
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 3/2/21 Huge Eight-Man Tag Team Match

The IMPACT World Tag Team champions team up with two stars from New Japan Pro Wrestling!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV!

Chris Bey vs Ace Austin vs Black Taurus

Bey and Ace immediately double team Taurus before Taurus takes out both Chris and Ace and turns Chris inside out before he’s sent out of the ring with a double dropkick. Chris and Ace hit a double dive before Chris hits an implant DDT for two before Taurus goes for a suplex as Ace hits a meteora off of the top. Taurus runs over Ace when he’s going to hit Chris with The Fold before hitting Chris with a pop-up Samoan drop before Ace and Chris send Taurus over the top rope and down onto the floor. Fulton then stops Chris from hitting his finisher before Ace hits Chris with The Fold for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ace Austin defeats Chris Bey and Black Taurus via pinfall to become the new number one contender for TJP’s X-Division Championship.

– We get a breakdown of tonight’s card before we go back to the ring for our next match between Tenille Dashwood and Havok.

Tenille Dashwood (w/ Kaleb) vs Havok

Havok corners Tenille before Tenille elbows Havok in the side of the head before trapping her in the ropes and hitting a neckbreaker for two as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Tenille having Havok in a tarantula before hitting a sliding cross body for two before choking her in the ropes and stomping her. Tenille locks in a full nelson before Havok gets to her feet and drives Tenille back into the corner to get free before dropping her with a boot. Havok rocks Tenille with a knee and hits a backbreaker before hitting a lariat before Tenille gets a near fall off of a roll up with her feet on the ropes. Kaleb then distracts Havok when she goes for a tombstone before missing a running leg drop and Tenille hits the Spotlight Kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tenille Dashwood defeats Havok via pinfall.

– After the match Nevaeh comes out and attacks Kaleb before sending him out of the ring with a hammer lock DDT.

– We get a video where Sami Callihan is at the wrestling academy where Trey graduated from before knocking his awards off of the wall. Sami then attacks everyone in the gym and lays them out before he talks to the man that trained Trey who runs the gym. Sami then lays out the rest of the students and the teacher before he recruits Sam Fletcher to join him before telling Trey that he’s in good hands as we go to commercial.

– We go to Ace showing up at Swinger’s Place where TJP and Alisha are there before Chris shows up and he and Ace nearly fight before Johnny goes to talk to Scott to make a match between the two.

-We get a video package promo by Violent By Design where Eric punishes Deaner for failing him by having Joe Doering teach him a lesson and leaving him in a dark room as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to a video package promo by Moose who says that he’s going to fulfill his destiny and become the IMPACT champion.

The Good Brothers & FinJuice vs XXXL & Reno Scum

David and Luster kick things off by running the ropes before David dropkicks Luster and Karl and Larry come in before TGB double team Larry and Juice comes in. FinJuice double team Larry before tagging in Doc and TGB double team Acey on the corner before Acey drops David and sends him into the corner. The heels take control and isolate David until he gets the hot tag to Doc who runs over all four members of the other team and clears the ring. TGB then pin Adam with the Magic Killer for the win.

Winner: The Good Brothers and FinJuice defeat Reno Scum and XXXL via pinfall.

– We get a video package promo by IMPACT World champion Rich Swann ahead of his title defense against Moose at Sacrifice as we go to commercial.

– Backstage TGB and FinJuice argue before the two teams agree to a tag title match at Sacrifice.

Eddie Edwards vs Brian Myers w/ Special Guest Referee Matt Cardona

Brian thumbs the eye of Eddie and suplexes him before wringing the arm of Eddie before Eddie hits an inverted atomic drop into an overhead belly to belly. Brian grabs a chair before Eddie flips over the top rope and onto Brian at ringside as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Brian in control of Eddie before Eddie comes back with a clothesline and a northern lights suplex. Eddie hits a Blue Thunderbomb for two before Brian counters the Boston Knee Party before Eddie hits a backpack stunner for two before Brian hits Eddie with The Roster Cut. Matt then disqualifies Brian after he sees that Matt put something in his arm band before hitting Eddie.

Winner: Eddie Edwards defeats Brian Myers via disqualification.

– We get a breakdown for the card for Sacrifice on March 13th with the tag title match between The Good Brothers and FinJuice added. We then get a graphic for next week’s show with Ace Austin versus Chris Bey.

Deonna Purrazzo (w/ Susan & Kimber Lee) vs Jordynne Grace (w/ Jazz) vs Kiera Hogan (w/ Tasha Steelz)

Jordynne and Kiera immediately go after Deonna and send her out of the ring before exchanging as we go to commercial. We come back from the break to Jordynne in control of both Deonna and Kiera before sending Deonna out of the ring and suplexing Kiera for two. Deonna trips Jordynne and puts Kiera in a Fujiwara armbar that Jordynne breaks before Kiera can tap before hitting Kiera with a uranage. Deonna locks in a Fujiwara armbar before Jordynne gets to the ropes before Kiera hits Deonna with a diving cross body for two and covers both Deonna and Jordynne for a series of two counts. Jordynne rocks Kiera with a rolling elbow before hitting a bridging German for two before everyone hits a move and collapses. The three exchange strikes until Deonna hits Kiera with a rolling exploder suplex for two deep two count that Jordynne breaks up.

Jordynne hits a double clothesline before everyone brawls on the floor and Jordynne takes them out with a suicide dive. Jordynne tosses Kiera back inside and hits a running meteora in the corner into a sliding clothesline before missing a Vader bomb when Tasha pulls her out of the ring. Deonna then rolls Jordynne up out of nowhere for the pin and the win.

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo defeats Jordynne and Kiera Hogan via pinfall.

– After the match ODB shows up and takes out Deonna before holding up the Knockouts Championship as we go off the air with ODB standing tall over Deonna.

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