
IMPACT Wrestling Genesis 2021 Results Ace Austin Wins the Super X Cup Tournament

It’s the return of the Super X Cup Tournament tonight at 8pm EST on IMPACT Plus!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope your weekend is going well, and are ready for IMPACT’S first special show of the year with Genesis!

– We open the show with a video package for the X-Division and the one night Super X Cup Tournament that returns tonight.

X Cup Tournament First Round Match

Ace Austin w/Madman Fulton vs Suicide

The two run the ropes before Suicide drops Ace and the two exchange wrist locks before Ace takes Suicide down onto the mat. Suicide gets to his feet and hits a low dropkick before locking in an octopus stretch and gets two off of a crucifix before locking in a surfboard stretch. Suicide sends Ace out of the ring before hitting a cannonball off of the apron before Ace sends Suicide into the steps. Back in the ring Ace gets two and stomps Suicide in the corner before Suicide comes back with a flurry of palm strikes into a shotgun dropkick. Suicide gets two and Ace comes back with a knee in the ropes before hitting a diving enzuigiri for two before Suicide pancakes him.

Suicide hits a jumping stomp for two before hitting a diving cross body for two into a brain buster when he counters a guillotine. Fulton then distracts Suicide before Ace hits The Fold for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ace Austin defeats Suicide via pinfall to advance to the next round of the tournament.

– We get a video package promo for KC Navarro and Blake Christian ahead of their tournament match up next.

Super X Cup Tournament First Round Match

Blake Christian vs KC Navarro

Blake backs KC into the corner for a clean break before KC does the same to Blake and the two exchange standing switches, head locks and wrist locks. KC grounds Blake with a side headlock into a bulldog choke before Blake comes back with a sweep into a roll up for two. KC hits a snap mare into a PK to the spine before hitting a reverse neckbreaker into a basement dropkick for two. Blake rocks KC with a back elbow before hitting a springboard dropkick into a 450 off of the top and onto KC at ringside. Back in the ring Blake gets two before hitting a DVD into a standing shooting star press for a near fall before hitting a code red off of the top.

Blake then hits a diving splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Blake Christian defeats KC Navarro via pinfall to advance to the next round of the tournament.

Super X Cup Tournament First Round Match

Cousin Jake vs Daivari

Jake sends Daivari out of the ring and beats on him at ringside before missing a running cross body and crashing into the ropes. Back in the ring Ariya beats on Jake and hits a neckbreaker for two before dumping Jake out of the ring and sending him into the steps. Jake comes back with back elbows and a clothesline before hitting a falcon arrow for two before Daivari comes back with forearms. Daivari counters a powerbomb before Jake hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before Daivari hits a DDT for a near fall. Daivari then locks in a figure four before Jake gets to the ropes for the break and hits a Black Hole Slam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cousin Jake defeats Daivari via pinfall to advance to the next round of the tournament.

Super X Cup Tournament First Round Match

Crazzy Steve vs Tre Lamar

Tre avoids Steve early hitting standing switches and Tre slides out of the ring when Steve crawls at him. Tre reluctantly gets back into the ring and hits a Pele kick before Steve rolls out of the ring and Tre rocks him with a forearm. Back in the ring Tre knees Steve in the spine and kicks him before hitting a back elbow for two before locking in a rear chin lock. Tre grounds Steve with a side headlock before Steve gets to his feet and gets hit with a dropkick to the back of the head. Tre goes up top and hits an avalanche back suplex before Steve comes back with chops and is immediately hit with a jawbreaker.

Tre then rocks Steve with an uppercut before missing a diving cross body and Steve hits a diving DDT for the pin and the win.

Winner: Crazzy Steve defeats Tre Lamar via pinfall to advance to the next round of the tournament.

Super X Cup Tournament Semifinal Match

Ace Austin w/ Madman Fulton vs Cousin Jake

Ace locks in a standing side headlock before Jake drops him with a shoulder block and whips him into the corner. Fulton saves Ace when Jake sends him over the top rope before Jake hits a tope that takes out Ace and faces off with Fulton. Ace capitalizes on the multiple distractions by Fulton before choking Jake in the corner and hitting a running dropkick in the corner for two. Ace knees Jake in the face before Jake hits a Thesz press for two before Ace drops him with a boot and locks in a front headlock. Ace gets two off of a crucifix before Jake hits a Driver for a near fall before Jake drops him with thrusts to the throat and Ace hits a sunset flip for two.

Ace hits a rolling kick in the corner before going up top and Jake catches him and hits a buckle bomb into a Black Hole Slam for a near fall before Ace rolls out onto the floor. Back in the ring Ace hits a springboard for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ace Austin defeats Cousin Jake via pinfall to advance to the next round of the tournament.

Super X Cup Tournament Semifinal Match

Blake Christian vs Crazzy Steve

Steve asks for a test of strength that Blake rejects before they shake hands and Steve hugs Blake before they lock up. Steve repeatedly goes back to the corner and speaks to his monkey doll before Blake inadvertently kicks the monkey out of the ring. Steve stomps Blake in the corner elbows him in the top of the head before clothes lining him and raking his back before hitting a suplex. Steve whips Blake into the corner before checking on his monkey and talking to it before Blake sweeps Steve in the corner and hits a running dropkick in the corner into a split legged moonsault. Blake hits Steve with forearms in the corner before dropping him with an uppercut and forearms and a kick to the chest for two before dragging Steve to the corner.

