
WWE NXT Results for 2/24/21 Karrion Kross Victorius, NXT Women’s Championship Match Announced

The NXT Cruiserweight champion takes on the former NXT champion tonight at 8pm EST on USA Network!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE NXT!

– We open tonight’s show with a video package for our main event between NXT Cruiserweight champion Santos Escobar and former NXT champion Karrion Kross.

Johnny Gargano (w/ The Way) vs Dexter Lumis

Dexter sends Johnny out of the ring and knocks him off of the apron and down onto the floor when he goes for a springboard before crawling underneath the ring. Dexter shows up behind Johnny and rocks him with strikes before hitting a Thesz press and a delayed suplex before dropping Johnny face first across the apron. Dexter then gets distracted by Indi and Candice before Johnny drops Dexter with a baseball slide as we go to commercial.

We come back to Dexter making his come back with a series of suplexes before hitting a leg drop for two before they counter each other’s submissions. Dexter hits Johnny with a spine buster for a near fall before going up top and landing on his feet before Johnny superkicks him for a near fall. Johnny rocks Dexter with a kick before Austin hesitates to hit Dexter with a chair before Dexter sends Johnny into Austin and knocks him off of the apron. Dexter then puts Johnny to sleep with The Silence for the win.

Winner: Dexter Lumis defeats Johnny Gargano via referee stoppage.

– Outside NXT General Manager William Regal awaits the arrival of Santos Escobar.

– We get an extended video package for MSK after their winning the Men’s Dusty Cup ahead of their match up next as we go to commercial.

– We get a video package for Shotzi Blackheart.

– Backstage MSK are interviewed before they’re attacked by Grizzled Young Veterans with chairs.

Tyler Rust (w/ Malcolm Bivens) vs Leon Ruff

Isaiah Scott comes out and attacks Leon when he’s making his entrance before leaving him laying as Tyler and Malcolm celebrate in the ring like they won the match.

Winner: Match never got started.

– We get a backstage promo by Cameron Grimes who offers people money in exchange for doing things for him.

– We get a graphic of a tweet by Adam Cole where he said that he’s going to explain his reasoning for attacking Finn Bälor and betraying Kyle O’Reilly on tonight’s show.

Io Shirai vs Zoey Stark

The two exchange rolls and wrist locks before Io hits an arm drag and locks in an octopus stretch before turning it into a sunset flip for two. Io hits a low dropkick before stomping Zoey in the corner and chopping her before hitting a meteora before Zoey counters a 619 and knocks Io off of the apron. Io then hits Zoey when she’s going for a suicide dive before Zoey knocks her off of the top and down onto the floor as we go to commercial.

We come back to Io and Zoey hitting each other with running cross bodies before Io hits a missile dropkick for two before Zoey counters a Tiger Driver and Io meets her up top. Io hits a frankensteiner before hitting a backbreaker for a near fall before sending Zoey face first into the bottom turnbuckle and a meteora Io then hits a moonsault for the pin and the win.

Winner: Io Shirai defeats Zoey Stark via pinfall.

– After the match Io and Zoey hug before Toni Storm interrupts them and challenges Io to a title match which she accepts for anytime and anywhere.

– Backstage The Way are interviewed as they’re leaving the arena as Johnny says that he’s upset with Austin not using a chair on Dexter before Indi says that Dexter is kind of attractive. Johnny then says that he’s not going to let Stockholm Syndrome get in the way and that he’s sending Austin to therapy before they leave the arena.

– Outside Cameron challenges another person to dribble a ball ten times and loses another thousand dollars.

Kacy Catanzaro (w/ Kayden Carter) vs Xia Li (w/ Mei Ling & BOA)

The two exchange standing switches before Kacy hits a head scissors and Xia smashes her face into the top turnbuckle before stomping her in the corner. Xia hits a float over suplex for two before Kacy gets two off of a sunset flip and a shotgun dropkick before hitting a clothesline for two. Xia rolls out of the ring and catches Kacy coming off of the apron before sending her into the barricade and stomping her knee against the steps. Xia then drags Kacy into the ring by her hair before the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Xia Li defeats Kacy Catanzaro via referee stoppage.

– After the match BOA keeps Kayden away from Mei Ling before Xia lays out Kacy with a kick when she’s being attended to in the ring..

– GM Regal goes back outside and looks for Santos Escobar, but he still hasn’t arrived at the arena yet.

– We get a video package for the WWE Women’s Championship Match between the champions Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax and the challengers Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez.

