
NJPW The New Beginning Osaka Results: 5 Titles On The Line, But Only 1 Changes Hands

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for NJPW The New Beginning Osaka. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below! 

You can see the full results below. 

IWGP Intercontinental Title Match: Tetsuya Naito (Champion) def. Michael Elgin to retain the title

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Hiromu Takahashi (Champion) def. Dragon Lee to retain the title

IWGP Tag Team Title Match: Chaos (Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii) (Champions) def. Great Bash Heel (Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Homna) & Suzuki-Gun (Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Takashi Iizuka) to retain the titles

RPW British Heavyweight Title Match: Katsuyori Shibata (Champion) def. Will Ospreay to retain the title

IWGP NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Title Match: Los Ingobernables (Evil, Bushi & Sanada) def. Manabu Nakanishi, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Ryusuke Taguchi (Champions) to win the titles

Suzuki-Gun (Minori Suzuki, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Taichi) def. Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Rocky Romero & Trent Berretta) 

Yuji Nagata, Juice Robinson, Tiger Mask IV & Jushin “Thunder” Liger def. Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Yoshi-Hashi, Gedo & Jado)

Third Generation (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) def. Yoshi Tatsu & Kushida

Taka Michinoku def. Henare

Match By Match Recap

Henare vs. Taka Michinoku

The match begins with Henare taking down Michinoku with a waist lock, Michinoku gets up and he takes down Henare with a headlock. Michinoku nails Henare with a few strikes to the midsection, Michinoku takes Henare down with a snap mare before applying another headlock. Henare gets back to his feet and Michinoku nails him with a running knee strike to the face, Michinoku goes for a pin before locking Henare in a single leg crab. Michinoku releases the hold and Henare eventually drops him with a flying shoulder tackle, Henare then catches Michinoku with a few slams for a near fall. Michinoku trips up Henare and he locks him in the cross face until Henare gets to the ropes, Henare recovers to catch Michinoku with a Samoan drop.

Henare goes to the top rope and he catches Michinoku with a flying shoulder tackle for the near fall, Michinoku catches Henare in a roll up from out of nowhere for the three count.

Winner: Taka Michinoku

Third Generation (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) vs. Yoshi Tatsu & Kushida

The match begins with Tatsu attacking both of his opponents before the bell rings, Tatsu traps Kojima in the corner while kicking away at him. Kushida tags in and he nails Kojima with a series of kicks as well, Kushida drops Kojima with a hip toss before landing a drop kick for a near fall. Kushida bends the arm of Kojima before stepping on it, Kushida goes for the Hoverboard Lock and Kojima counters with a suplex to escape. Kojima stomps away on Kushida as he tags in Tenzan, Tenzan and Kojima take turns attacking Kushida with Mongolian chops. Tenzan goes for a pin attempt on Kushida before stomping on him some more, Kushida tries fighting back and Tenzan nails him with a few headbutts.

Tenzan drops Kushida before nailing him with a knee drop to the midsection, Tenzan then catches Kushida with a running clothesline. Kushida fights back again before dropping Tenzan with a pele kick, Tatsu tags in and he attacks Tenzan with a series of kicks. Tatsu then drops Tenzan with a wheel kick for the near fall, Tenzan recovers and he catches Tatsu with a Samoan drop. Kojima tags in and he attacks both of his opponents with a series of chops, Kojima knocks Kushida out of the ring before going to the top rope. Kushida catches Kojima with a cartwheel kick to trap him on the top rope, Kojima falls to the mat and Tatsu nails him with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Kojima recovers and he catches Tatsu with an ace crusher, Kushida hits the ring and he catches Tenzan with a springboard drop kick. Kojima nails a charging Tatsu with a lariat for the three count.

Winners: Third Generation (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima)

After the match, Yoshi Tatsu tries attacking Satoshi Kojima and Kushida separates them all. 

