
WWE RAW Results for 2/1/21 Royal Rumble Fallout, United States Championship Match

The Rated-R Superstar will reveal his decision on who he will challenge at Wrestlemania!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE RAW!

– We open tonight’s show with the WWE champion Drew McIntyre in the ring where he talks about how he defeated Goldberg to retain his title before he’s interrupted by Edge who won the Men’s Royal Rumble match. Drew talks about how incredible it was to see Edge win last night and make history by winning the Royal Rumble and how Edge has been his mentor. Sheamus comes out to the ring and congratulates Edge before Drew asks Edge to make his decision before Edge says that he’ll let him know when he’s ready. Edge then says that he’s walking out of Wrestlemania as the champion regardless of who he’s challenging. Drew then turns around and is immediately dropped with a Brogue Kick by Sheamus before Sheamus leaves as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to Sheamus leaving backstage where he says that he turned on Drew for the WWE title.

United States Championship Match

Bobby Lashley (c) (w/ MVP) vs Riddle

Bobby takes Riddle down to the mat and punches him before hitting a delayed release suplex before Riddle hits a head scissors that sends Bobby over the top rope. Riddle hits a springboard corkscrew senton to the outside before Bobby locks in the Hurt Lock with Riddle in the ropes before the referee disqualifies Riddle when he won’t break the hold.

Winner: Riddle defeats Bobby Lashley via disqualification, but Bobby retains his United States Championship due to champions advantage.

– Bobby applies the Hurt Lock several times after the match and tosses Riddle around like a rag doll before leaving.

– We get a recap of last night’s Royal Rumble pre-show where Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax defeated Charlotte and Asuka for the Women’s Tag Team titles. We then see a graphic for a triple threat match to determine the new number one contender for the aforementioned titles between Charlotte and Asuka, Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose, and Lana and Naomi.

– Bad Bunny makes his way to the arena as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to Riddle being checked on by medical personnel where he repeatedly asks what happened.

– We get a promo by Randy Orton ahead of their match later tonight.

– Backstage Xavier Woods talks with Kofi Kingston ahead of Xavier’s match against Ali up next.

Xavier Woods (w/ Kofi Kingston) vs Mustafa Ali (w/ Retribution)

Woods backs Ali into the before Ali kicks him in the midsection and Xavier clotheslines Ali before sending him out of the ring. Xavier sends Ali into the barricade before he’s distracted by Retribution and Ali hits a neckbreaker before Xavier hits a side Russian leg sweep. Xavier then turns Ali inside out for a near fall before Xavier pins Ali with a crucifix for the win.

Winner: Xavier Woods defeats Mustafa Ali via pinfall.

– We get a recap of what Sheamus did to Drew McIntyre earlier tonight before we get a graphic for an interview with the WWE champion.

– We go to the ring for tonight’s edition of Miz TV with special guest Bad Bunny before we get a recap of The Miz and John destroying his DJ’s turntables before Miz apologizes. Bad then brings Damian Priest out to the ring as his friend before knocking Miz out of the ring with a single punch as we go to commercial.

Damian Priest (w/ Bad Bunny) vs The Miz (w/ John Morrison)

Priest drops Miz and hits a flipping senton onto Miz and Morrison at ringside before tossing him back inside and Miz sends Priest into the post. Miz hits Priest in the corner before punching him in mount and choking him in the ropes before mocking Bunny at ringside. Priest comes back with a clothesline into a jumping back elbow into the Broken Arrow for a near fall before John distracts Priest. Bad then takes the briefcase before hitting John with a microphone and Priest pins Miz with The Reckoning.

Winner: Damian Priest defeats The Miz via pinfall.

– We get a recap of last week’s show where Randy Orton cost Alexa Bliss her shot at Asuka’s RAW Women’s Championship ahead of Alexa’s match against Nikki Cross later tonight as we go to commercial.

