
WWE 205 Live Results for 7/30/21 Drake Maverick vs Asher Hale, Waller vs Jiro

Drake Maverick makes his long awaited return to 205 Live tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown on FOX!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

Ikemen Jiro vs Grayson Waller

Jiro and Waller exchange wrist locks and standing side headlocks before Jiro shows off his jacket and catches a kick before hitting an arm drag and a head scissors before hitting a reverse head scissors that sends Waller out of the ring before Waller drops him onto the floor tosses him back inside before hitting a backbreaker. Jiro punches his way free of a stretch before Jiro hits a leg lariat and rocks Grayson with strikes before locking in a tarantula in the ropes and hitting a triangle moonsault for two before Grayson locks in a sleeper and misses a diving elbow drop. Jiro then misses a moonsault before Grayson hits a rolling stunner for a near fall before Jiro gets a near fall off of a clutch and hits a shining wizard for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ikemen Jiro defeats Grayson Waller via pinfall.

Asher Hale vs Drake Maverick

The two lock up before exchanging wrist locks and strikes before Drake drops Asher with a back elbow and Asher sends him face first into the middle turnbuckle before Asher hits a neckbreaker for two before dropping Drake with an uppercut and hitting a snap mare into a rear chin lock and a straight jacket hold. Drake then gets to his feet and comes back with right hands and dropkick to the knee and a basement dropkick before hitting a bulldog and a diving cross body into a shiranui for the pin and the win.

Winner: Drake Maverick defeats Asher Hale via pinfall.

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