Yuji Nagata, Juice Robinson, Tiger Mask IV & Jushin “Thunder” Liger vs. Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Yoshi-Hashi, Gedo & Jado)

The match begins with Yoshi-Hashi working over the arm of Nagata, Yoshi-Hashi takes Nagata down with a headlock and both wrestlers pop back up to their feet. Yoshi-Hashi then attacks Nagata with a few chops, Nagata fights back by attacking Yoshi-Hashi with a series of kicks. Yoshi-Hashi drops Nagata and Nagata recovers by attempting a Nagata Lock on him, Nagata eventually catches Yoshi-Hashi in the Nagata Lock before tagging Mask IV in. Yoshi-Hashi tags in Gedo and Mask IV quickly wrenches away on his arm, Mask IV then takes down Gedo with a series of hip tosses before drop kicking him out of the ring. Mask IV fakes a dive and Jado jumps him from behind, Mask IV clears the ringof Jado and Gedo before tagging Liger in.

Liger cleans house of his opposition by nailing all of them with palm strikes, Gedo drops Liger with a punch before trapping him in the corner. Yoshi-Hashi tags in and he places Liger on the top rope before catching him with a drop kick for a near fall, Goto tags in and he works over Liger in the corner with forearm strikes. Liger crushes a charging Goto with a palm strike before tagging Robinson in, Robinson cleans house on the opposition before hitting Goto with angel dust and a cannonball for a near fall. Goto recovers to hit a charging Robinson with a fireman’s carry neck breaker, all the members of Chaos hit the ring to quadruple team Robinson. Jado tags in and he eats a super kick from Robinson, everybody else is brawling on the arena floor while Robinson and Jado battle in the ring.

Robinson then cracks Jado with a series of jabs before dropping him with a left, the brawl between both teams spills back into the ring. Mask IV and Liger catch members of Chaos with suicide dives, Robinson hits Jado with Pulp Fiction to get the three count.

Winners: Yuji Nagata, Juice Robinson, Tiger Mask IV & Jushin “Thunder” Liger

More action on Page Two…

Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Rocky Romero & Trent Berretta) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Minori Suzuki, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Taichi)

The match begins with an all out brawl breaking out between everybody from both teams, RPG Vice catch Kanemaru and Taichi with some running clotheslines followed by jumping knee strikes. Taichi and Kanemaru roll out of the ring as RPG Vice catch them with suicide dives, Berretta brings Taichi into the ring to hit him with a northern lights suplex. Suzuki interferes by locking Berretta in a triangle choke, another brawl breaks out between the wrestlers in the match. Suzuku drops a guard rail on the back of Okada while holding him in a camel clutch, Kanemaru stomps on Berretta before tagging Taichi in. Taichi grabs the bell hammer and he works over Berretta with it, Taichi and Kanemaru double team Berretta in the corner.

Taichi misses a kick and Berretta rolls him up for a near fall, Taichi slows down Berretta and Suzuki tags into the match. Suzuki locks Berretta in a leg lock and Okada hits the ring to be put in a leg lock as well, Romero hits the ring and Suzuki lets go of Okada to put him in a leg lock. Suzuki releases the holds to kick away at a downed Berretta, Berretta eats a few more shots before nailing Suzuki with an enzaguri. Okada tags in and he immediately cleans house on the opposition, Okada then hits Suzuki with a flying elbow strike followed by a DDT. Okada then hits Suzuki with a running European uppercut for a two count, Okada looks to go to the top rope and Suzuki strikes him in the injured knee. Suzuki and Okada have a forearm strike exchange in the center of the ring, Suzuki eventually applies the sleeper hold to Okada.

Okada breaks free and he drops a charging Suzuki with a drop kick, Romero and Kanemaru get the tags from their respective partners. Romero attacks both Taichi and Kanemaru with running clotheslines, Kanemaru is placed on the top rope before Romero nails him with a top rope missile drop kick. Okada hits the ring and he catches Romero with a modified neck breaker for a near fall, Romero goes for Sliced Bread and Taichi interferes to kick him in the balls. Kanemaru catches Romero with a DDT for the near fall, Suzuki hits the ring and he applies the sleeper hold to Okada. Kanemaru hits Rmero with a top rope diving DDT for the three count.

Winners: Suzuki-Gun (Minori Suzuki, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Taichi)

After the match, Suzuki-Gun continues attacking Chaos.

