
Big E: I Don’t Need Another Year To Grow, I’m Ready To Be The Face Of WWE

Big E says he is ready for a major moment in WWE and is reflecting on all of those that have helped him along the way and those that have said kind words about him.

Having been separated from Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods by the WWE Draft last year, Big E was left with no choice but to strike out on his own as a singles WWE Superstar. Along the way, he has had some milestone accomplishments such as another run with the Intercontinental Championship and most recently, a victory in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match.

Speaking with Sports Illustrated, E openly discussed his lack of self-confidence and gave credit to those that I’ve helped him find himself along the way. Specifically, he’d address Daniel Bryan and Kenny Omega and say that it’s still very humbling for him to hear such names speak glowingly about him. Of course, E had previously stated that Daniel Bryan was one of the names that had a helping hand in him becoming a singles Superstar on SmackDown.

“I’m not the most naturally confident person you’ll ever meet. It took me a while to find my love for myself. I just feel very grateful. I am very grateful for my gifts, and I am the first to acknowledge I did not get here alone. I didn’t just stay up and become self-made. My trainers, from Dr. Tom Prichard to Norman Smiley to Joey Mercury, these are people that helped me along the way, not just to become good enough to be on WWE TV, but they also gave me the tools to help differentiate myself. I worked with Michael Tarver in FCW, and he was one of the first to tell me how I should think of myself and how he saw me. He gave me confidence there.

“There are so many people who lent a helping hand along the way. I also have to acknowledge I have a certain genetic disposition. I started working out really young, but I also put on muscle quickly. For me, I realize I am very blessed to be in this position. That’s allowed me to have a more appropriate perspective of myself and my position in the world. And I’m still really humbled to hear guys like Kenny and Daniel Bryan, people I have a lot of respect for and who have done tons of things in this industry before I even stepped into it, to have such complimentary comments, it means a lot to me. Obviously, you want to get adoration from fans and people who consume what you do, but also getting that from your peers goes a long way. That’s how I keep my perspective. I feel really fortunate.”

Now holding the WWE Money in the Bank briefcase, Big E is in a prime position to finally become WWE World Champion after being on the main roster for 8 years. Comparing himself to names like Brock Lesnar and John Cena, E says what makes him different is this may be his only opportunity and he says he doesn’t need any more time, he is ready to shine right now.

“I definitely do think that so many of the guys in the title picture are guys we’ve seen there before. You’re right, there is a certain hunger when it’s your first time. For me, it’s not nerves knowing what I’m on the precipice of, but I know it’s been a long time coming and this might be the one window I have. So I have a different perspective than a Brock [Lesnar] or a Cena, who’s trying to become a 17-time world champion. I’m trying to get one. It has a different feel, and I’m not saying those guys don’t want it, too, but this might be my only opportunity. So I’ll show up ready and make some noise. I don’t feel like I need another year to grow. The time is now.”

Simply put, Big E says he is ready to be the face of WWE.

“It’s a tall task, but I’m ready. I’ve been beating the drum of meditation over the past year, and it’s helped so much by focusing on the present moment. That’s all that it is for me. So I’m not worried about this gargantuan task of being the face of the company because I’m too focused on doing my very best to be entertaining with whatever I’m given. I’m all about handling what’s right in front of me, and I feel like I can handle whatever is in front of me. I’m ready, and I’ve been ready.”

Most recently, Big E defeated Baron Corbin at WWE SummerSlam. The most recent SummerSlam broke many different records. Learn more about that at this link.

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