
AEW Dynamite Beach Break 02/03/21 Results: Tag-Team Battle Royal, Sabian and Ford Wedding, and More

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– Jim Ross welcomes us to AEW Dynamite; they are live from Jacksonville, Florida, at Daily’s Place.

Tag-Team Battle Royal

The commentary team starts the show talking about Jungle Boy’s big win last week over Dax Harwood. They follow it up by going to the musician Sammy Hagar. The Young Bucks come out last, and the match begins before they make it to the ring. Matt Jackson hits a big spear on Dante Martin; everyone is now in the ring. Dante Martin is the first one eliminated by Private Party; the second person eliminated was Alex Reynolds by Jake Hager. John Silver eliminates Jake Hager, and Chris Jericho eliminates Anthony Bowens.

Luchasaurus is literally throwing everyone around, and almost everyone is on the mat. Luchasaurus eliminates John Silver by choke slamming him onto Anthony Bowens; Bowens was already out of the ring. John Silver does a double suplex to Santana and Ortiz. Santana and Ortiz get right up and eliminate Silver after he was not paying attention by posing. Nick Jackson superkicks Ortiz and he eliminates Ortiz.

The Good Brothers are out by the ring, and Nick Jackson gets distracted by The Good Brothers; MJF then comes up behind him and throws Nick over the top rope. Jericho and MJF begin doing The Young Bucks pose to celebrate. The remaining contestants are Sammy Guevara, Jungle Boy, MJF, Dante Martin, and Max Caster. MJF eliminates Jungle Boy, and then MJF and Sammy Guevara begin staring down each other. Max Caster eliminates MJF, but then Dante Martin eliminates Caster. The remaining three are Sammy Guevara, Chris Jericho, and Dante Martin.

The Inner Circle members then begin double-teaming Top Flight’s, Dante Martin. They have Martin outside of the ropes, Martin gets back into, and Jericho eliminates Guevara. Guevara is out, and Jericho thought he also eliminated Martin, but he did not. Martin comes in and nails Jericho. Jericho gets Martin on the outside of the ropes, and he hits Martin with The Judas Effect out of nowhere to win the Battle Royal.

Winners: Inner Circle’s Chris Jericho & MJF

– Tony Schiavone introduces Darby Allin & Sting. Schiavone starts the interview by saying that Darby Allin will be defending the TNT title next week against Joey Janela. Team Taz then interrupts Schiavone, and they are outside Daily’s Place and were not allowed in because they attacked employees on last week’s episode. Taz says that Team Taz will be there next week to ensure that nothing happens to that title. Sting then takes the microphone from Tony Schiavone, and he tells Taz that he will be there next week and he will make sure nobody interrupts the match between Janela and Allin.

– They now go to a promo, showing us how the Britt Baker and Thunder Rosa feud started.

Dr. Britt Baker (w/ Rebel) vs. Thunder Rosa

The match begins right away when Thunder Rosa gets in the ring and goes straight for Rebel and begins attacking her. Dr. Britt Baker chases after Rosa and then takes Rosa down and puts her in the Lockjaw right away. Rosa gets out of it and begins hitting Baker with a flurry of strikes. Rosa controls the match until Baker moves out of the way when Rosa attempts to hit Baker with a splash in the corner. Baker then takes over and begins giving forearm shots to Rosa on the outside of the ring.

Rosa does not let Baker control the match anymore. She begins hitting Baker in the midsection and then starts hitting her multiple times, and Rosa is coming at Baker with multiple punches and kicks. Rosa throws Baker into the steel barricade and then rolls Baker back into the ring. They come back from a commercial, and the first thing they show is Thunder Rosa nailing Baker with a Death Valley Driver on the outside of the ring. Rosa then begins giving some stiff shots, but Baker hits the Switchblade on Rosa, now Baker hits Rosa with a big thrust kick to the side of the head. Baker hits, and now Rebel gives Baker the glove so she can put the Lockjaw on.