IWGP NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Title Match: Manabu Nakanishi, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Ryusuke Taguchi (Champions) vs. Los Ingobernables (Evil, Bushi & Sanada)

The match begins with a brawl breaking out between all six competitors in this match, Evil and Sanada double team Nakanishi in the ring. Nakanishi takes both Sanada and Evil down with a double suplex, Bushi hits the ring and Nakanishi deposits him outside of the ring. Taguchi gets the tag in and he works over Bushi inside of the ring, Taguchi catches Bushi with his hip attacks. Nakanishi tags back in and he attacks Bushi with hip attacks of his own, Tanahashi tags in and he attacks Bushi with hip attacks as well. Taguchi tags back in and he goes to the middle rope, Bushi catches Taguchi with a running drop kick to avoid another hip attack.

Bushi takes off his shirt and he chokes Taguchi with it, Evil grabs a chair and wraps it around the neck of Tanahashi before throwing him into the ring post. Sanada tags in and he ties up Taguchi before catching him with a baseball slide drop kick, Evil tags in and he nails Taguchi with a senton bomb for a near fall. Evil kicks away at a downed Taguchi before nailing him with chops, Taguchi catches a charging Evil with a boot to the face. Evil recovers and he nails Taguchi with a series of atomic drops, Taguchi then hits Evil with a springboard hip attack. Tanahashi tags in and he cleans house on all three of his opponents, Tanahashi drops Evil with a flying forearm strike. Tanahashi then nails Bushi and Evil with dragon screw leg whips, Taguchi and Nakanishi brawl with Sanada and Bushi on the arena floor.

Tanahashi catches Evil with a spinning neck breaker, Evil recovers and he drops a charging Tanahashi with a lariat. Nakanishi tags in and Sanada gets the tag in from his partner as well, Nakanishi nails Sanada with a double forearm strike. Bushi jumps Nakanishi from behind as he was going for the lariat, Los Ingobernables are all dropped by lariats from their three opponents. Nakanishi goes for a suplex and Sanada tries countering with Skull End, Nakanishi catches Sanada in a torture rack while the other members of Los Ingobernables are put in submission holds as well. Sanada grabs the referee and throws him out of the ring before getting caught with the Hercules Cutter from Nakanishi, Nakanishi is then triple teamed by his opponents and Sanada catches him with a Saito Suplex for a near fall.

Sanada locks Nakanishi in the Skull End and Tanahashi breaks everything up with a sling blade, Taguchi throws Evil out of the ring before hitting him with a suicide dive. Nakanishi goes to the top rope and he catches Sanada with a high cross body for a near fall, Bushi sprays the mist in the eyes of Nakanishi and Sanada locks him in the Skull End to force a submission.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Evil, Bushi & Sanada), your new IWGP NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champions

After the match, Los Ingobernables continue attacking Manabu Nakanishi, Hiroshi Tanahashi and Ryusuke Taguchi.

RPW British Heavyweight Title Match: Katsuyori Shibata (Champion) vs. Will Ospreay

The match begins with the wrestlers going through a series of reversals, Ospreay locks Shibata in the kravat for a few moments. Ospreay drops Shibata and he immediately attacks his injured knee, Shibata tries controlling Ospreay with a headlock and he misses the follow up kick to the head. Shibata starts focusing his attack on the arm of Ospreay, Shibata bends the arm of Ospreay in an unnatural way before stomping on it. Shibata looks for the arm bar and Ospreay finds his way to the ropes, Shibata traps Ospreay in the corner before nailing him with a series of strikes. Ospreay sends a charging Shibata to the arena floor before catching him with a pair of suicide dives, Shibata gets back in the ring and Ospreay attacks his knee with a series of spinning toe holds into a trailer hitch.

Shibata gets to the ropes to break the hold and Ospreay attacks him with strikes in the corner, Ospreay drops Shibata before catching him with a running drop kick in the corner. Shibata gets up and he has a forearm strike exchange with Ospreay, Shibata then catches Ospreay with a running boot to the face followed by more forearm strikes. Shibata follows that up by nailing Ospreay with a running drop kick for a near fall, Shibata slows things down by locking Ospreay in the abdominal stretch. Ospreay gets to the ropes and Shibata just kicks him in the midsection, Ospreay recovers and he nails Shibata with a German suplex. Shibata recovers to lock a kicking Ospreay in the ankle lock before landing a German suplex of his own, Ospreay and Shibata have another forearm strike exchange in the middle of the ring.

