
WWE NXT Results for 2/10/21 The Last Stop Before Takeover: Vengeance Day

Witness the final edition of NXT before Takeo: Vengeance Day this Sunday night at 8pm EST on USA!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s go home edition of WWE NXT before Takeover: Vengeance Day this Sunday night where the finals of the Men’s and Women’s Dusty Classic tournaments will be decided!

Men’s Dusty Classic Semifinal Match

MSK vs Legado Del Fantasma

Joaquin and Lee start the match off before Carter and Raul come in and exchange standing switches and side headlocks before MSK double up on Raul for two before LDF come back and hit Lee with running moves in the corner. Carter then gets the hot tag and drops Raul before hitting a PK for two before Wilde dropkicks Carter off of the apron and into the barricade before knocking Lee off of the apron as we go to commercial.

We come back to Lee clearing the ring of LDF before they hit an assisted shooting star press off of the apron and Lee hits a flipping senton over the top rope and down onto the floor. Back in the ring Raul hits a springboard missile dropkick before Joaquin hits a poison rana into a twisting neckbreaker by Raul for a near fall that Carter breaks up. Joaquin hits a diving stomp onto the back of Carter before hitting a 450 off of his back onto Lee before Lee gets a near fall and MSK finish Joaquin with their finisher for the win.

Winner: MSK defeat Legado Del Fantasma via pinfall to advance to the finals of the tournament.

– We get a video package promo by Mercedes Martinez who talks about how it’s taken her twenty years to get where she is and get a title shot where she says that Io’s days as champion are numbered.

Xia Li (w/ BOA) vs Cora Jade

Jade attacks Xia from behind when she gets distracted by Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro at ringside before Xia absorbs every shot Cora throws at her and drops her with a kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Xia Li defeats Cora Jade via pinfall.

– After the match Kayden goes to the stage and tries to talk to Tian Sha before Xia takes her out and she and BOA try to talk her out of doing something before she chokes BOA and Xia takes out Kacy at ringside.

– Backstage William Regal is interviewed where he congratulates MSK and walks into his office to find Scarlett who says that time is up for Santos Escobar next week before Regal agrees to a match between Santos and Karrion Kross.

– We see The Way backstage with Johnny Gargano in a wheelchair as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to The Way helping Johnny sit on the top turnbuckle before Austin sits Johnny in the wheelchair and Johnny says that he has a broken arm thanks to KUSHIDA. Johnny says that he has four fractures in his dominant arm and he is a power walker which means he swings his arms when he walks, so now he’s stuck in a wheelchair. Johnny says that he can’t defend his title Sunday and that KUSHIDA should be suspended before Regal comes out onto the stage and says that the medical team cleared Johnny yesterday. Johnny shows an x-ray of his arm before Regal says that the x-ray is of a right arm and if his arm were broken like the x-ray he’d be in excruciating pain. Regal says that if Johnny won’t compete he can use Austin Theory as a surrogate or he can vacate the title before we see KUSHIDA behind Johnny.

KUSHIDA takes out Austin and Johnny when he stands up before Indi holds Candice back from attacking KUSHIDA as Shotzi and Ember come out to the ring as we go to commercial.

Women’s Dusty Classic Semifinal Match

Shotzi Blackheart & Ember Moon vs The Way (Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell w/ Austin Theory & Johnny Gargano)

We come back from the break to the match already in progress as Shotzi drops Candice with a knee and Indi comes in and hits Shotzi with a sidewalk slam for two before stomping her in the corner. Candice comes back in and slams Shotzi down to the mat by her hair before dragging her to the corner where Indi drops her with a back elbow. Candice hits an eat defeat for two before dropping Shotzi with a back elbow for two before Shotzi hits a jawbreaker and tags in Ember. Ember then drops Candice repeatedly and she and Shotzi double team Indi for a near fall before Candice hits an assisted head scissors to Ember that sends her into Shotzi at ringside as we go to commercial.

We come back to Shotzi and Candice getting the tag before Shotzi rocks Candice with a discus forearm into a face buster and an inverted cannonball for two before she and Ember double up on Candice for a near fall that Indi breaks up. Candice hits an assisted moonsault to Ember before diving out onto Shotzi as Indi covers Ember for a near fall before Ember sends Indi into Candice and Shotzi gets the hot tag. Shotzi takes out Indi before Candice superkicks her and Indi gets the tag before Ember breaks up a pin attempt for a near fall before Ember and Candice take each other out at ringside. Shotzi then hits Indi with a DDT before Indi covers Candice when Shotzi goes to hit her with a diving senton and Shotzi covers Indi since she’s the legal woman for The Way.

