
AEW Dynamite 3/31/21 Results: Christian Cage vs. Kazarian, Plus Omega, Moxley, and more in action.

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We are welcome to AEW Dynamite by Jim Ross; he then introduces his colleagues Tony Schiavone and Excalibur.

Christian Cage vs. Frankie Kazarian

The match begins with Christian Cage and Frankie Kazarian begin with a tie-up. Kazarian and Cage’s exchange holds, and both exchange counters with neither getting the upper hand. Kazarian now in control and just hammering Cage with multiple rights. Cage then gets in a back elbow, but it does not help much as Kazarian pushes Cage right off the turnbuckle. The referee begins counting; however, Christian makes it back in before getting counted out.

Kazarian gets Christian back in the ring and has him in a headlock and trying to put Cage in a sleeper hold. Kazarian is just controlling the match; Cage then attempts another comeback with multiple strikes. Cage hits Kazarian with a swinging DDT; Cage goes for the pin; however, Kazarian kicks out a two. Now, both men are exchanging multiple strikes. Cage nails Kazarian with a European uppercut; Cage then throws multiple punches.

Kazarian has Cage in a Crossface Chickenwing; Cage attempts to counter it into the Killswitch, but Kazarian blocks it. Cage then counters Kazarian with a reverse DDT; Cage goes to the top rope for a dive, but he misses. Kazarian then puts the Crossface Chicken Wing on Cage again in the middle of the ring. Cage manages to make it to the ropes. Kazarian gets in the ref’s face, and he gets in the face of Christian; Christian goes for the surprise roll-up pin though Kazarian kicks out. Christian soon has Cage down and hits a big frog splash; pin attempt, but Kazarian kicks out. Kazarian is sent into the ring post shoulder first. Kazarian backs up and walks right into a Killswitch. This allows Christian to get the pin and his first win in AEW.

Winner: Christian Cage

They go to a promo with Darby Allin speaking about how he has Matt Hardy’s attention.

Back from the commercial and Jade Cargill is cutting a promo about how she is the bad bitch in AEW now.

Cody Rhodes vs. QT Marshall w/ Special Guest Referee Arn Anderson

QT Marshall and Cody Rhodes begin with a tie-up; they both exchange holds until Rhodes has the upper hand. Rhodes throws down Marshall easily with a shoulder tackler; Rhodes hits multiple arm drags. Cody is stopped after Marshall grabs Cody by the hair and takes him down. Marshall slaps Rhodes across the face, which irritates Cody, so Cody takes him down with an easy slam.

They are back from the commercial; Cody takes down Marshall with ease again. Cody sends QT out, and Cody holds the ropes. Marshall gets back in the ring and suddenly gives a heavy right hand to Arn Anderson. Then all of the Natural Nightmares get in the ring; all of a sudden, QT’s students turn on the original Nightmares. Cody Rhodes, Billy Gunn, Lee Johnson, Colton Gunn, and Dustin Rhodes are taken out. Nick Comoroto, Anthony Ogogo, Aaron Solow join their trainer QT Marshall walk-off after Red Velvet persuades them to stop.

No Contest

They come back from commercials with Dasha interviewing Red Velvet, and she says she had to make the save Cody Rhodes is her partner; all of a sudden, she gets attacked by Jade Cargill.

Jon Moxley vs. Cezar Bononi

Jon Moxley and Cezar Bononi get into each other’s faces; both men exchange strikes, but Moxley takes over and puts Moxley in a single leg crab hold. Moxley comes back with multiple kicks to Bononi’s chest. Moxley was going in for another strike, but Ryan Nemeth trips Moxley up, allowing Bononi to take control as they go to another commercial. They come back from the commercial with Bononi in control; Moxley begins coming back after Bononi charges in and misses Moxley. Moxley hits Bononi with a German suplex; Moxley now hits a superplex on Bononi. The referee is distracted by JD Drake; Ryan Nemeth gets in the ring, but Moxley is ready and hits him with a Paradigm Shift. Moxley then immediately puts Bononi in a sleeper hold. This gets Moxley the win as the referee calls for the belt.

Winner: Jon Moxley

They go to a promo with MJF showing his gifts to the members of The Pinnacle. He opens the door, and it’s the Inner Circle; Inner Circle then begins attacking The Pinnacle. Sammy Guevara takes out Shawn Spears; Jake Hager puts Wardlow through a table. Proud and Powerful take out FTR, and then we see Chris Jericho throwing MJF through a small glass refrigerator.

We now go to Alex Marvez, who is talking to The Young Bucks but are interrupted by Don Callis. Callis tells Nick Jackson that he broke Kenny Omega’s heart. He chose The Young Bucks, and that’s why he came to AEW. Callis asks Jackson what went wrong, and Callis slaps Nick Jackson. Jackson grabs Callis but lets him go, and Callis tells Nick he is pathetic.

Kenny Omega and The Good Brothers vs. Laredo Kid, Pentagon Jr., and Rey Fenix

The match begins when Kenny Omega and The Good Brothers are about to enter the ring. The Lucha Bros. and Laredo Kid begin attacking. The referee has not had control to maintain order; the match finally begins with Omega and Laredo Kid going back and forth. Omega appeared to go for the One-Winged Angel, but Laredo Kid gets out of it. Omega tags in Doc Gallows; Gallows is just towering over Laredo Kid and begins giving him multiple body shots. Gallows tags in Karl Anderson, and Anderson now is throwing multiple shots on Laredo Kid.

