
AEW Dynamite Results For 9/15/21 Adam Cole vs. Frankie Kazarian, Bryan Danielson addresses Omega

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight coverage of every match on the card. Follow us on Facebook! Facebook.com/FightfulOnline.

– AEW commentator Jim Ross begins tonight’s program with “It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means.” Ross then welcomes the viewer to AEW Dynamite. They are coming to us live from the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. CM Punk comes out to start the show, points to the crowd, and then jumps into the crowd. Punk then runs back up to the commentary table and will be doing commentary on tonight’s show. Ross then welcomes his colleagues Excalibur and Tony Schiavone, and they go over tonight’s card.

Adam Cole vs. Frankie Kazarian

Adam Cole is out first, as should be expected, loud ovation. Frankie Kazarian and Adam Cole circle the ring and then meet in the middle, and Kazarian gives Cole a hip toss. Cole flips Kazarian over the top rope, and he lands hard. Cole then celebrates with the crowd; Kazarian uses the time to hit Cole with a nice leg drop.

Kazarian hits Cole with a few chops and then goes for a roll-up pin; Cole puts a submission hold. Cole gets out of it when he delivers multiple kicks to the face of Frankie Kazarian. Cole then hits Kazarian with a neckbreaker. Cole goes for a superkick; however, Kazarian blocks it. Kazarian then hits Cole with a German suplex. Cole hits Kazarian with a superkick after Kazarian releases the cross-face chicken wing. Cole goes for the Panama Sunrise, but Kazarian stops it. Kazarian then does a springboard leg drop on Cole.

Cole and Kazarian are now exchanging punches. Cole hits Kazarian with the Panama Sunrise and then hits the Last Shot to get the win. After the match, he says that he just got to AEW and three guys that have upset him since Cole has been there, and he calls out Jungle Boy, Christian Cage, and Luchasaurus. He challenges all three men in a six-man tag match next week for next week’s AEW Rampage.

Winner: Adam Cole

– We get a short promo showing that The Butcher and The Blade are back.

– We return from commercial break, and Tony Schiavone is doing a backstage segment with Fuego Del Sol and Sammy Guevara. Fuego Del Sol challenges Miro to a TNT title match for this Friday’s AEW Rampage. Fuego Del Sol said that he would put his car on the line.

– MJF comes out to heavy boo’s; MJF says people felt bad for Brian Pillman Jr., and this week, people should feel bad for him because he is in New Jersey. MJF says he was told he might have offended many people last week, but he doesn’t care. The crowd begins chanting, “shut the %^&* up,” and he says “no.” MJF says he wants to talk to “The Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman, and instead of looking up, MJF looks down to speak with Pillman (referring that Pillman is in hell). Pillman Jr. music plays, and instead of coming down the ramp, he comes out from the crowd. Pillman is alone with MJF; Wardlow gets in the ring before Pillman can attack him.

– Jim Ross interviews Brian Pillman Jr., and he says Jim Ross knows his family history better than most, but he let his Dad down, but he thinks he should not be under-estimated, and next week MJF will understand why.

– Christian, Jungle Boy, and Luchasaurus cut a promo answering Adam Cole’s challenge. Christian Cage says that “Cole is lucky that his friends the EVP’s used their lifeline and dragged their friend out of developmental. He also says he’s used to losing the Wednesday Night Wars and might as well get ready to lose the Friday night ones too.

Dante Martin and Matt Sydal vs. FTR (w/ Tully Blanchard)

The match begins with Cash Wheeler and Dante Martin; Wheeler punishes Martin with multiple strikes and holds before he tags in his partner Dax Harwood. Martin makes it to Matt Sydal for the hot tag; Sydal hits Wheeler with a big pump kick. Sydal assists Martin, and they do a big dive onto FTR, who are on the outside of the ring.

We go to a picture-in-picture commercial break with FTR in control. We return from the commercial break, and Dante Martin springboards from the top rope and lands on top of FTR and Sydal. Sydal hits a hurricanrana. Martin goes for the pin, but we get a kick out. Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood trick Dante Martin, and he’s not aware that Cash is the legal man. FTR hits the Big Rig and pins Martin for the win.

Winners: FTR (w/ Tully Blanchard)

– CM Punk addresses the Suzuki Incident and how it was disrespectful. Then, Lance Archer and Minoru Suzuki talk about what they will do to Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston at Arthur Ashe Stadium next week.

– The lights go out, and we are getting a promo from Malakai Black. Black calls out a person in the crowd, and it’s the actress Rosario Dawson. Dawson jumps on top of Black as Cody Rhodes comes down from the stands. Rhodes and Black start fighting each other, and they fight through the crowd as we go to a commercial break.

– We get Anna Jay promo, and she is talking about her return to the ring and her upcoming match on this week’s Rampage.

– Dan Lambert is cutting a promo with Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page along with multiple MMA fighters; Lambert talks about when he was younger; if you wanted to know who was popular, you would have to go to the merchandise stand. He starts cutting a promo about how “someone is superkicks a person twenty times.” Chris Jericho’s music hits, and he comes out. Lambert tells them to shut the music off, Jericho gets the crowd to chant that “I’m a fat face dip shit, yeah yeah yeah.” Jericho says you cannot intimidate him; Jericho talks about not being afraid of MMA fighters. He has fought with a Beast (Brock Lesnar) and others. Jericho challenges Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page, but they will fight next week in New York.

