
The IIconics Offer Advice To Independent Wrestlers Following Shift In WWE’s Scouting Philosophy

The IIconics offer some IInspirational words of advice.

Recently, Nick Khan made headlines when he stated that WWE was no longer focusing on signing independent wrestlers as they felt like they had the best in the world already under their umbrella. This shift in philosophy combined with numerous releases as of late has given off the perception that change is in the air at WWE which can be jarring for independent wrestlers who have been on a steady path to the largest company in the industry.

Casse Lee and Jessica McKay, the duo formerly known as The IIconics, were among those that were released just after competing in WWE leading up to this year’s WrestleMania. The former Billie Kay even competed at WrestleMania this year.

Speaking on the latest edition of their podcast, the former IIconics gave their advice to independent wrestlers in the wake of the news that WWE is no longer specifically looking to sign superstars from the independent scene.

“Don’t stop chasing a dream. If you are good enough, and if you are the star, like you said that you know that they need, they will sign you. On the flip side of that, if they don’t feel like they absolutely have to have you and this is maybe a tough pill to swallow, but you don’t want to be there. Yeah, like getting caught in the shuffle. You know, being a part of something where there are 300 other people vying for the one spot and you’re fighting for three minutes of TV time,” said Cassie Lee.

Jess McKay added, “There are so many companies all over the world that are fruitful. There are so many other companies where they’re flourishing, the industry in general. I feel like industry — just because there’s one door that’s shut, there are a million others that you can walk through.”

“It’s easy for us to say on this side of things that we did achieve our dream, we did win, we were the second-ever Women’s Tag Team Champions. We were the first women’s Tag Team Champions to ever win them a WrestleMania. We were, I think, the youngest women to win a title on WrestleMania,” Cassie said.

“Like, I totally get it. We’ve been there we achieved our dreams we did what others kind of dream of totally. So we can, we can step away knowing that we achieved our dreams, and that’s different are very different. So we understand that and we feel for everyone to like you said I wouldn’t give up this industry. It’s always evolving, and it’s always changing. There’s always going to be another opportunity. You got to keep going,” The former Billie Kay added.

“The only thing I will say and again, it’s so much easier said than done. If you told me this when I was 16, I probably wouldn’t have listened. Yeah, what I would say is don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Yeah, firstly, because we’ve got 10 different baskets now, and secondly, if WWE is your goal, they want people with college degrees, they want people who are smart and who have a lot of interesting hobbies. You have something to bring other than wrestling, which is freakin’ tough. Because I know for the two of us, there was nothing else,” Cass concluded.

The duo recently announced that they would be returning to the world of wrestling and while they haven’t announced any official dates as of yet, they say they have been retweeting events that they will be appearing at soon.

Should you use any portion of the quotes above, transcription credit should go to Fightful with a H/T linking back to this article.

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