
SRS’ Elimination Chamber Thoughts And Podcast Notes

Kickoff Show

  • I like Sam Roberts on these pre-shows. 
  • Carmella playing someone who doesn't care on the panel fits. Ellsworth comes and takes her away. I wish that she would have hit on Roberts so Hogsworth could show up and bully him.
  • The Becky Lynch backstage interview was pretty awkward. 
  • JBL FELL AGAIN! I'm so glad I tuned in. 

Mojo Rawley defeated Curt Hawkins

  • This is an opening match on WWE Main Event. 
  • Mojo would have probably been something in the 1980's, he has a unique charisma.
  • Bet Mojo doesn't keep that tilt-a-whirl powerslam finish. Too close to Braun Strowman.
  • Otunga accidentally called Curt Hawkins by his real name. Oops.
  • Suprisingly good match, but Mojo is still green.

Becky Lynch defeated Mickie James

  • Mickie James' theme music is very, very babyface. The crowd reacted accordingly. 
  • Ban those flappy ass pants Mickie wears, too.
  • David Otunga acted like Mickie James hasn't wrestled in seven years. I guess the three title reigns in TNA were a dream. She has been inactive of late…but not for seven years! Thankfully JBL 
  • I'm not a fan of paint-by-numbers comebacks. The heels look so stupid bumping and getting up over and over .
  • Good camera angle. It helped hide the fact that front dropkicks are fucking stupid.
  • James' spinning wheel kick was a beauty. 
  • Enjoyable opener. Glad to see Mickie James back, because she's an incredible addition.

Apollo Crews and Kalisto defeated Dolph ZIggler

  • Ziggler attacks Kalisto, because nobody likes lucha things.
  • Crews is such a schmo on WWE TV. Jesus.
  • Crews does one hell of an enziguri. 
  • Kalisto sold his ass off, got the the ring and was like "fuck selling!"
  • Apollo's Toss Powerbomb is forever impressive to me.
  • As soon as it was 2-on-1, Ziggler lost. Probably should have. That's what would happen.
  • Ziggler gets a big pop for being a dastardly dude after the match.
  • Crews cries really convincingly after getting Pillmanized with a chair. 


  • Was really wanting American Alpha to run the table.
  • If Rhyno and Slater did, then AA picked the bones, I wouldn't be mad.
  • Heath Slater is deceptively athletic and really over with this crowd. They eliminate Breezango.
  • Heath Slater pins Aiden English with MY FINISHER, for those of you who listen to the Matt Riddle show.
  • The Usos beat Slater and Rhyno, but Slater and Rhyno looked good.
  • American Alpha are out next with The Ascension to remain.
  • Usos get beaten and then attack American Alpha in a really familiar scene.
  • Viktor took one hell of a Grand Amplitude.
  • Okay match, but whoever booked the thing should fight me in the streets.

Nikki Bella vs. Natalya

  • This was a really slow paced match to start that Natalya controlled.
  • The crowd was reacting to everything Natalya did.
  • Nikki wearing Phoenix Sun colors. Cool gear.
  • A great forearm and a terrible spinebuster from Nikki.
  • Natalya plays heel a lot differently than many WWE talent do, interacting with the crowd a lot.
  • Double countout. Good. Nikki probably shouldn't beat Natalya if she's about to take time off. 

Randy Orton defeated Luke Harper

  • Luke Harper is so good, it's a shame he's the constant victim of injuries — both to himself and Erick Rowan, and stop and start booking.
  • These two really went at it. They got a "this is awesome" chant for a match with a foregone conclusion. It's a testament to how hard they're working.
  • Orton wins a really good, fun match. This show has been a fun one for me.
  • Hopefully Rowan comes back before Mania so we can get a Harper/Rowan vs. AA program.

Smackdown Women's Championship
Naomi defeated Alexa Bliss (c)

  • Naomi and Alexa Bliss both bringing the sweet gear.
  • Naomi hit the buckles HARD on a bulldog attempt. 
  • These two worked well with each other, and Naomi has made great leaps in the ring. 
  • Naomi wins and cuts a great promo after the match. She's much better naturally, but she HAS to get better with scripted promos too.
  • A very fun match and awesome moment.

WWE Championship
Elimination Chamber 


  • I like the new Chamber structures. Bigger pods. Space fillers between them. Fillers on top. A giant beam on the cage. Plexiglass above the pods. Additional cameras. That's going to revolutionize the Chamber match. 
  • We see the first indication of that as Ambrose hits an elbow off a pod to the outside area. It makes that a lot easier ont he talent. Good move. 
  • By the way, AJ and Cena starting was a good, smart move. 
  • AJ Styles took a psychotic bump off of a top rope version of Hernandez's old Cracker Jack finish. Jesus.
  • Corbin ends up hitting End of Days on Cena, Styles and Ambrose before all is said and done, and got out of an STF. Looks SKRONG.
  • He's rolled up by Ambrose off a Miz distraction, then KILLS Ambrose. There's a Mania program.
  • Miz picks the bones and pins Ambrose in a cool spot. He got his revenge on Ambrose and can move on.
  • There's a funny period of Miz domination, too. 
  • Cena eliminated by Wyatt! Wow.
  • Styles and Wyatt go at it, and hot damn, is it good.
  • They're giving everything. Unbelievable.
  • Bray Wyatt wins on a GREAT Sister Abigail. Incredible match.

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