
IMPACT Slammiversary 2021 – Chris Sabin vs. Moose Result

Moose is upset by Chris Sabin at Slammiversary.

Moose vs Chris Sabin

Chris goes right after the knee of Moose before Moose hits a running uppercut in the corner before Chris dropkicks him and Moose misses a running dropkick in the corner before Chris hits a dragon screw and Moose sends him out of the ring when he goes for a figure four before Chris hits a hurricanrana and locks in a figure four. Moose chokes Chris to break the hold before lawn darting Chris into the corner and chopping him when he traps him in the ropes before dropkicking him off of the apron and locking in a rear chin lock once they’re back inside before tearing at the face and mouth of Chris. Moose hits a uranage into a fall away slam before kipping up and missing a moonsault off of the second rope before Chris low bridges Moose and hits a PK from the apron before hitting a diving cross body and a tornado DDT for a deep two count before Moose hits an avalanche fall away slam. Chris lays into Moose with a flurry of strikes at ringside before Moose powerbombs him onto the edge of the apron and swings him into the railing before Chris gets back in at nine before rolling Moose up for two and hitting a sunset flip before pinning Moose with a clutch for the win.

Winner: Chris Sabin defeats Moose via pinfall.

Check out Fightful’s coverage of IMPACT Slammiversary by clicking here. You can also catch the post-show podcast for a full review of all of the action by clicking here. You can also join the Fightful watch along for the event by clicking here.

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