Shibata eventually kicks Ospreay and Ospreay falls out of the ring, Shibata goes out of the ring and Ospreay throws him into the ring post before kicking him in the head. Ospreay finds a way to get Shibata in the ring for a two count on the pin attempt, Ospreay goes to the top rope and Shibata crotches him. Shibata goes to the middle rope to lock Ospreay in a standing key lock, Ospreay escapes and he traps Shibata in the corner before catching him with a super kick. Ospreay then catches Shibata with a springboard forearm strike, Ospreay goes for The Rainmaker and he winds up catching Shibata with a running knee strike.

Ospreay goes back up to the top rope and he nails Shibata with an inverted 450 splash for a near fall, Ospreay follows up by catching Shibata with a Shooting Star. Ospreay goes for the Ospreay Cutter and Shibata catches him in a sleeper hold, Shibata catches Ospreay with a sleeper hold suplex while holding onto the sleeper hold afterwards. Shibata releases the sleeper hold to land the Penalty Kick for the three count.

Winner: Katsuyori Shibata, still your RPW British Heavyweight Champion

The action concludes on Page Three…

IWGP Tag Team Title Match: Chaos (Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii) (Champions) vs. Great Bash Heel (Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Homna) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Takashi Iizuka)

The match begins with an all out brawl on the arena floor between everybody in the match, Iizuka and Smith Jr toss Yano into the ring to work him over. Iizuka stays in the ring as things settle down to stomp on Yano some more, Yano tries to tag out and everybody jumps off the ring apron. Iizuka just starts to illegally choke Yano as Yano starts playing his mind games, Yano tags in Homna so he can take a break. Homna nails Iizuka with a standing headbutt before mising the falling headbutt, IIzuka throws Homna out of the ring and then into the barricade. Iizuka grabs a chair and he drags Homna into the crowd before nailing him with said chair, Smith Jr grabs Homna and he throws him back into the ring.

Iizuka starts working over Homna some more by biting him in the face, Smith Jr tags in and he catches Homna with a suplex. Smith Jr locks Homna in the stretch muffler while lifting him in the air, Iizuka tags back in and he nails Homna while Smith Jr held him in the stretch muffler. Iizuka finds a piece of rope and he chokes Homna with it, Yano and Ishii interfere by tossing Iizuka out of the ring. Ishii tags in and he attacks Homna with a series of strikes in the corner, Yano tags in and he continues working over Homna in the corner. Homna eventually drops a charging Yano with a shoulder tackle, Ishii hits the ring and Homna trips him up before missing a falling headbutt. Homna then drops Homna before landing the falling headbutt, Makabe tags in and he goes after all of his opposition.

Makabe levels both members of Chaos with clotheslines, Makabe mounts Yano in the corner before assaulting him with punches. Makabe then drops Yano and Iizuka with a double clothesline, Yano regains control by dragging Makabe to the ground with a hair pull. Makabe recovers to drop Yano with a clothesline before nailing Smith Jr with a power slam, Homna nails Yano with a diving headbutt and then Makabe hits him with a German suplex for a near fall. Homna nails Yano with another diving headbutt as Makabe goes to the top rope, Iizuka interferes by grabbing the leg of Makabe. Ishii meets Makabe on the top rope to catch him with a superplex, Makabe and Ishii take turns assaulting each other with strikes until Smith Jr tags in.

Smith Jr takes out everybody he can find while Iizuka chokes Yano with a rope, Smith Jr nails Yano with a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Smith Jr follows that up by catching Yano with a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Homna hits the ring and he attacks Smith Jr with a diving headbutt. Iizuka hits the ring and he throws the referee into Homna, Iizuka grabs his iron glove and he nails Makabe with it. Iizuka tries hitting Ishii with it and Ishii takes him out, Iizuka eventually cracks Ishii with the glove as well. Iizuka accidentally nails Smith Jr with the glove and that allows Yano to roll him up for the three count.

