
WWE RAW Results for 1/18/21 Asuka vs Alexa Bliss, LHP & Riddle vs The Hurt Business

The Empress of Tomorrow takes on The Fiendish Child tonight at 8pm EST on USA Network!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE RAW!

– We open tonight’s show with a video package celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

– We then get a video package promo by Randy Orton with his face burnt and a mask on where he talks about what about what Alexa Bliss did to him last week.

– We open in the ThunderDome with a graphic for Goldberg on the Dirt Sheet as well as Asuka versus Alexa Bliss in a non-title match.

– We get a recap of last week’s match between Charlotte Flair and Lacey Evans last week in which Ric Flair cost his daughter her match when he helped Lacey. We then go to a backstage interview with Lacey and Ric where Lacey does all of the talking before we go to the ring for our opening match.

Charlotte Flair vs Peyton Royce

Peyton kicks Charlotte and hits her with clubbing blows before they roll out of the ring and Charlotte smashes Peyton’s face into the announce table. Charlotte chops Peyton at ringside before Charlotte chops the post and Peyton rolls her back inside for two before locking in a rear chin lock. Charlotte comes back with a clothesline and stretches Peyton in the ropes before hitting a draping neckbreaker for two as Ric makes his way out to the ring with Lacey. Peyton then gets a near fall when she capitalizes on the distraction before Charlotte rolls out of the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back to Charlotte making her comeback for two before Peyton hits a jawbreaker and Charlotte boots her off of the apron. Charlotte turns her attention towards Lacey and Ric before Peyton gets back inside at nine and Charlotte stomps her before Peyton comes back with a running knee. Peyton then rocks Charlotte with a roundhouse kick for two before Charlotte chop blocks her and focuses on her left leg before Charlotte locks in the Figure Eight for the tap and the win.

Winner: Charlotte Flair defeats Peyton Royce via submission.

– Backstage Riddle annoys The Hurt Business before Bobby Lashley stomps his foot and leaves Riddle clutching his foot on the ground as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Lucha House Party with Riddle backstage where he’s got his foot propped up on a chair, his status for the Six-Man against The Hurt Business later tonight now in question.

– We get a graphic for Xavier Woods versus Mace up next as we go back to the ring for the aforementioned match.

Xavier Woods vs Mace (w/ Retribution)

Mace traps Xavier in the corner before chokeslamming him for two before lifting him by the throat and tossing him into the corner before hitting a running move in the corner. Mace grounds Xavier and fish hooks his mouth before Xavier comes back and hits Ali with a baseball slide at ringside before Mace gets back in and drops Xavier with an ax kick. Mace then finishes Xavier with a spinning sit-out side slam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mace defeats Xavier Woods via pinfall.

– Asuka is briefly interviewed backstage where she is asked what she expects from Alexa to which she says she doesn’t know and thinks she will see Alexa’s dark side.

– Alexa comes out to the ring for tonight’s edition of Alexa’s Playground before she addresses what she did to Randy Orton. Alexa mocks Randy and says that she will gladly suggest some sun block for him before introducing her special guest and opponent, Asuka. Asuka goes to sit down before she reprimanded by Alexa who says that that’s not her seat before Alexa talks to someone not there and Asuka tries to console Alexa, which just upsets and angers her before Asuka leaves.

– We come back from the break to a video package for the next three Wrestlemania events with Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and other WWE Superstars, including John Cena, announcing WrestleMania 37 with two nights in Tampa on April 10 and April 11 of this year, WrestleMania 38 for April 3, 2022 in Arlington, and WrestleMania 39 in Los Angeles on April 2, 2023.

– Backstage we see The Miz and John Morrison before they’re interviewed about what’s in store for Goldberg later tonight on The Dirt Sheet. Miz tells the interviewer that everyone will have to wait, but it will be controversial before they leave.

– We get a taped promo by Jeff Jarrett who gives his prediction for the winner of Drew McIntyre versus Goldberg at the Royal Rumble.

Mandy Rose (w/ Dana Brooke) vs Shayna Baszler (w/ Nia Jax)

Shayna stuffs a single leg by Mandy before Mandy rolls her up and Shayna drops Mandy with a knee for two as we see Nia has joined at the announce table. Shayna beats on Mandy and hits a snap mare into a PK for two before locking in a rear chin lock before stomping her arm. Shayna gets distracted by Dana at ringside before Mandy rolls her up for two and hits a flap jack before driving Shayna into the corner. Mandy then punches stomps Shayna in the corner before Shayna comes back with joint manipulation and submits Mandy with the Kirifuda Clutch for the tap and the win.

Winner: Shayna Baszler defeats Mandy Rose via submission.

– Shayna and Mandy argue after the match before Dana sends Shayna and Nia into the post with a diving kick off of the apron before she and Mandy escape up the ramp.

– Backstage Shayna and Nia are interviewed about the dissension in their team where Shayna says that she wants a tag title rematch, but Nia doesn’t seem to be keen on the idea.

– Charlotte Flair is interviewed backstage where she addresses seeing Lacey Evans’ in her father’s robe. Charlotte says that she needs to rethink things, and Lacey may wear her father’s robe, but she will never wear his crown.

