
AEW Dynamite 01/06/21 Results: Kenny Omega vs. Rey Fénix, Wardlow vs. Hager, Jon Moxley returns

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– We are welcome to AEW Dynamite Live from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, Florida, by Jim Ross, Chris Jericho, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone.

The Young Bucks & SCU vs. The Acclaimed & Hybrid2

The Young Bucks and SCU come out first and are ready to go. The Acclaimed make their regular entrance rapping, and Caster says that The Acclaimed is “John Cena’s,” and The Young Bucks are “Jannetty’s.” Anthony Bowens and Christopher Daniels are starting the match, by the looks of it, but Daniels hit Max Caster, and now all eight men are fighting each other, and there is no order. The match is now looking; it is official Bowens and Daniels are exchanging strikes, but Daniels gets taken down. Bowens tags in Jack Evans, and he controls the match with a few strikes, and then he tags in Max Caster, and he gets some punches in. The Acclaimed and Hybrid2 are constantly tagging in and out and punishing Christopher Daniels. Daniels gets to his partner Frankie Kazarian for the hot tag, and Kazarian takes out all four of his competitors. Matt Jackson now gets the hot tag, and he hits the Northern Lights suplex on Angelico and Max Caster. Now, Jackson is taking people out one at a time. Matt does a huge dive to the outside and takes Caster and Angelico. Nick Jackson is now the legal man and hits the BTE, but Jack Evans breaks it up. The Young Bucks hit the Superkick Party on Angelico and then attempt the Meltzer Driver, but it is broken up. Christopher Daniels is the legal man, Daniels and Matt Jackson hit The Meltzer Driver and then pin Jack Evans for the victory. The match ends, and immediately Kazarian is on the mic and says that he said, “a few weeks ago, I said when SCU loses another tag-team match, we would be done together as a team” He then says, “that won’t be happening on his watch.”

Winner: The Young Bucks and SCU

Jon Moxley comes out and cuts his promo talking about how you might expect to come out complaining, but he says sometimes you have to take it on the chin, and you have to come back and not give up an inch. He says he could go after Kenny Omega and that shitty used car salesman Don Callis but says he won’t interfere, but he will get even. Moxley will do it, no matter how long it takes. He promises Kenny that he will beg for mercy one day, and he will realize he crossed the wrong guy.

– Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy are in the back cutting a promo with Dasha and say Trent Baretta will be out for 4-5 months with a torn pec. They get interrupted by Miro and Kip Sabian. Miro says they can be “Best Friends” while Trent is out injured. Taylor challenges Miro for next week for a singles match. The loser of the match will have to be the other “Young Boy” until the Sabian and Penelope Ford wedding.

Wardlow vs. Jake Hager

The match begins with a tie-up; Inner Circle members are out by the ring on the stage watching the match. Wardlow and Hager are reversing holds, but Hager takes over when he hits Wardlow with a big back elbow. Wardlow knocks Hager over the top rope with a clothesline. They go to a picture-in-picture commercial, and Hager has the upper hand through the entire commercial. Wardlow is now in control, and he is hitting Hager with numerous slams; and Wardlow goes for an F-10, but Hager gets out of it. Hager hits Wardlow with a big clothesline, and after getting out of it. Hager gets Wardlow in the ankle lock, but Wardlow gets out of it by kicking Hager in the face. Wardlow hits Hager with a release German suplex. Wardlow hits the senton, and he hits it, but Hager counters him with the head and arm triangle lock. Wardlow hits Hager with the F-10, and he goes for the pin and gets the win over Jake Hager.

Winner: Wardlow

– After the match, Hager is upset, but Wardlow sticks his arm out, and he and Hager give each other a fist bump.

– The next segment is with Private Party and Snoop Dogg, and they are talking. Matt Hardy appears with a contract. Hardy tells Private Party, “he is not a monster, that they can keep their third party stuff like Cameo and Twitch.

– Brian Cage and Darby Allin are in the ring to do the weigh-in for next week’s match for the TNT Championship title. Tony Schiavone tells the audience that Allin has the Tony announces that Cage weighs 272 pounds and Allin weighs 170 pounds. Taz is complaining about anything and everything; Darby Allin takes the mic and says, “Taz, this feud is 27 years in the making because I have been dealing with shit for my entire life.” Taz is hinting that Team Taz is going to attack Allin. Then the lights go out, and Sting appears, and Team Taz leaves the ring. Allin and Sting are in the ring, and they get into each other’s faces and stare each other down.

– MJF is backstage, and he comes up to Jake Hager, who is angry and hitting things. MJF tells Hager he should be proud of himself. MJF tells Hager he is still undefeated in the octagon. Hager tells MJF that he thought about dropping him, but he’s cool.

– Back from the commercial, Jurassic Express is being interviewed by Alex Marvez. Alex asks Marko Stunt about his segment from last night’s AEW Dark. They are interrupted by FTR and say that -1 of The Dark Order was right; what do you do, Marko? Marko then has to be held back, and he challenges them to a tag match for next week.

