
MLW Fusion Results for 2/3/21 Alex Hammerstone vs Mads Krügger in a Baklei Brawl

The MLW National Openweight champion Alex Hammerstone takes on The Black Hand of Contra!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of MLW Fusion!

– We open tonight’s show with a video package for our main event between Alex Hammerstone and Mads Krügger in a Baklei Brawl.

Sentai Death Squad (w/ Daivari)  vs Jordan Oliver

They run the ropes before Jordan drops SDS before hitting a running dropkick in the corner into a Crusher for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jordan Oliver defeats Sentai Death Squad via pinfall.

– We get a taped promo by the Von Erichs at home in Hawaii.

– We get a recap TJP and Bu Ku Dao defeating Violence is Forever last week ahead of their tag title match against Lo Parks up next.

MLW World Tag Team Championship Match

Los Parks (c) (w/ Salina de la Renta) vs TJP & Bu Ku Dao

Bu and Hijo kick things off for their respective teams before everyone gets into a shoving match and Hijo and Bu exchange headlocks before LA kicks Bu from the apron. TJP inadvertently distracts the referee which allows LA and Hijo to stomp Bu before Bu comes back with a clothesline and the action spills to the outside. Los Parks beat on their opponents at ringside before doubling up on TJP and Bu before they come back and clear the ring. TJP and Bu hit topes before tossing Hijo back inside where he puts Hijo in a cross face as TJP puts LA in an octopus stretch. LA hip tosses TJP into Bu to break up the submission before Bu gets a near fall before Hijo hits a running forearm into a running dropkick in the corner for a near fall.

Bu and Hijo clothesline each other before Salina distracts the referee and a new Park comes out from under the ring and replaces Hijo. The fresh Park then hits Bu with a shoulder breaker for the pin and the win.

Winner: Los Parks retain their MLW World Tag Team titles by defeating Bu Ku Dao and TJP via pinfall.

– After the match TJP knocks Bu down and leaves him in the ring.

– Lio Rush addresses Laredo Kid saying that he wants to challenge him for his MLW Middleweight Championship. Lio then issues a challenge to Laredo for an Inter promotional Title Match for next week’s main event. We then get a graphic for the match that has been made official as we go to commercial.

– We get a promo by Team Filthy’s Tom Lawlor for Filthy Island next week.

– We briefly see Alex Hammerstone at the site of the Baklei Brawl before we go back to the ring for our next match between Gringo Loco and Gino Medina.

Gringo Loco vs Gino Medina

Gino and Gringo exchange arm drags before Gringo misses a standing moonsault and Gino a kick before Gino starts wrestling Gringo with one hand behind his back. Gringo hits an arm drag as Gino rolls out of the ring and sweeps Gringo before tossing him back inside and locks in a rear chin lock before Gringo elbows his way free. Gringo trips Gino and superkicks him before going up top and hitting a corkscrew moonsault off of the second rope for two. Gino hits a spinning enzuigiri before Gringo drops Gino with an enzuigiri of his own for two before Gino gets his boots up when Gringo goes for a moonsault. Gino then hits a snake eyes before reversing a clutch pin for a pin of his own for the win.

Winner: Gino Medina defeats Gringo Loco via pinfall.

– After the match Gino cuts a promo in Spanish before Gringo attacks him.

– We get a graphic for injustice versus Contra Unit next week as well as the title versus title match.

Baklei Brawl Match

Alex Hammerstone vs Mads Krügger

Alex and Mads brawl in the dark outside with a referee until Alex sends Mads into a dumpster and Alex pins him before he realizes that he’s actually his double. The real Mads then shows up and attacks Alex as we go off the air.

Winner: No Contest

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