
WWE NXT UK Results for 2/11/21 Tag Team Street Fight Match

Friends turned bitter rivals face off in a tag team street fight at 3pm EST exclusively on the WWE Network!

Good afternoon Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for today’s edition of WWE NXT UK!

Isla Dawn vs Meiko Satomura

The two lock up before Meiko hits a spinning back kick to the midsection before locking in a standing side headlock before Isla comes back with uppercuts as the NXT UK Women’s champion Kay Lee Ray comes out onto the stage. Meiko focuses on the arm of Isla before Isla hits a bridging German for a near fall before hitting a V-Trigger into a sliding meteora for a near fall before Meiko hits a superplex. Isla then hits a Saito suplex for a near fall before Meiko hits a back flip stomp and her finisher for the pin and the win.

Winner: Meiko Satomura defeats Isla Dawn via pinfall.

– NXT UK General Manager Johnny Saint makes a match between Joe Coffey and Rampage Brown next week.

– We get a video package promo by Dani Luna as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to a video package promo by Aoife Valkyrie.

– We get a promo by Meiko Satomura in Japanese backstage during the break.

– We go to tonight’s edition of the Supernova Sessions with special guest Sha Samuels before they sit side by side on a sofa and Sha says that he’s upset that half of the roster wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for him. Sha says that he’s not Eddie Harvey, and that he’s Sha Samuels before Noam goes to make a match for Sha and Sid Scala shows up and reprimands him for trying to make matches without the authority. Dar tells Sid to make a match between Sha and A-Kid for the Heritage Cup title before Sid says that he’ll take it under consideration.

– We get a taped promo by Nina Samuels who says that she’s come up with a match for her and Xia Brookside where it Xia loses she’ll have to carry Nina’s bags for a month as we go to commercial.

– We get a video package promo by Trent Seven where he talks about how he’s found new motivation to get better and lose weight to get down to the Cruiserweight Division weight limit.

Amale vs Piper Niven

Amale slaps Piper who drops her repeatedly and hits a scoop slam into a sliding cross body for two before stomping her in the corner before Amale comes back with a running boot in the corner for two. Piper then comes back and hits a cannonball in the corner into the Piper Driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Piper Niven defeats Amale via pinfall.

– We get images of Gallus and Pretty Deadly having the contract signing for their NXT UK Tag Team Championship Match in two weeks time as we go to commercial.

– We get a graphic for Ben Carter in action next week as well as A-Kid defending his NXT UK Heritage Cup against Sha Samuels as well as Rampage Brown versus Joe Coffey.

Tag Team Street Fight Match

South Wales Subculture vs The Hunt

We cut to backstage where The Hunt attacked SWS when they were getting ready to come out to the ring before The Hunt drag Flash to the ring to make the match officially start. Primate goes shoulder first into the post before Flash hits Eddie with Shiranui for a near fall before Flash dropkicks Eddie out of the ring and drops Primate with a pump kick. Eddie whips Flash with his belt before smashing his face into the mat and Primate and Eddie beat on Flash as Mark Andrews shows up and hits a moonsault off of the top of the arena. Everyone brawl around the arena before we see that Mark’s mouth is busted open and all four men duel with chairs in the ring until Flash nearly knocks Eddie out with his helmet. Flash headbutts Primate before Eddie hits him with a kendo stick before Mark drops him with an enzuigiri before hitting Stun Dog Millionaire before Primate knocks him off of the top.

Flash saves Mark from having his leg broken before SWS hit a V-Trigger into a sunset flip powerbomb onto the floor before they break kendo sticks across the back of Eddie. SWS bring a table into the ring before Primate takes Mark out and Flash hits a Swanton Bomb off of the top for a near fall that Primate breaks up before hitting an exploder into the corner. SWS then send Primate through a table in the corner before SWS hit dueling dives onto Primate and Eddie for the pin and the win.

Winner: South Wales Subculture defeats The Hunt via pinfall.

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