
New BTE Champion Crowned, Anna Jay Tells Adam Page To Move On In Latest Episode Of Being The Elite

The boyhood dream has come true for Sammy Guevara.

The era of John Silver is over on Being The Elite as he has lost his prestigious Being The Elite Championship to Sammy Guevara on the most recent edition of BTE.

After successfully defending the prize against such competitors as Marko StuntAnd even his own tag team partner, Alex Reynolds, John Silver lost the gold in a field goal competition against Sammy Guevara.

Sammy, who runs his own vlog, joked that he was going to switch the name of the championship over to represent his YouTube channel and that if anybody wanted it back, they would have to go over there. Sammy celebrated with Fuego Del Sol as John Silver joked that he was glad he didn’t have to travel with the belt anymore and tell airport security he was the champion of YouTube.

That wasn’t all for John Silver on BTE this week, however. The Dark Order had the slumber party that they set up on last week’s episode and when Hangman Page tried to join, Anna Jay told him to move on so that the group could move on and be a real family. Hangman, as is our usual these days, left with a bottle of booze in his hand. “5” saw this interaction between Anna and Adam but Jay told him to keep it a secret and not tell the other members so they don’t continue to get hurt.

This is the continuing storyline of what will happen to Adam Page now that he is an island unto himself. Fightful will have live coverage of all AEW television and continue covering the ongoing saga of Hangman as it happens.

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