Winner: Ember Moon and Shotzi Blackheart defeat The Way via pinfall to advance to the finals of the tournament.

– After the match Dakota and Raquel and Ember and Shotzi face off on the ramp next to the Dusty Cup before William Regal comes out and says that the winning team will get to challenge for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship.

– We get a backstage promo by Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa ahead of them facing Grizzled Young Veterans in the semifinals of the Men’s Dusty Cup with the winners facing MSK Sunday night at Takeover: Vengeance Day.

– We come back from the break to a backstage interview with Santos Escobar where he’s asked about his match against Karrion Kross next week before Joaquin and Raul show up. Santos then tells Raul and Joaquin that they can redeem themselves after losing earlier tonight by hunting down Kross.

– We get a video package for the NXT Championship match between the champion Finn Bälor, and the challenger Pete Dunne ahead of their match at Takeover: Vengeance Day.

KUSHIDA vs Austin Theory (w/ Johnny Gargano)

Johnny distracts KUSHIDA before Austin capitalizes and takes control, beating on and driving his shoulder into the midsection of KUSHIDA in the corner before KUSHIDA hits a hip toss into a cartwheel dropkick. KUSHIDA focuses on the arm of Austin before stretching Austin and stomping his back before snapping both of his arms and drops Austin with kicks. KUSHIDA then goes back to the arm of Austin before Austin stops an attempted springboard and knocks KUSHIDA off of the apron as we go to commercial.

We come back to Austin now in control as he beats KUSHIDA down with clubbing blows and hits a fall away slam before missing a jumping stomp and KUSHIDA comes back with an atomic drop. KUSHIDA hits a springboard back elbow into a flat liner in the corner into a German suplex and a roundhouse kick for a near fall before Austin rolls out of the ring. Austin then runs KUSHIDA over when he goes after Johnny before KUSHIDA counters a powerbomb into an armbar on the apron before Johnny superkicks him for the disqualification.

Winner: KUSHIDA defeats Austin Theory via disqualification.

– The Way beat KUSHIDA down after the match before Austin is dragged under the ring and drags out Dexter Lumis before he and Austin are terrified and KUSHIDA locks in the Hoverboard Lock on Johnny as Dexter locks in The Silence on Austin.

– We get a video package promo by Toni Storm ahead of her challenging Io Shirai for the NXT Women’s Championship in a triple threat match.

– We come back from the break to video package for Imperium.

– Backstage we see Joaquin and Raul taken out before Kross gets in front of the camera and tells Santos that he’s going to do to him exactly what he did to Raul and Joaquin.

– Outside of the arena Cameron Grimes shows up in a sports car and hands out money to random people backstage and in the crowd before getting into the ring and says that he invested in Gamestop and struck it rich. Cameron says that he’s the richest man in NXT and will no longer do anything he doesn’t want to before throwing money into the air and leaving.

– Johnny is interviewed backstage where he says that he’s going to use his match against KUSHIDA to remind everyone that he is Johnny Takeover and that KUSHIDA had better be ready to wrestle the match of his life.

– We get a video package promo by the NXT Women’s champion Io Shirai in Japanese ahead of her Triple Threat title defense at Takeover this Sunday night.

Men’s Dusty Classic Semifinal Match

Grizzled Young Veterans vs Tommaso Ciampa & Timothy Thatcher

The four brawl at ringside before Tommaso sends James over the barricade and Tim starts the match off with Zack by taking him down before he and Tommaso take turns tagging in and out and brutalizing Zack. James finally gets onto the apron and Tim goes for a double wrist lock before James saves Zack in the corner and GYV take control as Zack rolls Tim up for two and James sends Tommaso into the steps. GYV then double up on Tim before powerbombing Tommaso onto the apron as we go to commercial.

James and Tim exchange strikes as we come back from the break before Zack grounds Tim and Tim fights out of GYV’s corner before Tommaso gets the hot tag and takes out both members of GYV single handedly. Tommaso hits a pair of Germans into an air raid crash with Zack onto James for a near fall before James counters two attempts at the Fairytale Ending before Zack chops Tommaso in the throat and hits a neckbreaker. James knocks Tim off of the apron before GYV hit Tommaso with a Doomsday Device for a near fall that Tim breaks up before Zack saves Drake from Willows Bell. GYV then hit Tommaso with Ticket to Mayhem for the pin and the win.

Winner: Grizzled Young Veterans defeat Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher via pinfall to advance to the finals of the tournament.

– MSK and GYV face off on opposite sides of the cup before we get a run down for the card for Takeover: Vengeance Day with each set of competitors facing off as we go off the air.

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