– We get a recap of Kevin Owens taking Adam Pearce’s spot in the Universal Championship match at the Royal Rumble.

– Backstage Adam talks with Ricochet who has a match against AJ Styles who walks up and mocks Ricochet and Adam. AJ implies that Adam is a coward before Ricochet heads out to the ring for their match as we go to commercial.

Ricochet vs AJ Styles (w/ Omos)

The two match each other move for move and counter for counter before Ricochet hits a series of head scissors into a dropkick that sends AJ out of the ring. Omos looks on at ringside as AJ counters a baseball slide and catches Ricochet who hits a head scissors that sends AJ onto the floor. They then get back into the ring before Ricochet goes for a slingshot cross body, and Omos catches him before dropping Ricochet onto the floor as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Ricochet dropping AJ with a discus clothesline before AJ counters a kick and Ricochet hits a bridging German suplex for two. Ricochet then counters the Phenomenal Forearm into a Code Breaker before AJ knocks Ricochet off of the top before AJ hits the Styles Clash for the pin and the win.

Winner: AJ Styles defeats Ricochet via pinfall.

– We get a graphic for the Dirt Sheet up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back to tonight’s edition of The Dirt Sheet with special guest Goldberg before they go to introduce him and it’s revealed that their guest is the Goldberg parody wrestler Gillberg. We next get a parody wrestler dressed like Drew McIntyre before he comes out to the ring and faces off with Gillberg. Miz then mocks the real Goldberg and McIntyre before saying that both of them will lose at the Royal Rumble when he cashes in his Money in the Bank briefcase and becomes the new WWE champion.

Six-Man Tag Team Match

Gran and Cedric start the match off with Gran running the ropes before Cedric clotheslines him and hits a backbreaker before Lince gets the blind tag. Lince hits a springboard head scissors before Cedric rocks him with a forearm and drops him with an elbow across the back of the neck as Bobby and Shelton turn away when he tries to tag out. Lince gets two off of a springboard cross body before Cedric backs Lince to the ropes and Shelton tags himself in before clotheslining Lince. Shelton whips Lince into the corner before dragging him to the corner and tagging Bobby in who man handles Lince and Cedric and Shelton argue. Shelton and Cedric keep tagging themselves in before Lince hits Cedric with the Golden Rewind and Shelton tags himself in before shoving Cedric through the ropes and down onto the floor.

MVP then tries to talk to Cedric and calm him down as we go to commercial with The Hurt Business on control.

We come back to THB still in control as Bobby slams Lince and Shelton tosses him around the ring before Lince comes back with a diving cross body onto Cedric. Lince gets the hot tag to Riddle who drops Shelton with a Pele kick and hits a running forearm in the corner before hitting Bobby on the apron. Riddle hits the Final Flash for a near fall before missing the Floating Bro and Gran comes in and hits a head scissors before Shelton drops him. Cedric then tags himself in and hits Gran with a suplex before Bobby locks in the Hurt Lock for the tap and the win.

Winner: The Hurt Business defeat The Lucha House Party and Riddle via submission.

– Backstage Elias talks to Jaxson Ryker about his objective when he rematches Jeff Hardy before they make their way out to the ring as we go to commercial.

– We get a taped promo by WWE champion Drew McIntyre who is still quarantined in a hotel die to COVID-19 where he talks about his title defense against Goldberg next weekend at the Royal Rumble. Drew then finishes by saying that he’s going to be back on RAW next Monday on the go home show before the Royal Rumble.

Jeff Hardy vs Jaxson Ryker (w/ Elias)

Jaxson splashes Jeff in the corner before Jeff hits a head scissors and hits an inverted atomic drop into a basement dropkick before Jaxson runs Jeff over for two. Jaxson suplexes Jeff for two before locking in a side headlock that grounds the high flyer before Jeff comes back with a jawbreaker. Jeff then hits a neckbreaker before going up top and Elias rips him down for the disqualification.

Winner: Jeff Hardy defeats Jaxson Ryker via disqualification.

– After the match Jaxson counters a Twist of Fate into a Black Hole Slam before Elias smiles and gives Jaxson his approval even if he didn’t finish Jeff in the match.

– We get a graphic for the return and face off between Drew McIntyre and Goldberg next week.

Asuka vs Alexa Bliss

They lock up before exchanging wrist locks and rolls before exchanging standing side headlocks and Asuka runs Alexa over before dancing around the ring. Alexa sweeps Asuka and gets two off of a pair of roll ups before Asuka rocks her with strikes and drops her with a knee. Asuka hits a basement dropkick before Alexa counters a straight armbar with a chin bar before rolling out of the ring. Alexa then dodges a baseball slide before the lights go out as we go to commercial.

We come back to Alexa with a new serious demeanor where Alexa drops Asuka and sends her out of the ring before Asuka comes back briefly. Alexa stops Asuka in her tracks when she does Bray Wyatt’s upside down pose and Asuka counters the Mandible Claw before Alexa drops Asuka with a Shotei. Asuka then rocks Alexa with strikes before Alexa hits Asuka with Sister Abigail for the pin and the win.

Winner: Alexa Bliss defeats Asuka via pinfall.

– After the match Alexa stares into the camera as we hear Bray say his signature catchphrase “Let me in.” as we go off the air.

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