
WWE NXT Live Coverage & Discussion 3/1 Asuka VS Peyton Royce NXT Women’s Championship Match & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE NXT! Tonight we have an action packed show as in our main event The Authors of Pain defend their NXT Tag Team Championship against #DIY in a much anticipated rematch and if that weren't enough Asuka is defending her NXT Women's Championship against Peyton Royce so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST to find out who walks away with all of the gold!

Patrick Clark vs Sean Maluta

Maluta is in control early. dropping Clark repeatedly and hitting a shining wizard for a near fall. Clark comes back and drops Maluta before tossing him across the ring for a quick 2 count. Clark then hits a variation of a famouser for the pin and the win.

Winner: Patrick Clark via pinfall

-Sanity cuts a promo outside, the group huddled around a barrel on fire, Young talking about Tye. 

Asuka vs Peyton Royce NXT Women's Championship Match

They're evenly matched early until Peyton tries to drop Asuka, the two then exchange kicks that miss before squaring off. Asuka mocks Peyton then hits her with a hip attack, then another that sends her off the apron and to the floor. Asuka goes out after her, but Peyton sends her face first into the ring post, rolling her back into the ring for a quick 2 count as we go to commercial.

Peyton is in control as we come back, focusing on the dazed champion. Asuka fights out of a hammerlock, but Peyton drops her and stomps on her. Asuka comes back and yells before suplexing Peyton, both women falling to the mat, getting back up and exchanging forearms. Asuka dropkicks Peyton then hits her with a series of strikes, finishing with a shining wizard for a near fall. Peyton hits Asuka with a spinning heel kick for a near fall, then Asuka hits a rolling armbar into an Asuka Lock for the tap and the win.

Winner: Asuka via submission

-After the match Billie comes in and attacks Asuka, the Australian duo double teaming Asuka until Ember Moon comes out and takes out both of them. Ember and Asuka then face off before Asuka leaves, holding her belt above her head. 

-We then get an update on the condition of Shinsuke Nakamura, then a video package for last week where between No Way Jose and Bobby Roode after their match when Kassius Ohno came out and saved him. Ohno then said that he wanted the belt, Roode saying that he's a fighting champion and they don't have to wait. Roode then tells Ohno to take his jacket off, Roode attacking him from behind when he does. Ohno fights back and drops Roode repeatedly before sending him over the top rope.

-Next William Regal announces that Ohno and Roode will face each other in two weeks for the title.

Authors of Pain vs #DIY NXT Tag Team Championship Match

Ciampa and Akum start it off, then Gargano gets tagged in, the two spearing him then sending him over the top rope. Gargano tags Ciampa back in and he hits Akum with a running knee then dives out onto Razar, but he's caught and Razar sends him into the ring post. They get back in the ring, then AOP start tagging in and out frequently, keeping Ciampa isolated. AOP then double team Ciampa for a quick 2 count as we go to commercial.

Gargano gets tagged in and he tries to drop Akum, but can't and sends him through the ropes before hitting a high knee and taking both members of AOP out with a blockbuster. Gargano hits a slingshot DDT for a near fall once they're back in the ring, then tags in Ciampa, hitting Akum with Meet in the Middle for a near fall. Razar gets tagged in, then #DIY hit a double powerbomb onto him for another near fall. Gargano gets tagged in, then Akum sends Ciampa into the steps and hits Gargano with a spinebuster. #DIY then put AOP in dual submissions, but The Revival come in and attack them for the disqualification.

Winner: #DIY via disqualification

-After the match The Revival take out #DIY, then The Revival take out AOP, hitting Akum with a Shatter Machine as we go off the air.


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