
WWE 205 Live Results for 2/12/21 Atlas vs Nese, Bolly-Rise vs Mansoor & Adonis

Jake Atlas seeks revenge on The Premiere Athlete and Bolly-Rise are in action after Smackdown!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

Bolly-Rise (Chase Parker & Samir Singh) vs Mansoor & Ashante Thee Adonis

Mansoor and Samir start the match off with Samir taking Mansoor down before Mansoor comes back with an arm drag into an atomic drop and a dropkick before Samir tags in Chase. Chase is immediately taken to the corner where Mansoor tags in Ashante who locks in a straight armbar before Chase gets the hot tag to Samir before Bolly-Rise hit a double suplex to Ashante. Samir then knocks Ashante out of the air before Mansoor hits Samir with a falcon arrow and Ashante finishes Samir with the Long Kiss Goodnight for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mansoor and Ashante Thee Adonis defeat Bolly-Rise via pinfall.

Jake Atlas vs Tony Nese

Ariya Daivari joins on commentary before the match starts before Tony drives Jake into the corner and stomps him before Jake hits a head scissors. Tony drops Jake with a back elbow before Jake hits a neckbreaker for two before Tony drops him with a spinning back kick for two. Tony drops Jake with kicks to the chest before locking in a body scissors and Jake comes back with a clothesline that sends Tony out of the ring. Jake hits a moonsault to the outside before turning Tony inside out with a lariat for a near fall before Tony hits a moonsault for a near fall of his own. Jake counters a German suplex before kicking Tony and hitting him with a stiff forearm before Jake counters a tornado DDT into a brainbuster.

Ariya then tosses Tony his chain before August Grey comes out and takes it from Tony before Jake rolls him up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jake Atlas defeats Tony Nese via pinfall.

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