
MLW Fusion Results for 3/31/21 Never Say Never Special, Fatu Retains, Injustice Victorious

It’s a special event as Major League Wrestling Presents Never Say Never at 7pm EST on YouTube!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s special edition of MLW Fusion with Never Say Never where the MLW World Heavyweight Championship will be on the line in our main event!

Jordan Oliver vs Simon Gotch

Simon takes control early and beats on Jordan while choking him before grounding Jordan on the mat and controlling him while transitioning from one submission attempt to the next before Jordan gets to the ropes for the break and rolls out of the ring before Simon suplexes Jordan onto the floor. Back in the ring Simon then covers Jordan for two before Jordan counters a driver and hits a tornado DDT before they exchange forearms until Jordan clotheslines Simon and hits a diving cutter for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jordan Oliver defeats Simon Gotch via pinfall.

– We get a video package and the announcement for the working agreement between Dragon Gate and MLW.

Daivari vs Myron Reed

Myron sends Daivari out of the ring and hits a suicide dive before beating on Daivari at ringside and Daivari comes back before tossing Myron into the ring and beating on him before whipping him across the ring and Myron counters a piledriver onto the floor before hitting a diving cross body off of the top of the railing. Myron misses a springboard cross body before Daivari goes after his knee and locks in a figure four before Myron gets to the ropes for the break and counters Daivari before hitting a boot into a slam and a famouser on the apron into a slingshot leg drop for two. Daivari then misses a frog splash before Myron hits a springboard 450 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Myron Reed Defeats Daivari via pinfall.

– We get a satellite interview with Richard Holliday and Gino Medina before they’re told that Richard will defend his Caribbean title against Gino next month.

MLW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Jacob Fatu (c) (w/ Daivari) vs Calvin Tankman

Calvin sends Jacob out of the ring before he regroups with Daivari at ringside and gets back inside before chopping Calvin in the corner and Calvin hits an arm drag into a dropkick before Jacob headbutts Calvin and hits a springboard clothesline before superkicking Calvin and dropping him with a thrust to the throat. Jacob hits a Samoan drop for two before choking Calvin with his wrist tape and headbutting him in the corner before hitting a cannonball in the corner before locking in a nerve hold before dropping Calvin with a back elbow when he gets to his feet. They exchange strikes before Calvin runs over Jacob and sends him out of the ring before hitting a suicide dive and tossing Jacob back inside before hitting a standing shooting star press for a deep two count before Jacob counters a cutter into a superkick into a hand spring moonsault for a near fall. Calvin then hits a spinning back elbow into a backbreaker before turning him inside out with a clothesline for a near fall before Daivari gets into the ring and gets dropped with a headbutt before Jacob hits Calvin with the flag pole and finishes with a moonsault for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jacob Fatu retains his MLW World Heavyweight Championship by defeating Calvin Tankman via pinfall.

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