RAW Tag Team Championship Match

The Hurt Business (Shelton Benjamin & Cedric Alexander) (c) (w/ MVP) vs Lucha House Party

Shelton and Gran start the match for their respective teams before Cedric comes in and clotheslines Gran for two before LHP clear the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back to Cedric hitting Lince with a Driver before Shelton comes back in and hits several scoop slams for two before Lince hits a stunner. Shelton hits a gut buster for two before THB chain together offense and tags until Lince gets the hot tag to Metalik. Metalik then holds on when Cedric hits a rolling senton before Metalik hits a flipping senton for a near fall before Shelton hits Pay Dirt to Metalik for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Hurt Business retain their RAW Tag Team titles by defeating Lucha House Party via pinfall.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Number One Contender Triple Threat Match

Charlotte and Naomi start things off by matching each other move for move before Dana and Mandy double up on Lana and Asuka before clearing the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Charlotte in control as she takes out Dana and Mandy as Shayna and Nia look on from a monitor backstage. Dana and Mandy isolate Charlotte until she counters a double suplex and gets the blind tag to Asuka who runs over Dana and Mandy. Asuka hits a release German into a shining wizard for two before hitting a missile dropkick as Charlotte comes in and Lana tags herself in. Lana tags in Naomi once she realizes that she can’t handle Charlotte before Naomi drops Charlotte with a springboard roundhouse for a near fall. Everyone hit a move until Charlotte hits Mandy with Natural Selection and Lacey Evans and Ric Flair come out onto the stage and Charlotte goes up the ramp.

Naomi then pins Asuka with the Rear View for the win.

Winner: Naomi and Lana defeat Asuka and Charlotte, and Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke via pinfall to win an opportunity at the WWE Women’s Tag Team titles.

– We get an emotional backstage interview by the WWE champion about the betrayal of Sheamus and their twenty plus year friendship before Drew accepts Sheamus’ challenge.

Jeff Hardy & Carlito vs Elias & Jaxson Ryker

Elias backs Carlito into the corner before Carlito takes him down and drags Elias to the corner where Jeff gets the tag before Jaxson comes in. Jeff hits his signature move sequence to Jaxson for one before Jaxson backs Jeff into the corner and Elias tags back in. Jaxson suplexes Jeff for two before Elias drops him and chokes Jeff in the ropes before knocking Carlito off of the apron. Elias and Jaxson double team Jeff for two before Ryker misses a diving headbutt and gets the hot tag to Carlito who drops Jaxson repeatedly. Jaxson then drives Carlito into the corner before Elias rolls him up for a near fall before Carlito hits a back stabber into a Swanton Bomb by Jeff for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jeff Hardy and Carlito defeat Elias and Jaxson Ryker via pinfall.

– We get a video package for the feud between Randy Orton and Edge ahead of their match later tonight.

Alexa Bliss vs Nikki Cross

Nikki lays into Alexa with strikes before hitting a running cross body for two before hitting a snap suplex for a second two count before Alexa comes back with strikes. Alexa hits a basement dropkick and smashes Nikki’s face into the mat before kicking her in the ribs and teases Sister Abigail. Nikki counters Alexa and hits a neckbreaker before Alexa turns back into her normal self and Nikki hits a wrist lock lariat. Alexa then turns back and drops Nikki with a shoulder block before hitting a hammer lock DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Alexa Bliss defeats Nikki Cross via pinfall.

– After the match Randy comes out to the ring and goes passed Alexa without even acknowledging that she’s there as we go to commercial.

Randy Orton vs Edge

Edge almost immediately gets a near fall before Randy counters a submission before stomping Edge in the corner and Edge comes back with an Edgecution. Randy then counters a spear into a powerslam before sending Edge into the post and the steps as we go to commercial.

We come back to Randy in control back in the ring before Edge hits a diving clothesline for two before countering an RKO into the Edge-O-Matic for a near fall. Randy hits a back suplex onto the announce table before tossing Edge back inside and snaps him throat first into the bottom rope. Randy then hits a draping DDT before Alexa appears on the top turnbuckle and Edge spears Randy for the pin and the win.

Winner: Edge defeats Randy Orton via pinfall.

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