
WWE NXT Live Coverage & Discussion 2/8 The NXT Champion Has A Glorious Celebration & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE NXT! Tonight we the start of a new era in NXT as the new WWE NXT World Champion Bobby Roode is here for a glorious celebration after defeating Shinsuke Nakamura at NXT TakeOver: San Antonio two weeks ago! Also there's a new face in the commentary seat as Ring of Honor's former commentator Nigel McGuinness replaces Corey Graves on commentary! Be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for the opening chapter of this glorious new era of NXT!

The Bollywood Brothers vs Sanity

Harv starts off with Dain, Dain just pushing Harv away then Dain drops Harv with a lariat before sending him into his corner and making him tag in Gurv. Gurv tries to mount some offense, but is sent across the ring when he runs into Dain. The Bros try to double team him, but he just drops one then powerbombs the other on top of him before elbow dropping them heap of them. Dain then hits a variation of an One Winged Angel for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sanity via pinfall

Liv Morgan vs Billie Kay

They lock up for a clean break then Liv drops Kay and dances on her back before rolling her around the ring, getting a quick 2 count amongst several 1 counts. Kay then hits Liv with Eat Defeat for a near fall out of no where then Kay stomps Liv before Liv rolls her up for a near fall. Liv sends Kay into Peyton then does a bridging pin for the win.

Winner: Liv Morgan via pinfall

-Tye is interviewed backstage, but Sanity show up and he fights them around ringside before they throw him into the ring before Dain murders him. Strong and Jose then come out and fight off Wolfe and Young before they all three triple team Dain to get him out of the ring.

-Regal then announces that the WWE United Kingdom Championship will be defended when Tyler Bate takes on friend and stable mate, Trent Seven. He's then interrupted by Kay and Royce. Regal then says that they will face Liv and a partner of her choosing next week.

-We then get an injury update for Shinsuke Nakamura, saying that he won't require surgery.

Heavy Machinery vs The Revival

Knight and Wilder start off the match, but Wilder cannot drop Knight and gets dropped then put in a bear hug for his troubles. Knight tags Otis in and tosses Wilder into his arms and he continues the bear hug. Wilder manages to break free and tags in Dawson, the two tagging in and out frequently to keep Otis isolated. Otis makes his comeback then he tags in Knight who takes out both members of The Revival. Knight hits a Thesz press on Dawson for a near fall then Dawson hits him with a DDT off a distraction by Wilder for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Revival via pinfall

-They talk about get the titles back after the match then the Authors of Pain come out and confront them before The Revival attack them from behind leaving up the ramp; AOP then murdering them immediately.

-We then get a video package for Tyler Bate.

-Bobby Roode then comes out to celebrate his becoming the new WWE NXT Champion. Roode then talks about the match with Shinsuke and how he gave him everything he had, but it wasn't enough. 

Tye Dillinger, Roderick Strong & No Way Jose vs Sanity

They fight around ringside before the match starts then the faces get in the ring with Sanity outside of it as we go to commercial.

Tye takes them out single-handedly once they do get in the ring then Tye pulls Wolfe in before he tags in Jose. Jose and Wolfe then grab each others beards before Jose drops him repeatedly. EY gets tagged in and Jose tosses him in a corner and chops him repeatedly before Strong tags himself in. EY backs Strong into his corner and he tags in Wolfe who Strong dropkicks then he tags in Tye. Tye chops Wolfe then he hits him several times in corner before EY distracts him. Dain then gets tagged in and he stomps on Tye in the corner before he hits him with a series of clubbing blows. Dain then tags in Wolfe and they take turns running into Tye in their corner for a near fall. Tye back drops Wolfe then tags in Strong who takes out all of Sanity on the apron and in the ring. Strong hits Wolfe with a backbreaker then does the same to EY who tags himself in for a near fall of his own. Tye hits a Tye Breaker then Nikki distracts Tye and sends him over the top rope. Dain then hits a running cross body on Strong with EY picking up the pin for the win.

Winner: Sanity via pinfall

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