Baker gets the Lockjaw on, but Rosa gets out of it and rolls around the ring with the pin attempt. Rosa has Baker in the submission, but Rebel gets in the ring and removes the turnbuckle to expose the steel corner. Baker follows it up by putting The Lockjaw on Rosa. The Referee checks on Rosa, and she is out, so he calls for the bell.

Winner: Dr. Britt Baker (w/ Rebel)

Adam ‘Hangman’ Page & Matt Hardy vs. Chaos Project

The match begins with Matt Hardy and Serpentico; Hardy takes control and gets multiple strikes on Serpentico. Hardy tags in Adam Page, Page goes in and hits the standing shooting star press. Hangman is getting multiple strikes in, Hardy hits the side effect on Serpentico, but Hardy did not see that Luther tagged in.

Serpentico is still in the ring, but Luther grabs him, uses Serpentico’s body as a weapon, and throws him onto Matt Hardy. Hardy is down but makes it to Adam Page for the hot tag, and he clears the ring real quick. Page hits a big spinebuster on Serpentico, Page goes for the Buckshot Lariat, but Luther pulls his leg and knocks him off the apron. Luther goes for a senton but misses, and Page now goes for the Buckshot Lariat, and he hits it. He is about to go for the pin, but Hardy tags himself in, and that confuses Page. Hardy gets in the ring and pins Serpentico to get the victory.

Winners: Adam ‘Hangman’ Page & Matt Hardy

– They go to Alex Marvez, who catches up with MJF and Chris Jericho. They are excited that they are the number one contenders. They go to the dressing room, and Sammy Guevara and the rest of The Inner Circle are in the room as well. Guevara is upset that they are not as important anymore, with MJF being apart of The Inner Circle. Guevara walks off, and Jericho goes after him; MJF then tells Wardlow to get the door and tells Inner Circle it’s time to talk.

The Wedding of Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford

Penelope Ford and Kip Sabian are in the ring, and Miro, along with Chuck Taylor, is in the ring. The ring is set with a wedding theme; the Sinister Minister James Mitchell is officiating the wedding. The wedding is going smoothly, with Sabian and Ford exchanging their vows. Mitchell then asks if anyone has any last words; he then interrupts and says he has wedding experience, and he tells Mitchell to keep going. Mitchell then announces Sabian and Ford as husband and wife.

Miro then has a speech, but it is interrupted when he sees a big wedding gift. Miro runs and destroys the box, and he tells Chuck Taylor to clean up the mess. Miro says, “What is love,” and the crowd interrupts them by singing the song “What is Love” by Hadaway. Miro sings along for a second and says that’s enough and it’s time for cake. He tries to walk off, but he is chained up and can’t move. Chuck Taylor then begins attacking Kip Sabian, and by doing that, Ford goes into the cake, face first. Sabian gets the upper hand for a second until Orange Cassidy pops out of the cake.

– They come back from commercial and go to a Shaquille O’ Neal who is cutting a promo and says he will challenge Cody Rhodes. They announce that Shaq and Jade Cargill will go against Cody Rhodes and Red Velvet on the March 3rd episode of Dynamite.

Lumberjack Match
Lance Archer vs. Eddie Kingston

The match begins when Lance Archer charges into the ring and starts attacking Eddie Kingston. They both go out of the ring almost immediately. The heel Lumberjacks begin attacking Archer; the face Lumberjacks start attacking Kingston. This now causes all of the Lumberjacks to start fighting each other. Lance Archer is in the ring, and he does a dive over the top rope and lands on multiple wrestlers. They now head to a commercial with Kingston controlling the match.

We are now back from the commercial, and Kingston is still controlling the match, and he throws Archer out of the ring. The heels begin attacking Archer on the outside; Archer gets back in and starts hitting Kingston with some stiff shots. Archer then follows it up by slamming Kingston onto the mat. Kingston is in the corner, and the next thing you see is The Bunny on top of Archer.

