
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 9/23/21 Josh Alexander vs Ace Austin

The Walking Weapon sets his sights on the IMPACT World Championship at 8pm EST on AXS TV!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV!

– We open tonight’s show with X-Division Josh Alexander coming out to the ring and formally vacating his title to challenge for the IMPACT World title at Bound for Glory before he’s interrupted by the champion Christian Cage. Christian tells Josh to reconsider before he goes to hand the title over to the Scott and they are then interrupted by Ace Austin and Madman Fulton. Josh and Ace then exchange words before Ace and Fulton attack Josh and Christian and lay them out before leaving.

– We get a backstage interview with Rich Swann and Willie Mack where Willie declares that he’s coming for the X-Division title and Rich is entering the Call Your Shot Gauntlet. Willie and Rich are then interrupted by Brian Myers and company where Brian says that he’s going to enter the gauntlet before Rich challenges Brian to a tag match later tonight as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to Josh, Scott, and a physician checking on Christian before Scott makes a match between Josh and Ace later tonight.

Hikuleo (w/ Chris Bey) vs David Finlay (w/ Juice Robinson)

David tries to stay one step ahead of Hikuleo before Hikuleo tosses him away when he tries to take him down before David kicks the legs of Hikuleo and Hikuleo catches him coming off of the ropes and slams him. Chris then grabs David’s leg before Hikuleo drops him with a boot to stay in control as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Hikuleo still in control as he slams David for two before locking in a rear chin lock and a delayed suplex for two before locking in a side headlock on the mat. David comes back with a sleeper before Hikuleo slings David off of his back and turns him inside out with a clotheslines for two before David hits a stunner and Chris gets on the apron and distracts David. Juice then takes out Chris at ringside before David pins Hikuleo out of nowhere for the pin off of a trip and the win.

Winner: David Finlay defeats Hikuleo via pinfall.

– After the match FinJuice take out Bullet Club before they’re out numbered by the arrival of El Phantasmo.

– We get a taped promo by Eric Young and Violent By Design directed at Rhino after they turned on him as we go to commercial.

Chelsea Green (w/ Matt Cardona) vs Rohit Raju (w/ Shera)

Rohit and Chelsea lock up with Rohit backing Chelsea into the corner for a clean break before Chelsea kicks his knee out and kicks him before hitting a PK for one before Rohit drops her with a shoulder block. Rohit plays to the crowd before slamming Chelsea by her hair and Chelsea comes back with a Thesz press and right hands in mount before they exchange standing switches. Chelsea hits a release German for two before Rohit clotheslines her and Chelsea dodges a knee and rolls Rohit up for two before rocking him with a kick and they counter each other until Rohit gets a near fall with the ropes. Rohit then fights off a Killswitch before Raj Singh shows up and attacks Matt before Rohit pins Chelsea off of the distraction for the win.

Winner: Rohit Raju defeats Chelsea Green via pinfall.

– Backstage Eddie Edwards and Sami Callihan argue about how Eddie abandoned Sami to care for his wife after W.Morrissey and Moose attacked her in their tag match at Victory Road before they leave with a kendo stick as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to Eddie and Sami attacking Moose with a kendo stick and bat before going off to find W.

Rich Swann & Willie Mack vs Brian Myers & VSK (w/ The Learning Tree)

Rich and VSK start the match off with VSK dropkicking Rich before Rich comes back with one of his own and Willie comes in and the two double up on VSK for two before Brian comes in. Willie gets trapped in the ropes before VSK hits a sliding German for two before Willie plants Brian and gets the hot tag to Rich who rocks VSK with an enzuigiri and hits a neckbreaker into a rolling splash for two. Willie clotheslines Brian and himself over the top rope and down onto the floor before VSK hits Rich with an elevated DDT for two before Rich superkicks VSK out of the air. Rich then gets distracted by TLT before Sam shoves Rich off of the top and onto VSK before Rich pins VSK for the win.

Winner: Rich Swann and Willie Mack defeat Brian Myers and VSK via pinfall.

– We get a taped promo by the tag team champions Good Brothers.

Mickie James comes out to the ring and asks Knockouts champion Deonna Purrazzo to come out to the ring which Deonna reluctantly does before Mickie challenges Deonna to a title match at Bound for Glory. Deonna then denies Mickie before she goes to leave and Mickie slaps her before they brawl and are separated by security before Scott comes out and makes the match official.

– Backstage Eddie and Sami confront W before they’re stopped by Scott and security who makes a street fight between Eddie and Sami and W and Moose as we go to commercial.

– We get a backstage interview with Gail Kim about the Knockouts Knockdown event next month before she’s interrupted by The Influence before Gail tells them to earn their shot next week against Jordynne Grace and Rachel Ellering with the winner facing the tag champs at KK.

– We get the announcement of the tournament to crown a new X-Division champion which will kick off next week.

Ace Austin (w/ Madman Fulton) vs Josh Alexander

We come back from the break to the match already in progress as Ace repeatedly gets to the ropes when Josh tries to grab a hold of him before Josh hits a running splash in the corner into a t-bone suplex out of it. Ace rolls out of the ring before kicking Josh and Josh locks in a standing ankle lock with Ace on the apron before Josh breaks the hold and Ace rolls into the ring. Josh rocks Ace with an uppercut in the corner and hits a scoop slam before hitting a jumping knee drop for two before dropping Ace with a chop in the corner and hitting a delayed suplex for two. Fulton then distracts Josh which allows Ace to capitalize with a sweep and several kicks into a bulldog for two as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Ace dropping Josh with an enzuigiri before choking Josh in the ropes and hits a back drop before Josh hits a bridging German for two before Ace hits an enzuigiri. Josh boots Ace before hitting a rolling senton into a diving knee drop for two before hitting a series of Germans and drops Ace with a right hand before Ace sends him out onto the apron. Ace hits a piledriver in the ropes for two before Josh takes out Fulton and Ace drops Josh with a kick off of the apron onto the bent over Fulton before Josh counters The Fold into a powerbomb. Josh then hits Ace with Divine Intervention for the pin and the win.

Winner: Josh Alexander defeats Ace Austin via pinfall.

– After the match Fulton immediately attacks Josh before he’s saved by Christian and the two clear the ring before arguing and Fulton and Austin come back in and beat Christian and Josh down before they’re saved by Christopher Daniels as we go off the air.

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