
MLW Fusion Results for 3/3/21 MLW World Heavyweight Championship Match

The MLW World Heavyweight Championship and World Tag Team titles are on the line tonight at 7pm EST!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of MLW Fusion featuring two huge title matches!

– We open tonight’s show with a breakdown for tonight’s card headlined by an MLW World Heavyweight Championship match between the champion Jacob Fatu and the challenger Jordan Oliver of Injustice. We then go to the ring for our opening match between the MLW World Tag Team champions Los Parks and Contra Unit’s Daivari and Simon Gotch for the titles.

MLW World Tag Team Championship Match
Los Parks (c) (w/ Salina de la Renta) vs Contra Unit

Daivari and Hijo start the match off with Daivari grounding Hijo and putting him in an abdominal stretch before Hijo locks in an ankle lock and Simon comes in and stomps him to break the hold. LA sends Simon out of the ring before Daivari goes after the leg of Hijo and all four men exchange at ringside before Contra double up on LA. Hijo hits a double missile dropkick before Los Parks clear the ring and hit stereo suicide dives before Hijo and Simon exchange strikes back in the ring. Hijo hits a diving cross body into a head scissors that sends Simon out of the ring before Daivari and LA come in and exchange. The two teams go back and forth before Contra take out Hijo and double up on LA before LA Park Jr distracts the referee and Injustice save Los Parks.

LA then hits Daivari with a spear for the pin and the win.

Winner: Los Parks retain their MLW World Tag Team titles by defeating Contra Unit via pinfall.

– We get a promo by The Von Erichs in Hawaii where they talk about how they want to do Wrestle Island where Tom faces a hammerhead shark.

Mike Parrow vs Jason Dugan

Parrow runs over Dugan and hits a fall away slam into the corner before hitting a chokeslam and finishing him with the Murder Bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mike Parrow defeats Jason Dugan via pinfall.

– After the match Parrow cuts a promo and calls out Mil Muertes for revenge for what he did to Savio Vega.

– We get a taped promo by Tom Lawlor who blames the Von Erichs for ruining Filthy Island and that they and Low Ki will pay.

– We get a taped promo by Bu Ku Dao who challenges TJP to a match after his mentor bullying him for the past several weeks.

Laredo Kid vs Calvin Tankman

Laredo hits a head scissors before Calvin nearly sends him out of the ring with a shoulder tackle for a near fall before dropping him with a chop. Calvin tosses Laredo across the ring and beats on the luchadore before hitting a brain buster for a near fall and chopping Laredo in the throat. Laredo comes back with a missile dropkick that sends Calvin to the outside before hitting a diving cross body onto Calvin onto the floor before rolling him back inside. Laredo gets two before hitting an elbow drop into a diving elbow drop for two before Calvin rocks him with strikes and hits a powerbomb for a near fall. Laredo then hits a flurry into a flying forearm off of the top for a near fall before Calvin hits Laredo with the Tankman Driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Calvin Tankman defeats Laredo Kid via pinfall.

– We get this week’s PWI top five tag teams with Violence is Forever at number three, Contra Unit at two, and The Von Erichs at number one.

– We get a backstage promo by Gino Medina on Gringo Loco who says that he’s mocking his father’s legacy.

– We get the announcement of Alex Hammerstone defending his MLW National Openweight title against LA Park next week as well as Parrow versus Mil Muertes in two weeks time.

MLW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Jacob Fatu (c) vs Jordan Oliver

Jordan immediately hits a suicide dive when Jacob comes out before sending him into the post and sends Jacob out of the ring with a knee once the match starts. Jacob catches Jordan when he goes for another suicide dive and hits a Samoan drop onto the floor before tossing him back inside. Jacob beats on Jordan and drops him with a back elbow before hitting an elbow drop and Jordan chop blocks him before Jacob tosses him over the top rope and onto the apron before biting his fingers. Jordan comes back with a flurry before Jacob kicks him upside down for two before stomping him and Jordan hits several enzuigiri and dodges a sit-down splash. Daivari gets on the apron and distracts the referee before Myron takes him out and Jordan superkicks Jacob before hitting a baseball slide that sends him out of the ring.

Jacob catches Jordan when he goes for a slingshot cross body and slams him onto the apron before rolling him back inside and going up top for a moonsault, but his knee gives out. Jordan gets up and hits an avalanche German when Jacob takes too long before hitting a stunner into a diving cutter and kicks. Jacob then catches Jordan coming off of the second rope and hits a powerbomb into a pop-up Samoan drop into a moonsault for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jacob Fatu retains his MLW World Heavyweight Championship by defeating Jordan Oliver via pinfall.

– Contra come out after the match and beat down Injustice before putting them in body bags and draping the Contra flag over them. Calvin comes out and saves Injustice before brawling with Calvin sending Jacob across the ring with a shoulder tackle. The show then ends with Calvin holding the ring as Contra escape.

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