a near fall before Charlotte crotches her up top and knocks her down with a boot before Charlotte hits a standing moonsault for a near fall. Bianca then counters a Figure Four before hitting the KOD and Becky drags Bianca out of the ring before driving her into the barricade and laying her out back in the ring before Sasha Banks appears and lays out Becky. We then end the show with Sasha and Becky brawling before Sasha lays Becky out and mocks her as she stands over her as we go off the air.

Winner: Bianca Belair defeats Charlotte Flair via disqualification.

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