
WWE NXT Results for 12/30/20 Johnny Gargano Retains His NXT North American Championship

The NXT North American Championship is on the line tonight at 8pm EST on USA Network!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE NXT!

Isaiah Scott vs Bronson Reed

Reed locks in a standing side headlock before taking Scott down to the mat and knocks him out of the ring before hitting a diving shoulder block off of the apron. Back in the ring Scott goes for the knee of Reed and hits the House Call before hitting a PK from the apron and rolling him back inside for one. Scott hits a diving elbow to the back of the neck of Reed for two before Reed stuffs a take down attempt and Scott hits a rolling flat liner for a two count. Reed comes back with a sit-down splash for two before dropping Scott with forearms and running him over before hitting a running splash in the corner. Reed then hits a chokeslam for a near fall before running Scott over and finishing with the Tsunami Splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bronson Reed defeats Isaiah Scott via pinfall.

– We go backstage to NXT General Manager William Regal who gives us the nominees for Breakout Star of the Year which Shotzi Blackheart wins. We then get a promo by Shotzi at home, outside by a fire pit as we go to commercial.

– Earlier today The Way, Leon Ruff and Jake Atlas entered the arena where we see The Way, Johnny especially, terrified of a black cat in the hallway.

Breezango vs Grizzled Young Veterans

James and Tyler kick things off with Tyler, Breezango taking control early before James tags in Zack who runs the ropes with Fandango and hits a deep arm drag. We are told that the Dusty Classic is coming back in two weeks time as GYV chain together offense and frequent tags until Tyler counters a double suplex and gets the hot tag to Fandango who take out both members of GYV. Breezango hit Zack with a double pump kick before Zack gets two and Tyler sends him through the ropes and out of the ring. Fandango then hits a diving cross body off of the lighting structure onto GYV before grabbing his knee as we go to commercial.

We come back to GYV in control, James and Zack focusing on the now injured leg of Fandango before Tyler gets the hot tag and takes out both members of GYV single handedly. James gets the blind tag before Tyler clears the ring and misses a slingshot cross body before GYV rock him with a double forearm shot. Back in the ring GYV then hit Ticket to Mayhem for the pin and the win.

Winner: Grizzled Young Veterans defeat Breezango via pinfall.

– Ever-Rise try to rush the ring, but are stopped by a single referee before she leaves and they hesitate to go after GYV once she’s gone.

– Undisputed Era win Tag Team of the Year, Kyle and Bobby winning one and Adam and Roddy winning a separate one as we go to commercial.

– We get a video package where BOA and Xia Li finish their month long training session ahead of their re-debut next week.

Mercedes Martinez vs Valentina Feroz

Mercedes boots Valentina in the midsection before rocking her with a forearm and hitting a double armed chokeslam before choking her in the ropes. Valentina jumps on the back of Mercedes and chokes her before Mercedes drives her back into the corner and hits a spine buster. Mercedes then hits a overhead belly to back suplex before hitting an air raid crash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mercedes Martinez defeats Valentina Feroz via pinfall.

– Female Competitor of the Year goes to NXT Women’s champion Io Shirai before Adam Cole gets Male Competitor of the Year and his second award tonight before we’re told voting is open for Overall Competitor of the Year.

Roderick Strong vs Pete Dunne

Roddy immediately takes Pete down before chopping him against the ropes when Pete gets to his feet before beating on him in side control on the mat. Roddy clotheslines Pete and rocks him with a knee before punching and stomping him against the ropes before Pete takes him down and locks in a side headlock. Roddy chops Pete in the corner before Pete takes him down and locks in a head scissors with a straight armbar before focusing on joint manipulation. Roddy then counters a double wrist lock before dropping Pete with a stiff chop and hits a backbreaker into a wrecking ball dropkick as we go to commercial.

We come back to Pete whipping Roddy in the corner before Roddy dropkicks him and hits a running knee lift in the corner before missing a wrecking ball dropkick. Pete then sends Roddy into the steps before Roddy back drops him across the apron before the two go back and forth until Pete hits The Bitter End for the pin and the win.