Cody Rhodes w/Snoop Dogg vs. Matt Sydal

The match begins with exchanges, but Matt Sydal takes over when he gets a roundhouse kick in on Cody. Sydal is in control of the match now; Sydal jumps off the top rope and lands on his knee awkwardly. They are outside the ring and are exchanging strikes; Rhodes accidentally nailed Serpentico, who was in the first row by ringside. Both men get back into the ring, and Cody takes advantage and puts Sydal in a Scorpion Death Lock; Sydal can grab the ropes. Reverse suplex by Rhodes, Rhodes goes for the pin but a two-count. Rhodes goes for the moonsault, but Sydal moves, and Rhodes moves. Sydal does the shooting star press, but Rhodes gets his knees up. Sydal has a grounded cobra clutch, Rhodes gets out of it. Sydal hits a hurricanrana and hits a lightning spiral, Sydal goes for the pin, but Rhodes kicks out. Rhodes hits the Cross Rhodes twice and then pins Sydal for the victory.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

– Right after the match, Serpentico and Luther attack Rhodes; Sydal gets up and helps Cody. They bring Snoop in for a “Snoop Splash,” and then he pins Serpentico for the unofficial win. After the match, Snoop Dogg runs over to the announce table and hugs Chris Jericho and shakes the hands of Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone.

AEW Women’s World Championship Match
Abadon vs. Hikaru Shida

Before the match begins, Hikaru Shida is making her entrance, and Abadon attacks her. Shida gets away from Abadon and gets to the ring. The match begins officially now; Shida has the upper hand on Abadon. Abadon catches Shida when she goes to hit a running knee strike. She bites her knee, but the ref doesn’t see it. Abadon now pulls Shida under the ring; about half a minute later, Abadon comes out from under the ring with blood running down her mouth. Shida follows with blood trailing from her neck, and now they get back into the ring. Abadon attempts to pin Shida right away, but she kicks out at two. We return from commercials, and Shida hits Abadaon with a splash from the middle rope. Abadon hits Shida with a big clothesline, and Shida hits back with a running knee and then pins Abadon for the win.

Winner: Hikaru Shida

– We go back to a promo with Tay Conti cutting a promo, saying that she is challenging Serena Deeb for the NWA Women’s Championship title next week on AEW Dynamite.

AEW World Heavyweight Championship
Rey Fenix vs. Kenny Omega w/Don Callis

The match begins with Kenny Omega getting the match’s control and hits Rey Fenix with a nasty spike. Fenix comes back with a hurricanrana, and Omega leaves the ring, but Fenix goes after him, jumps over the top rope, and hits Omega with a hurricanrana. Omega goes for a swinging DDT, but it did not do anything to Fenix. Fenix attempts to strike Omega, but Omega hits him with a heavy chop. They are both outside, and Omega runs Fenix into the barricade multiple times. Omega hits Fenix with a snap-dragon suplex outside the ring. Omega now comes back with a back body drop on Fenix at the edge of the ring. Then he hits the Kotaro Crusher on Fenix, Omega goes for the pin, but Fenix kicks out. Omega then hits Fenix with a backbreaker. Fenix is mounting a comeback and hitting massive chops on Omega’s chest. Omega hits Fenix with multiple forearms, but Fenix gives all he’s got, and Fenix hits Omega with a double springboard. Fenix hits a massive tope con hilo on Omega on the outside of the ring. Fenix gets Omega back in the ring, Omega tries to go for the one-winged angel, but Fenix gets out of it. Fenix jumps from the top turnbuckle and counters it, and nails Omega with a massive German suplex. He follows it up with a diving foot stomp onto Omega, who is just outside the ropes. The cameras keep showing Don Callis, and Callis is showing his concern for Omega. Omega hits the V-Trigger on Fenix, and Fenix comes back with the Enigma. Omega powerbombs Fenix and goes for the pin, but Fenix kicks out; Omega then goes for the V-Trigger and hits it. Omega goes for the One-Winged Angel, but Fenix counters it into a Frankensteiner. Fenix hits Omega with Fire Thunder Driver, Fenix goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out in the last second. Fenix pays tribute to Eddie Guerrero and goes for the Frog Splash, but Omega gets his knee up. Omega hits Fenix with Tiger Driver ’98 and then hits him with a V-Trigger and goes for the pin, but Fenix kicks out again. Kenny Omega gets up and then hits Fenix with the One-Winged Angel one last time and then pins Fenix for the victory.

Winner: Kenny Omega

– After the match, Don Callis has the microphone and is cutting a promo. They go backstage, and they show Eddie Kingston and The Butcher attacking. Jon Moxley comes out for the save with a baseball bat that is wrapped in barb-wire. Hit hits Omega with the bat in the stomach. Anderson and Gallows from Impact Wrestling come in and attack Moxley and hit The Magic Killer. Gallows, Anderson, Omega, and Callis embrace. They then continue to beat down Moxley. Omega sees that he is bleeding; he grabs the bat and hits Moxley multiple times. The other AEW wrestlers are trying to save Moxley; however, Gallows and Anderson stop it and don’t let anyone help. They take out Griff Garrison and Brian Pillman Jr., and others. The Young Bucks come out, and they are pleading with Gallows and Anderson. Pillman Jr. and Garrison are holding the Young Bucks notice Omega, and they hit them with a Superkick. Omega goes back to the middle of the ring and puts his hands in the air for the “Too Sweet” gesture; Anderson and Gallows join him. Now, both Nick and Matt Jackson hesitate but then decide to join in. Then all five come together for “Too Sweet,” and we go off the air.

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