
Sean Ross Sappdown: New Champion Crowned, Battle Royal, More

Opening segment

  • Naomi is forced to give up her Smackdown Women's Championship as she's injured.
  • My info on Naomi and Kelly Kelly was bad, and both are worse circumstances than we thought. Naomi is hurt and Kelly Kelly is signed. 
  • Naomi cuts a really good promo and apologizes to the fans. A shame this happened because she was really breaking out.
  • It's surreal seeing Daniel Bryan as the person who has to take the title. Heartbreaking.
  • Alexa Bliss is out and wants the title. Instead he books Becky Lynch vs. Bliss for the title right meow.


Smackdown Women's Championship
Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss

  • Not a bad match here, but I don't really remember any bad ones between these two.
  • On the contrary, JBL has become quite good.
  • Alexa wins with a cheap shot and Mickie James tries to attack after….but is unsuccessful. Well, okay. 

Backstage crappenings

  • They show some backstage promos from the battle royal competitors. Kalisto is so bad.
  • Natalya does the thing where she repeats the question she was just asked, and cuts the same Nikki Bella promo she has for months. We get it.

American Alpha defeated Breezango

  • Breezango attack before the bell, but get their asses kicked and American Alpha win with a great Stienerizer.
  • The Usos are in the crowd yelling at American Alpha, saying they need to watch their backs. This was a really obnoxious, loud promo in a very good way. I'm interested in this. 

Falls Count Anywhere
Natalya defeated NikkI Bella

  • There was a nice tease of a superplex off a barricade, but Nikki ended up hitting a damn good looking kick.
  • Nikki Bella starting to call spots as loud as Sir Cena.
  • Table no-sold the Alabama Slam. Um ouch
  • This gets real and unravels with the quickness. They're backstage and bump into Maryse.
  • Nikki sends Natalya's head through a mirror, which prompts a "SEVEN YEARS OF BAD LUCK!" call from Mauro. Great.
  • Nikki applies an STF, but Maryse Nancy Kerrigan's the hell out of her! Natalya wins as Miz drags Maryse off. Damn!
  • I wonder what Natalya is doing at WrestleMania if this is the direction we go.

Number One Contender Match
Battle Royal

  • Apparently Cena can't lift Corbin. Well okay
  • Corbin stands tall as we come back from the commercial, he then eliminates Mojo.
  • Kalisto and Ambrose screw up a moonsault spot, then Ziggler superkicks and eliminates Kalisto. Crews then eliminates Ziggler. Corbin eliminates Apollo.
  • Crowd is eating this up. 
  • Miz steals the Daniel Bryan spots and kicks everyone's ass, but Cena chucks him over!
  • Cena couldn't AA Corbin at the beginning of the match, but can double German suplex Ambrose and Styles 15 minutes in.
  • Corbin gets End of Days on Cena, but Ambrose eliminates him. Corbin yanks out Ambrose and gets End of Days, too.
  • Miz runs back in and eliminates Cena!
  • It's down to Harper, Styles and Ambrose! All three are fighting on the apron, and Harper kicks Ambrose out.
  • They tried the double finish, but Styles' hit way, way, way before. 
  • Daniel Bryan announces a draw, and that they'll determine a winner next week. Excellent battle royal, weak finish, but it stretches out the program.


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