Winners: Chaos (Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii), still your IWGP Tag Team Champions

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Hiromu Takahashi (Champion) vs. Dragon Lee

The match begins with the two wrestlers having a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Lee nails Takahashi with a running boot and then running drop kick in the corner. Lee knocks Takahashi out of the ring with a hurricarana before nailing him with a suicide dive, Lee throws Takahashi into the barricade before assaulting him with kicks. Lee then brings Takahashi into the ring to hold him in the chin lock, Lee then hits Takahashi with a knee lift followed by a leg lariat for a near fall. Lee starts kicking away at a dazed Takahashi, Takahashi retreats to the arena floor before returning to the ring. Takahashi stuns Lee on the ring apron before sunset pressing him onto the arena floor, Takahashi then cracks Lee with a running drop kick.

Takahashi throws Lee back into the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Takahashi starts trying to rip the mask off of Lee. Takahashi traps Lee in the corner before trying to crush his face with his foot, Lee propels a charging Takahashi onto the ring apron before nailing him with an enzaguri. Takahashi then hits Takahashi with a hurricarana that puts them both on the arena floor, Lee returns to the ring before nailing Takahashi with another suicide dive. Lee tosses Takahashi back into the ring and he attacks Takahashi with a series of northern lights suplexes for a near fall, Lee nails a swinging Takahashi with a knee strike to the face. Lee places Takahashi on the top rope and Takahashi rips away at his mask again, Lee fights back and Takahashi starts falling backwards. Takahashi recovers and he release suplexes Lee from the top rope to the arena floor, Takahashi charges at Lee and Lee winds up power bombing him on the arena floor.

The wrestlers make it back into the ring and Lee nails Takahashi with a series of German suplexes, Takahashi recovers and hits Lee with a wheelbarrow suplex. Lee catches a charging Takahashi with a one man uranage for a near fall, the wrestlers have another striking exchange until Takahashi nails Lee with a running drop kick. Lee quickly recovers and he suplexes Takahashi into the turnbuckle, Takahashi rolls to the ring apron. Lee goes for another hurricarana and Takahashi power bombs him onto the ringside edge, Takahashi then hits Lee with a senton from the top rope and both crash into the guardrail. The wrestlers struggle to get inside the ring and they both eventually do so, Takahashi starts kicking away at a downed Lee.

Lee then drops a swinging Takahashi and he applies an arm bar to him, Lee transitions to the crossface on Takahashi. Lee transitions again and this time he applies the Rings Of Saturn on Takahashi until Takahashi reaches the ropes, Lee charges at Takahashi and he accidentally nails the referee. Takahashi puts Lee on the top rope and he nails him with a top rope victory roll for a near fall, Lee recovers and he catches Takahashi with a Dragon Driver for a near fall. Lee goes for a tiger bomb and Takahashi counters with a Canadian Destroyer from out of nowhere, the wrestlers get to their knees and exchange more strikes. They get back to their feet and exchange some more strikes again, Takahashi catches Lee with another Canadian Destroyer for a near fall again.

Takahashi then hits Lee with a death valley driver into the corner followed by a Time Bomb for the three count.

Winner: Hiromu Takahashi, still your IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion

After the match, Ryusuke Taguchi hits the ring and grabs the microphone to challenge Hiromu Takahashi for the title. Takahashi attempts to hit Taguchi with the belt and Taguchi counters to put him in an ankle lock. 

IWGP Intercontinental Title Match: Tetsuya Naito (Champion) vs. Michael Elgin

The match begins with Naito taunting Elgin before taking a break on the arena floor, Elgin chases Naito back into the ring before catching him with a slingshot shoulder tackle. Elgin follows that up by nailing Naito with some forearm strikes, Elgin then cracks Naito with a slingshot splash for a near fall. Elgin eats a kick to the knee before he drops Naito with an overhead press slam, Niato rolls to the ring apron and Elgin sends him flying into the barricade at ringside. Elgin then hits a recovering Naito with a suicide dive from the ring apron, Elgin sends Naito back into the ring before going to the top rope. Naito catches Elgin with a drop kick that knocks him to the arena floor, Naito goes for a suicide dive and Elgin catches him before suplexing him on the ramp at ringside.

