
Sean Raw Sapp: Podcast Notes, Title Change, Emmalina, Festival Of Friendship, Reigns, Strowman, Joe, HHH

Opening segment

  • I was really happy to see the Chavo Classic graphic. I hope he gets a video package, too. They have enough footage of him.
  • In what may be a first, Stephanie McMahon and Roman Reigns opened Monday Night Raw.
  • Their dialogue is so terrible and scripted. 
  • Gallows and Anderson interrupt, and their new shirt kicks ass. They’re better on the mic than the two out there already.
  • Stephanie does a miserable impersonation of Teddy Long and makes a handicap match.

Roman Reigns defeated Gallows & Anderson via DQ.

  • I hate these kind of matches. The company kept a whole generation of tag teams down by doing this in the mid 2000’s.
  • Two tag champions should always beat one man pretty easily, outside of very, very rare circumstances. This wasn’t one.
  • With each growing week, I hate Roman Reigns’ clotheslines more. Running or in the corner, they aren’t his strong suit and take away from the match for me. He’s too good to have bad looking offense.
  • The team that has had like 3 names, and now has zero lost by DQ. Nothing wrong with that, but they got their asses thoroughly kicked after the match

Kofi Kingston (w/ New Day) vs. Bo Dallas

  • New Day was pretty great tonight. Their subtle comments and jokes to each other were good. Telling the crowd they already planned the “who” spot, to Big E ripping Kofi’s jokes.
  • Turdy production spot that misses the beginning of the match.
  • Remember when Bo Dallas got that weird push and was taken off TV?
  • Bo Dallas stole New Day’s ice cream blue prints and ripped them up to a great reaction.
  • Why did Bo Dallas stop and pose after a 2 count? Weird.
  • Kofi Kingston wins with the SOS, which I liked a lot. Get those moves over!

Backstage crappenings

  • Neville saying “TJ Perkins” is almost as good as Noam Dar saying “Alicia Fox.”
  • Jack Gallagher uses an insult nobody knows. Subsequently, nobody cares.
  • Charly Caruso and Bayley had a nice backstage promo. Caruso is getting really good.
  • Speaking of Bayley, I like the affiliation with Cesaro and Sheamus. They have a fun interaction with Enzo and Cass
  • Samoa Joe has an AWESOME backstage sit-down interview. I’m glad they’re back to doing these. 
  • Teddy Long is one of those guys who has never really been talked about for the Hall of Fame, but is completely deserving.
  • How can everyone with a mic that tries to impersonate Teddy Long screw it up so bad?
  • Charlotte really owned Sasha Banks in a backstage promo.

Jack Gallagher defeated Noam Dar (w/ Alicia Fox)

  • Austin Aries is going to get himself a job for life while commentating during an injury.
  • Gallagher’s offense is fantastic. The cruiserweight matches are slowly getting a better reaction. 
  • Gallagher got a headbutt over really well, and his running dropkick win got a nice reaction.
  • Triple H shows up and has to talk to Kevin Owens backstage, but not Jericho. Little commercial cliffhangers are good to have.

Emmalina is here

  • Finally. Jesus.
  • “Shut up Saxton” is the new “Shut up, Tom.” I’m cool with that. 
  • She shows up, says she’s being made back over into “Emma” and leaves.

Braun Strowman defeated Mark Henry 

  • We’re seeing New Mark Henry vs. Old Mark Henry. It’s surreal. Strowman has improved much quicker, though.
  • Henry wasn’t completely jobbed out, which I like. I really hope he gets the battle royal win at Mania and calls it a career. Having him at the Performance Center would be nice.
  • Strowman reversed a World’s Strongest Slam and hit an impressive dropkick and powerslam for the win. Wow.
  • Roman Reigns shows up and Braun knocks his dick in the dirt. Reigns fights back per usual, but gets powerslammed. 
  • Reigns CAN NOT GET THE UPPER HAND ON STROWMAN. You have a guy you’re trying to force over, and a guy who’s just getting over.

Sami Zayn defeated Rusev

  • Rusev is wearing a face mask.
  • These two work pretty well together, and Zayn is really over in Vegas. 
  • Zayn got the win out of nowhere to a great reaction.
  • No problems with Rusev losing. He’s under, he’s wearing a face mask and got kicked in the mush.
  • Sami Zayn calls out Samoa Joe in a good post-fight promo. Really good tie-in to Joe’s promo earlier.
  • Joe sneak attacks Zayn. That match will be excellent.

Akira Tozawa defeated Daivari

  • Looks like Tozawa is going to get himself over. The screaming works here. 
  • Brian Kendrick on commentary helps advance his character really well.
  • I still hate the suicide headbutt, but the snap German suplex is great.


  • There are fireworks and dancers. Hot start.
  • Chris Jericho is dancing. Phenomenal. 
  • Jericho reveals art, one of which Anna Bauert did with Ellsworth and Strowman months ago.
  • Jericho has a magician, and he sucks. Jericho saves it and puts him on the list.
  • Chris Jericho is great here.
  • JERICHO BRINGS OUT GILLBERG!!!!!!!!!! Kevin Owens beats him up.
  • Owens isn’t happy. He wanted to jump Goldberg.
  • Jericho sincerely explains that this has been one of the best years of his career. 
  • Kevin Owens has a new list for Jericho in a gift…..IT HAS JERICHO’S NAME ON IT! THE TURN!
  • This was a hot segment.

Cesaro (w/ Sheamus) defeated Enzo Amore (w/ Big Cass)

  • Enzo and Cass cut a nice promo before the match. Well nice in that I think it was intentionally bad.
  • Cesaro manhandling Enzo is pretty funny.
  • Enzo can lose a million times and he’ll be just as over. 
  • Good thing, because Cesaro is kicking the living shit out of him.
  • Cesaro wins with a pop-up uppercut. I’m glad the setup moves are being established as potential finishers.
  • Cass and Sheamus have words after the match — that’s your match next week.

Raw Women’s Championship
Charlotte (c) defeated Bayley

  • Pretty good start to this match.  
  • Charlotte hits a neckbreaker and holds it. That’s a great move.
  • Charlotte had her first match THREE AND A HALF YEARS AGO. She’s so good. 
  • She really creams Bayley with a moonsault. Hope Bayley is okay.
  • Bayley fires up and they have a double cross body spot that looks main event caliber. The crowd is into it. They’re cooking.
  • I hate the comeback spots. If you bump 5 times in 10 seconds, I think it lessens every other bump.
  • Bayley scores an awesome flying elbow drop.
  • Dana Brooke shows up and rakes Bayley’s eyes. 
  • Bayley wins the championship!
  • Great reaction, great moment. Charlotte will continue her PPV dominance and Raw shortcomings.
  • A lot of storyline weaving these days that I like. 


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