
WWE 205 Live Coverage 1/24 Neville VS Cedric Alexander & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE 205 Live! Tonight we are 5 days away from the first big event of the calendar year, the Royal Rumble where Neville looks to capture the Cruiserweight Championship when he takes on Rich Swann, but tonight Cedric Alexander looks to derail that plan when they square off in the main event! The Brian Kendrick returns after being misted by TAJIRI a few weeks ago and looks to climb the ladder of the cruiserweight division! Be sure to come back here at 10 PM EST for all of tonight's action!

TJ Perkins vs Tony Nese

Nese tries to keep TJ grounded, but TJ hits a huricanrrana into a pin attempt for a quick 2 count then sends Nese out of the ring. TJ puts an octopus stretch on Nese then transitions into a pin attempt for a quick 1 count before Nese shrugs off a neckbreaker. Nese hits TJ with a running back elbow then puts a side headlock on him, TJ quick to get out, but Nese whips him into the corner. Nese then counters a tornado DDT into a suplex for a quick 2 count. Nese takes the legs out from under TJ then hits him with a springboard moonsault for a close 2 count. Nese then hits a gutbuster for another close 2 count then TJ hits Nese with a jumping, spinning back kick. TJ hits Nese with a series of strikes then the Detonation Kick, but Nese falls out of the ring. TJ goes to dive out of the ring, but Nese comes back in and turns TJ inside out with a lariat. TJ then rolls Nese up with a rolling crucifix for the pin and the win out of no where.

Winner: TJ Perkins via pinfall

-After the match Nese hits a German suplex into the corner then a running knee before leaving.

-We then find out that Akira Tozawa is set to finally make his debut next week then a video package where Sami Zayn puts him over.

The Brian Kendrick vs Tripp Bradshaw

Kendrick is in control early then Bradshaw tries to come back only to be dropped by Kendrick again then Kendrick mounts him from behind and clubs him. Kendrick puts him in the ropes and hits a variation of a neckbreaker then puts him into The Captain's Hook for the tap and the win.

Winner: The Brian Kendrick via submission

-Rich talks to Cedric backstage about his match

Neville vs Cedric Alexander

They lock up several times then exchange wrist locks before Neville hip tosses Cedric across the ring. They exchange again and Neville tosses him across the ring once more, Neville then focuses on the left arm of Cedric, putting it in various holds  then Cedric hits a huricanrrana that sends Neville out of the ring. Cedric dropkicks Neville off the apron then hits him with a PK off the apron before rolling him back into the ring, only for Neville to roll back out. Neville grabs Cedric and throws him into the barricade once he comes out after him again then Neville hits a missile dropkick for a close 2 count once they're back into the ring. Neville hits a snap suplex then a running forearm in the corner for another close 2 count, following up wit ha side headlock that Cedric is quick to get out of then hits Neville with a back elbow then a handspring roundhouse kick that sends Neville out of the ring. Cedric dives over the top rope and takes out Neville then rolls him back into the ring before hitting a springboard cross body for a close 2 count. Cedric then hits a standing Spanish fly for a very close 2 count then Neville hits a release German suplex and finally a dead lift German suplex for a very close 2 count of his own. Neville is dropped with an enzuigiri then Cedric takes out Noam Dar who distracts him, missing the springboard cross body then Neville locks in a leg scissor armbar for the tap and the win.

Winner: Neville via submission

-After the match Neville sends Dar out of the ring when he tries to keep beating on Cedric then Rich Swann comes out and attacks Neville before Neville sends him head first into the turnbuckle. Cedric sends Dar out of the ring and attacks him on the ramp before Swann takes Neville down and beats on him before the referees pull him off as we go off the air.

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