Archer then grabs Bunny for the Blackout, but Kingston nails Archer with a big back elbow. The Butcher and The Blade now bring a table in, but Bear Country gets in and begins attacking The Butcher and The Blade. This allows Archer to recover, and he hits the Blackout on Kingston. Archer follows it up by pinning Kingston for the victory.

Winner: Lance Archer

– After the Kingston/Archer match, they go to a promo from FTR and Tully Blanchard. They address Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus and ask if they ran to the Principal’s office after last week, and that’s why they were banned from the Tag-Team Battle Royal. They say they are not bad guys, but sometimes they have to do bad things. They show that they have Marko Stunt tied up in a chair.

– They come back from commercials and begin going over next week’s AEW Dynamite. Joey Janela cuts a short promo basically saying that next week, he will win the TNT Championship title.

Jon Moxley, PAC, and Rey Fenix vs. The Good Brothers and Kenny Omega (w/ Don Callis)

The Good Brothers and Kenny Omega come out first. Jon Moxley follows PAC and Rey Fenix out next, and them. The match begins with PAC and Karl Anderson in the ring; PAC throws the first punch. Anderson hits PAC with a big shoulder tackle, but PAC comes back after running the ropes and hits Anderson with a hurricanrana. PAC tags in Moxley and Anderson tags in Luke Gallows. Moxley throws a flurry of shots, but Gallows comes back with one big right. Moxley recovers and gets some strikes in on Gallows.

Gallows tags in Anderson and Moxley now tags in Rey Fenix. Rey Fenix gets some shots in now on Anderson. Gallows is now tagged in, and he gets some strikes in on Fenix. Anderson tags in Kenny Omega; Omega takes control of the match and hits PAC with a big kick to the side of PAC’s head. However, PAC is good enough to make it over and tag in Moxley and Omega tags in Karl Anderson. Moxley gets Anderson out of the ring, Moxley now goes for and hits the Tope Suicida on both Gallows and Anderson. Moxley is now on the outside, and Omega comes in takes a cheapshot at Moxley.

They go to a commercial and come back with Anderson and Gallows, both controlling the match. Gallows and Anderson go for The Magic Killer, but he gets out of it. Rey Fenix gets the hot tag from Moxley, and he takes out Gallows, Anderson, and Omega. He hits multiple thrust kicks, Fenix hits Omega with a big cutter. Fenix goes to pin Omega, but Omega kicks out at two; Omega nails Fenix with a nasty snap-dragon suplex from the third rope. Omega tags in Gallows, and Fenix makes it to PAC and tags him. PAC starts focusing on Omega, and Gallows nails PAC with a big kick to the side of PAC’s face. Omega is now the legal man, and he goes for the Liger Bomb, but PAC kicks out. Now, PAC, Fenix, and Moxley are triple-teaming Omega.

Moxley hits a big German suplex on Omega. Moxley goes for the pin, but Moxley kicks out. Now, everyone in the ring, and they are all getting multiple moves in on each other. Omega hits a Rey Fenix, is tagged in, and hits a big moonsault on Anderson. He goes for the pin, but he kicks out. Fenix goes for another move to the top rope, and Anderson stops him with a huge spinebuster. Anderson and Gallows hit the Magic Killer on Fenix, allowing them to get the pin and the victory over Fenix, PAC, and Moxley.

Winners: Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers

After the match, Gallows and Anderson are beating down Fenix and PAC, Moxley goes in after them, but he is taken out. Lance Archer comes out for the save, but he is then taken out; Moxley has Omega by himself. Suddenly, a man in a mask appears, and he takes out Moxley with a clothesline and then removes his mask, and it’s New Japan Pro Wrestling’s Kenta! He hits Moxley with the GTS, and Omega watches on and is smiling as Kenta leaves the ring. That ends the show, and they are off the air.

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