Steve gets his knees up when Blake goes for another top rope moonsault and hits a kitchen sink into a running senton. Steve applies a claw to the liver of Blake before he punches his way free before Steve hits a head scissors that sends Blake out of the ring. Steve and Blake clothesline each other at ringside before Steve hits several running moves in the corner into a cannonball for a near fall. Blake then hits an enzuigiri into a Samson Clutch into a jumping stomp for a near fall before draping Steve across the top rope and hitting a 450 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Blake Christian defeats Crazzy Steve via pinfall to advance to the finals of the tournament.

Jordynne Grace vs Jazz

They lock up for a clean break before Jazz shoves Jordynne and Jordynne rocks her with a forearm before they try to knock each other over. Jordynne manages to drop Jazz before Jazz counters a piledriver on the apron and Jordynne drops her face first across the apron. Jordynne sends Jazz into the railing before rolling her back inside for two before hitting a fisherman’s suplex for two once they’re back in the ring. Jazz comes back with a clothesline into an elbow drop before slingshoting Jordynne into the bottom rope before Jordynne counters a full nelson. Jordynne gets two off of a sunset flip before Jazz locks in a sleeper that Jordynne fights out of before Jazz headbutts her in the spine.

Jazz stomps Jordynne in the corner and Jordynne counters a full nelson into a back suplex before they exchange forearms until Jordynne hits a spine buster for two. Jordynne hits a Vader bomb for a near fall before Jazz counters the Grace Driver into a full nelson slam into a cross face before Jordynne crawls to the ropes for the break. Jazz slingshots Jordynne into the corner before hitting her with jabs and Jordynne sets her on the top turnbuckle before Jazz hits a tornado DDT for a near fall. Jazz and Jordynne then exchange pin attempts until Jordynne wins.

Winner: Jordynne Grace defeats Jazz via pinfall.

Super X Cup Tournament Finals Match

Blake Christian vs Ace Austin

Ace has Madman Fulton go to the back before the two kick the match off by locking up before Ace gives Blake a papercut with a playing card.  Ace takes Blake down with a side headlock before Ace sends Blake into the railing at ringside and Blake counters a drop toe hold into the steps. Blake rocks Ace with a forearm before hitting a cannonball off of the steps and Ace counters a Samson Clutch for a two count. Ace hits a Code Breaker before getting his boots up when Blake goes for a dive off of the top and Ace hits a tope to the outside. Back in the ring Blake hits a snap mare into a basement dropkick before hitting a standing shooting star press for two.

Ace counters a suplex into a flying clothesline before hitting a sunset flip powerbomb off of the top for a near fall. Blake goes up top before Ace rolls out of the ring on the opposite side before Blake hits a moonsault into a springboard 450 for a near fall. Blake counters a superplex into a diving stomp for a near fall before missing a 450 before Ace hits a dive for two and follows up with submission. Ace stomps Blake against the ropes before they rock each other with kicks and Ace hits a Spanish fly. Blake sends Ace out of the ring and hits a Fosbury flop into a reverse DDT onto the ramp before rolling him back inside and missing a botched dive.

Ace then gets a near fall before Blake counters The Fold and the two exchange strikes until Ace hits The Fold for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ace Austin defeats Blake Christian via pinfall to win the Super X Cup Tournament.

I Quit Match

Moose vs Willie Mack

The two go toe to toe and exchange strikes until Willie hits a spine buster and lays into Moose with punches in mount. Moose rolls out of the ring and Willie boots him at ringside before sending him into the railing and Moose rocks Willie with a boot. Willie slams Moose onto the ramp and sends him into the post before tossing Moose back inside and rocking him with punches. Willie misses a running boot in the corner before Moose hits a running dropkick in the corner into kicks to the spine. Moose stomps Willie and has the referee repeatedly ask Willie if he quits before locking in an abdominal stretch and elbowing Willie in the ribs.

Willie sends Moose over the top rope before Moose snaps the arm of Willie across the top rope and onto the railing. Moose whips Willie over the railing and onto the concrete floor before tossing him back over and back to ringside. Moose brings chairs and a table out from underneath the ring before setting it up and Willie counters a powerbomb and rains down punches to Moose. Willie hits Moose with the chair and wedges it in the corner before sending him head first into the chair. Willie hits a frog splash off of the top before hitting one to the back of Moose and choking Moose with the chair before lying it across his chest.

Willie goes up top a third time and Moose crotches him up top before rolling out onto the apron and Moose rips Willie off of the top and hits a Go to Hell through the table at ringside. They crawl back into the ring several minutes later before slapping each other across the face and exchange strikes until Willie hits a stunner and Moose a headbutt. Willie turns Moose inside out with a lariat before Moose hits a uranage and piles chairs in the ring before going up top and Willie throws a chair at him. Willie hits a superplex onto the pile of chairs before hitting Moose with the chair around ringside before Moose lays Willie out with his title belt. Back in the ring Moose elbows Willie in the side of the head before sitting on a chair and putting a chair around the neck of Willie.

Rich Swann then comes down and says that he’ll give Moose a title shot before Moose thanks him and says he quits. 

Winner: Willie Mack defeats Moose when Moose says that he quits.

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