Elgin then grabs Naito and he brings him back to the ring apron, Elgin looks for the middle rope suplex and Naito trips him up after raking his eyes. Naito traps Elgin in the ropes while tearing away at his leg, Naito then takes the chance to smash the leg of Elgin on the ringside edge. Elgin rolls to the arena floor and Naito drop kicks him when he returns to the ring, Naito drops Elgin and he wrenches on his injured leg. Naito spits at a injured Elgin as he stands using the ropes for assistance, Elgin starts fighting back and Naito drops kicks him in the injured knee. Naito attacks the leg of Elgin again before landing another drop kick, Naito takes the opportunity to lock Elgin in the figure four leg lock.

Elgin breaks free and he tries fighting back again until Naito attacks his injured knee, Elgin then cracks Naito with an enzaguri followed by a back suplex. Elgin traps Naito in the corner before nailing him with a series of running clotheslines, Naito misses a move and Elgin cracks him with a release German suplex into the turnbuckle, Elgin follows that up by nailing Naito with a dead lift German suplex for a near fall. Elgin picks up Naito and he nails him with forearm strikes and clotheslines, Naito recovers to nail Elgin with an atomic drop followed by a drop kick. Elgin and Naito go through a series of reversals until Elgin catches Naito with a few more German suplexes,

Naito recovers and goes for a tornado DDT and he winds up catching Elgin with a regular DDT for a near fall, Naito attacks Elgin with a series of strikes and Elgin starts fighting back as well. Elgin eventually regains control by nailing a charging Naito with a jumping kick to the head, Elgin attacks Naito with a series of strikes until he drops him with a forearm strike. Elgin places Naito on the top rope while looking for a superplex and Naito counters to hit him with a sunset flip power bomb, Elgin catches Naito with a power bomb from out of nowhere for a near fall. Elgin slams Naito before going to the top rope, Elgin catches Naito with a top rope splash for the two count.

Elgin looks for the buckle bomb and Naito drop kicks him in the injured knee again, Naito follows that up by catching Elgin with an enzaguri. Elgin quickly recovers and he crushes Naito with a lariat, Elgin crushes Naito with a running lariat for the near fall. Elgin looks for the power bomb and he nails Naito with a forearm strike instead, Elgin then places Naito on the top rope and he looks for another power bomb. Naito breaks free and Elgin cracks him with a rope assisted enzaguri, Elgin goes to the top rope and Naito meets him up there. Naito goes for a hurricarana and he gets it on the second attempt, Naito then hits Elgin with a reverse hurricarana for a near fall. Elgin recovers and he cracks Naito with a forearm strike, Naito quickly trips up Elgin and he locks him in an ankle lock.

Elgin eventually gets to the ropes in order to break the submission hold, Elgin rolls to the ring apron and Naito follows him out there. Elgin catches a charging Naito to hit him with a kryptonite krunch on the ringside edge, Elgin drags Naito into the ring before climbing to the middle rope. Elgin crushes Naito with a middle rope falcon arrow for the near fall, Elgin follows that up by clobbering Naito with a few more strikes. Elgin then cracks Naito with a spinning back fist followed by the buckle bomb, Elgin rakes the injured eye of Elgin to crack him with a tornado DDT. Naito then hits Elgin with Destino for another near fall, Naito goes for Destino again and Elgin counters with a death valley driver into the turnbuckle.

Naito rolls to the arena floor and Elgin follows him out there, Naito again takes the chance to rip away at the injured eye of Elgin. Elgin gets angry and he power bombs Naito on the ringside edge, Elgin then power bombs Naito into the guardrail before tossing him into the ring. Elgin then hits Naito with a spinning power bomb for another near fall, Elgin grabs Naito and he puts him back on the top rope. Elgin looks for the burning hammer and Naito counters with a reverse DDT, Elgin gets up and he looks for the burning hammer again on Naito. Naito counters by kicking Elgin in the head, Naito goes to the top rope and Elgin nails him with a spinning back fist. Naito recovers and he catches a swinging Elgin with a wheel kick, Naito hits Elgin with Destino for a near fall again. Naito hits Elgin with Destino again for the three count.

Winner: Tetsuya Naito, still your IWGP Intercontinental Champion

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