
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 1/26/21 Austin & Fulton vs Cardona & Alexander

The Walking Weapon teams with Always Ready to take on The Ace and the Madman tonight at 8pm EST on AXS TV!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV!

– We open tonight’s show with IMPACT World champion Rich Swann who talks about how hard he’s worked to become the champion. Rich talks about how he has a target on his back before asking Tommy Dreamer out to the ring before Tommy comes out. Rich says that February 13th is the next big show for IMPACT as well as Tommy’s 50th birthday before Sami Callihan comes out to the ring. Chris Bey comes out next and says that it’ll be his birthday as well before Moose comes out last and talks about how he was guaranteed a title match. Everyone brawl before Willie Mack comes out and he, Tommy, and Rich clear the ring before the lights go out and come back on and Ken Shamrock attacks everyone in the ring from behind.

– We come back to Rich and company lobbying Scott D’Amore for a match against Sami and company before they see their fourth mystery member in Scott’s office and walk inside excitedly.

– We get a breakdown for tonight’s card before we go to the ring for our opening match between Matt Cardona and Josh Alexander and Ace Austin and Madman Fulton. 

Ace Austin & Madman Fulton vs Matt Cardona & Josh Alexander

Josh and Fulton grapple on the mat before Ace comes in and gets suplexed for his troubles before Matt and Josh clear the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back to Ace and Fulton doubling up on Josh before Josh gets the hot tag to Matt who dumps Fulton out of the ring and hits Ace with a running clothesline in the corner. Matt hits a wrecking ball dropkick that sends Fulton into the railing before Fulton is right back up and drags Ace to the corner to get the tag. Fulton comes in and beats Matt down in the corner before Josh comes in and rocks Fulton with strikes. Matt then finishes Fulton with Josh’s help for the pin and the win.

Winner: Matt Cardona and Josh Alexander defeat Madman Fulton & Ace Austin via pinfall.

– We get a taped promo by Rohit Raju who is talking to someone who we only see the back of as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to Matt and Josh running into Brian Myers who mocks Matt and walks passed him before making his way out to the ring for his match against Eddie Edwards.

Brian Myers vs Eddie Edwards

Eddie goes behind and goes for a waist lock take down before Brian scrambles to the ropes for the break before Brian kicks Eddie in the midsection. Eddie hits an inverted atomic drop into an overhead belly to belly and a suicide dive before Brian snaps the arm of Eddie in the ropes. Brian tosses Eddie into the post and out of the ring before focusing on his now injured arm once Eddie is back inside. Brian then hits a float over suplex for two before Eddie hits a back pack stunner for two before Eddie takes him down and bites Brian before being disqualified.

Winner: Brian Myers defeats Eddie Edwards via disqualification.

– We come back from the break to Matt Hardy and Private Party talking about their upcoming tag title match.

Tenille Dashwood (w/ Kaleb) vs Rosemary (w/ Crazzy Steve)

Rosemary immediately hits a sidewalk slam before she’s distracted by Kaleb and Kaleb distracts the referee before Tenille hits Rosemary with Kaleb’s camera bag for a near fall. Rosemary locks in the Upside Down before missing a missile dropkick and Tenille hits a sliding cross body for two before locking in a full nelson. Rosemary then comes back with a sling blade into a running splash in the corner before hitting a Wing Clipper for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rosemary defeats Tenille Dashwood via pinfall.

– Backstage Larry D talks to Acey Romero before Rosemary shows up and Larry knocks Steve out with a right hand.

– Johnny Swinger watches as Fallah Bahh plays cards with John E. Bravo before Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz show up and invite them to their tag team title celebration as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Deonna Purrazzo, Kimber Lee, and Susan backstage before Jazz and Jordynne Grace show up and Jordynne mocks Susan before Susan challenges her to a match next week.

– Kiera, Tasha, and Johnny come out to the ring and celebrate their winning the Knockouts Tag Team titles at Hard to Kill before Nevaeh and Havok crash the party and clear the ring.

– Backstage Chris Sabin has a beer with James Storm where they talk strategy before having a shot as we go to commercial.

Joe Doering (w/ Violent By Design (Eric Young & Deaner) vs Cousin Jake

Joe immediately drops Jake and beats on him around the ring before choking him in the ropes and Jake goes for a dive, but Joe swats him away with ease. Back in the ring Joe then hits a running cross body before hitting a double armed chokeslam into a burning hammer and a lariat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Joe Doering defeats Cousin Jake via pinfall.

– After the match VBD attack Jake and leave their insignia on Jake.

– We get a breakdown of the card for next week’s show with Tasha Steelz against Havok, TJP versus Rohit Raju and Jordynne Grace and Susan is made official as we go to commercial.

Eight-Man Tag Team Match

Trey Miguel is revealed as Rich, Tommy, and Willie Mack’s mystery partner before Chris and Tommy kick things off for their respective teams. Rich then comes in and he and Tommy double up on Chris as we go to commercial.

We come back to Willie and Rich double teaming Chris Bey before he flees to the corner and tags in Sami who drops Rich with strikes. Rich counters a piledriver into a head scissors before Willie hits a Samoan drop into a standing moonsault before the World’s Most Dangerous Tag Team take turns beating on Willie in their corner. Willie gets the hot tag to Trey who clears the apron before exchanging with Sami before dropping him and everyone hits a move. Trey then counters a piledriver into a Samson Clutch for the pin and the win.

Winner: Trey Miguel, Rich Swann, Tommy Dreamer and Willie Mack defeat Sami Callihan, Moose, Ken Shamrock, and Chris Bey via pinfall.

– After the match Sami sicks Ken Shamrock on the referee and locks in an ankle lock as we go off the air.

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