Karl Anderson tags in Omega, and he hits Laredo Kid with a few strikes before he tags in Doc Gallows. Omega and The Good Brothers are just exchanging tags and laying a beat down on Laredo Kid. Laredo Kid has not been able to tag out. They come back from the commercial break, and Laredo Kid is getting beat down. Pentagon gets the hot tag, and he nails two switchblades. Rey Fenix is in, and he delivers a high senton on Anderson. Good Brothers go for The Magic Killer, but it is broken up; Rey Fenix then hits Omega with a Canadian Destroyer. Karl Anderson delivers a big spinebuster. Omega hits Laredo Kid with multiple knee strikes as they are now both the legal men. Omega goes for the One-Winged Angel, but Laredo Kid gets out of it. Omega goes for V-Trigger, but Laredo Kid hits the Michinoku Driver. He goes for the pin, but Omega kicks out. Omega is now back up, and he hits the V-Trigger on Laredo Kid. Omega goes for the pin and gets the win, and he begins to celebrate with The Good Brothers.

The match ends, and Jon Moxley and The Young Bucks enter the ring; however, Omega, Anderson, Gallows, and Callis escape before they are attacked.

Winners: Kenny Omega and The Good Brothers w/ Don Callis

After they come back from a commercial break, they now show a promo with Dr. Britt Baker and Rebel, promoting AEW Dark: Elevation.

Hikaru Shida and Tay Conti vs. The Bunny and Nyla Rose (w/ Vickie Guerrero)

The match begins after Nyla Rose and The Bunny attack Tay Conti and Hikaru Shia. Rose takes down Shida and then tags in The Bunny. The Bunny goes right for Shida, but she gets stopped in her tracks. The Bunny and Nyla have been controlling the entire match other than Shida getting a few strikes in. They go to a picture-in-picture commercial break with Nyla and The Bunny still in control. The Bunny delivers a nice sliding knee into Shida. We are now back, and Shida is now in control of the match; Shida gets to Conti for the hot tag.

Conti delivers a judo strike and delivers a knee strike to The Bunny. Conti gets knocked to the outside; The Bunny goes to the outside, but Conti is ready for it and hits The Bunny with a backbreaker. The Dark Order begins fighting with Matt Hardy, The Butcher and The Blade, and Private Party. Conti hits The Bunny with the Tay-KO; she goes for the pin, but Rose breaks it up. Vickie Guerrero then gets the referee and Conti’s attention as she is on the top of the apron, which allows The Bunny to hit Conti with a Singapore Cane. The Bunny then pins Conti to get the win for her and Nyla.

Winners: The Bunny and Nyla Rose (w/ Vickie Guerrero)

Arcade Anarchy Match
Miro and Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford) vs. Orange Cassidy and Chuck Taylor

Orange Cassidy and Chuck Taylor come out and begin attacking Miro and Kip Sabian. The match begins with Miro and Chuck Taylor; Miro hits Taylor with a fallaway slam. This match has no rules, as explained by the commentators. Orange Cassidy puts Sabian the Whack-A-Mole sign, he was still attacking Sabian, but he gets blindsided by Miro.

Miro hits Chuch Taylor with a suplex on a guardrail. Miro grabs a chair and brings it into the ring; Cassidy meets him in the ring; however, Miro hits him with a heavy right and knocks Cassidy straight down. Miro puts the steel chair between the top and middle rope and throws Orange Cassidy into the chair face first. Chuck Taylor is now back in the match after he dives off the Mortal Kombat arcade.

Cassidy grabs the lid of a metal trash can, and Taylor grabs a Singapore Cane and begins hitting him with their weapons. Taylor and Cassidy take whatever they can find and throw it on top of Miro to keep him out of the match. Kip Sabian breaks up a pin out of nowhere. Taylor and Sabian are back in the ring; Taylor empties a bag of what most assumed would be thumbtacks, but it’s not. They are Lego pieces! Sabian grabs Taylor off of the top rope and powerbombed Taylor onto a bunch of Legos.

Cassidy is back in the ring, and he hits the Orange Punch on Sabian. Cassidy goes for the pin, but Penelope Ford grabs and pulls Aubrey Edwards out of the ring; Fordnails Cassidy with a low blow. Ford goes to hit Cassidy with her belt, but Kris Statlander appears and begins attacking Ford. Miro is back and beating down both Taylor and Cassidy.

Miro grabs Cassidy and throws him at least ten feet, and Cassidy hits the ground hard. Cassidy and Taylor are trying to get back up and into the match, but a Van appears behind them, and it’s Sue and a returning Trent Beretta. All three men begin attacking Miro and Sabian. Miro gets some heavy shots in on Beretta and Taylor. Beretta gets back up and throws a chair right at Miro; Taylor has Sabian up, and he hits him with a running power slam. Taylor goes for the pin and gets the win over Sabian and Miro.

Winners: Orange Cassidy and Chuck Taylor

Before the show goes off the air, they show Cassidy, Beretta, and Taylor doing The Best Friends Hug. Kris Statlander joins them, and the show ends with The Pixie’s song “Where is my Mind,” with the crowd singing in the background.

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