– Outside Cameron Grimes walks around the parking lot before challenging yet another person to dribble a baseball ten times to get $1000 dollars. Cameron then scares the guy right after he goes to dribble the ball before tossing money into the air and leaving.

Drake Maverick & Killian Dain vs Grizzled Young Veterans

Before the match Zack says that Wes Lee has a broken hand and that MSK won’t be able to challenge for the NXT Tag Team titles next week and that they’ve been fined. Once the match starts Dain rushes James and drops him before Drake comes in he and Dain double team James for two before Zack gets the blind tag and GYV double team Drake. Dain then saves Drake from a Doomsday Device and clears the ring before launching Drake onto GYV at ringside as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to GYV in control before Dain comes in and drops GYV repeatedly before hitting a double fall away slam into a senton to James for two. Dain hits a double suplex before Drake gets the hot tag and knocks Zack off of the apron before dropkicking James repeatedly and Zack gets a blind tag. GYV then hit a missile dropkick flat liner combo for a near fall that Dain breaks up before GYV hit Drake with Ticket to Mayhem for the pin and the win.

Winner: Grizzled Young Veterans defeat Drake Maverick and Killian Dain via pinfall.

– A black SUV pulls up and Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza get out and guard the vehicle as we see Santos Escobar in the back as we go to commercial.

– Backstage Dain and Maverick are mocked by Alexander Wolfe before Dain calla for a doctor to check on Drake.

– We get a graphic for Io Shirai and Toni Storm for the NXT Women’s Championship in two weeks time.

No Disqualification Match
Karrion Kross (w/ Scarlett) vs Santos Escobar (w/ Legado Del Fantasma)

Kross’ music and video plays inside the arena before we cut outside and Kross takes out Wilde and Mendoza before Santos attacks him from behind. The two brawl in the parking lot before Santos slams a semi door into the shoulder of Kross before Kross sends him face first into the side of the truck. Santos locks himself in the truck before Kross hits it with a pick axe and LDF triple team Kross before dragging him into the arena and beating on him on the way to the ring. Kross sends Escobar and Mendoza through the Plexiglas at ringside before attacking Santos and sending him into the ring for two. Wilde then attacks Kross who takes him out once more before Santos hits Kross with a chair and sends him into the post and steps as we go to commercial.

Santos hits a basement dropkick as we come back from the break before putting a chair around the shoulder of Kross and sending him into the post before hitting a DDT onto a chair. Santos tosses Kross back inside and dropkicks him before dumping him back out of the ring and Kross lawn darts Wilde into the barricade. Back in the ring Santos covers Kross for two before going right back to his injured arm before hitting a running knee in the corner. Santos hits a suplex before Kross hits several suplexes of his own before Kross pulls Santos into the steps and drops Mendoza with a boot. Kross nearly breaks the arm of Santos with a chair against the steps before he’s saved by Wilde before Kross takes out both Wilde and Mendoza. Back in the ring Kross hits a flurry of moves before Santos falls out of the ring and Kross hits a Saito suplex through the announce table.

Kross then hits another Saito back in the ring before dropping Santos with his forearm to the back of the neck finisher for the pin and the win.

Winner: Karrion Kross defeats Santos Escobar via pinfall.

– Backstage we see Adam Cole making his way out to the ring to address the NXT Universe as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to LA Knight cutting a promo in his career where he says that he’ll debut on his time and on his terms.

– We go to the ring as Adam Cole comes out to the ring and gets on the mic and says that he had every intention of coming out and explaining what he did to Kyle. Adam says that he’s sick of his stomach looking at what he did to Kyle this past week and that his jealousy towards Kyle wasn’t an excuse. Adam says that he wishes he could have the conversation with Kyle man to man, but they can’t because of him before saying that he was dead wrong and Kyle should be in the ring. Adam says that he made a stupid mistake and hates himself for what he did before apologizing to Kyle and saying that he’s going to do everything in his power to fix things. Roderick Strong comes out and yells at Adam for what he did to Kyle and UE and that everything has changed since Adam shattered their trust.

Roddy says that doesn’t know if he can save Adam from what Kyle is going to do to him before NXT champion Finn Bälor comes out and attacks Adam. Finn takes out Roddy who tries to stop him from attacking Adam before Adam superkicks Finn and Adam apologizes to Roddy before Roddy clotheslines him. Adam and Roddy apologize to each other before Adam cries and Roddy tries to reassure him before they hug and Adam low blows Roddy. Adam then calls Roddy stupid and says that he’s dead to him before superkicking him and standing over him as we go off the air.

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