– We get a promo from The Gunn Club, and they say they are not appreciated and not respected. They talk about their undefeated records.

Jade Cargill (w/ “Smart” Mark Sterling) vs. “Legit” Leyla Hirsch

The bell rings, and Leyla Hirsch attempts to take down Jade Cargill. Jade Cargill gets out of it and leaves the ring; Hirsch goes for a dive; however, Cargill pushes “Smart” Mark Sterling in front of her, and Hirsch hits Sterling. We go to a picture-in-picture commercial break, with Cargill in control.

Cargill hits Hirsch with a nice suplex on the outside of the ring; Hirsch gets back into the ring, and Cargill has her way with Hirsch. Hirsch has Cargill with a rear-naked chokehold, Cargill escapes it. Next, Hirsch hits Cargill with a tope suicida. Then, Hirsch hits Cargill with a big knee strike. Hirsch goes for the moonsault press, but she misses, and Cargill hits her finisher Jaded on Hirsch to get the win and stays undefeated.

Winner: Jade Cargill (w/ “Smart” Mark Sterling)

– After the match, they show a clip from last week’s Rampage match between Andrade Il Idolo and PAC. Andrade announces that he let go of Chavo Guerrero Jr. They come back from the promo clip, and CM Punk says he likes both PAC and Andrade, but he is soon interrupted by Taz. Taz and Hook get into Punk’s face, and then suddenly Powerhouse Hobbs attacks CM Punk from behind and then puts him through the announcer’s table.

Shawn Spears (w/ Tully Blanchard) vs. Darby Allin (w/ Sting)

The match begins with Shawn Spears delivering a knee to the face of Darby Allin; Spears then throws Allin onto the top rope, and Allin bounces down to the outside of the ring. Spears then lift Allin and then tosses Allin to the steel steps. Spears goes to deliver a knee to the face of Allin; however, he misses and goes into the steel steps.

Allin will go for a tope suicida; however, Tully cuts him off, allowing Spears enough time to take the legs out of Darby Allin. Spears then goes to the timekeeper’s table and pours water onto a rag. Finally, Spears gets into the ring and begins wiping the paint off of Darby’s face. We go to a commercial break with Spears in control.

We return from the break, and Shawn Spears has Darby Allin in a Scorpion Death Lock. Spears has to let go of it; Allin hits the Code Red out of nowhere. Allin goes to the top rope; however, Spears is met with a big knife edge chop. Spears goes for the Death Valley Driver; however, Allin escapes and soon has the energy to get Spears back into the ring, and Allin hits the Coffin Drop. Allin then pins Spears for the win. FTR is in the ring, and they begin attacking Sting and Darby Allin. Tully now has the towel and starts wiping the paint off of Sting.

Winner: Darby Allin (w/ Sting)

Daniel Bryan has a promo that was previously aired and says he only has a problem with Kenny Omega, and he wants his first match to be against Kenny Omega.

– Tony Schiavone is in the ring and introduces Bryan Danielson out for an interview. Before Danielson can say anything, he is interrupted by Don Callis and Kenny Omega. Callis thinks it must have been hard to come to AEW with getting a big contract. Callis says, “and they call me a Carny piece of shit.” Danielson says he wants to fight Omega, maybe soon for the title. Let’s give the people what they want. Danielson challenges Omega and tells Omega to say “yes or no”? Omega says Yes and accepts the challenge.

– Miro cuts a promo on Fuego Del Sol and says he accepts the challenge and will destroy him and then his car.

– We get a promo from Matt Hardy, and he talks about how he will make Orange Cassidy an “Orange Egg Head.”

– The announcers then go over next week’s shows for AEW Dynamite and Rampage. They announce that Bryan Danielson vs. Kenny Omega will happen on next week’s Dynamite.

Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston vs. 2.0 (w/ Daniel Garcia)

Before the match, Matt Lee, Jeff Parker, and Daniel Garcia begin attacking Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston from behind. Moxley and Lee start things off; Moxley lays in some heavy punches. Lee tags in Jeff Parker almost immediately, Moxley takes care of Parker with ease. Moxley begins biting Parker on the nose; Parker escapes and leaves the ring.

Moxley goes after him, and he gets attacked by Daniel Garcia and Matt Lee. Lee and Parker get Moxley back into the ring, and they are controlling the match as we go to the last commercial break of the evening. Eddie Kingston is just now on the apron; 2.0 is double-teaming Moxley. Moxley gets away from Parker and Lee and gets to Eddie Kingston for the hot tag. Kingston then delivers machine gun chops to Matt Lee and then hits Jeff Parker with a DDT. After that, Kingston and Moxley hit a combination suplex and lariat on Lee. Moxley then pins Lee to get the victory.

After the match, Minoru Suzuki’s music hits, and he comes out and smiles at Moxley. Suzuki walks to the ring, and he gets into the face of Moxley. Lance Archer comes out from behind and attacks Eddie Kingston; Suzuki and Moxley now begin fighting. Moxley hits Suzuki with a microphone to avoid going through the timekeeper’s table. We go off the air with Moxley and Suzuki fighting with Kingston and Archer fighting each other.

Winners: Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston

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