Winner: Pete Dunne defeats Roderick Strong via pinfall.

– Finn Bälor defending his NXT Championship against Kyle O’Reilly is awarded Match of the Year before Finn has a brief encounter with Pete as Pete is coming backstage and Finn is going out to the ring as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a video package promo by Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa ahead of their Fight Pit match next week.

– NXT champion Finn Bälor is in the ring before Kyle O’Reilly comes and the two address their winning Match of the Year and their upcoming NXT Championship rematch next week at New Year’s Evil. Kyle and Adam are then interrupted by Karrion Kross and Scarlett where Scarlett says that it doesn’t matter who wins next week before Kross says that doomsday is here. Priest comes up behind Kross and rocks him with a forearm before they exchange strikes on the stage and ramp until they go through the plexiglass barricade. The two then brawl in the crowd and to the tech area before the two go through a pair of tables as Scarlett looks on and laughs as we go to commercial.

– We get a video package promo by Rhea Ripley who talks about her friendship with Raquel and how they became partners and eventually bitter rivals ahead of their match next week.

– We go to Legado Del Fantasma in the ring where Santos Escobar says that he came to NXT to be dominant and not to be popular before saying that no one can touch him.  Escobar says that GM Regal won’t find a single person who becomes in the ring with him before declaring that LDF will continue their dominance over the Cruiserweight Division. Santos is then interrupted by Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado who take offense at him saying that he owns Lucha Libre before the LHP clear the ring of Mendoza and Wilde.

Lucha House Party vs Legado Del Fantasma (Raul Mendoza & Joaquin Wilde) w/Santos Escobar

The match starts during the break before we come back to Lince in control of Wilde before Raul grabs Lince when he’s upside down against the ropes. LDF double up on Lince and isolate him in the corner before hitting a high angle diving cross body before getting the hot tag to Gran. Gran hits a sling blade into a springboard dropkick for two before Raul fights out of a fireman’s carry and LHP hit a frankensteiner into a diving splash for a near fall that Wolfe breaks up. Gran then sends Wilde out of the ring before Raul gets hit with a poison rana and Gran tags in and hits a walk rope, springboard elbow drop for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lucha House Party defeat Legado Del Fantasma via pinfall.

– Austin Theory gets the award for Future Star of the Year after the match before he’s given the award and cuts a promo alongside The Way. Austin then throws the container of protein powder and breaks a mirror before Johnny has to leave for his title defense up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back to the announcement that Io Shirai has won Overall Competitor of the Year before we go back to the ring for our main event after a taped acceptance speech by Io.

NXT North American Championship Match

Johnny Gargano (c) w/The Way vs Leon Ruff

Johnny takes Leon down to the mat and locks in a headlock before the two exchange wrist locks and Leon gets two off of a roll up and a Samson Clutch. Johnny rolls out of the ring to catch his breath before Leon is distracted by Austin, but Johnny misses a slingshot spear before Leon gets two off of a crucifix. Leon rocks Johnny with an enzuigiri before Johnny shoves him off of the top turnbuckle and down onto the floor before chopping Leon against the apron. Johnny sends Leon into the barricade and breaks the count before Leon hopes from the barricade to the steps and back to the barricade. Leon then kicks Johnny and gets distracted by The Way at ringside before Johnny hits a pump kick in the ropes into a neckbreaker before following up with a suicide dive as we go to commercial.

We come back to Johnny in control before Leon comes back with a single leg dropkick and a thrust kick into an uppercut before hitting an enzuigiri into a jumping neckbreaker. Leon hits a German suplex into a cannonball in the corner before Johnny superkicks him and lawn darts the former champion. Johnny superkicks Leon again for a near fall before countering a crucifix bomb into a clothesline and a powerbomb for a near fall. Johnny locks in the Gargano Escape before Leon gets to the ropes for the break and Leon hits a cutter off of the apron before rolling Johnny back inside. Leon then hits a frog splash for a near fall before Johnny hits a snake eyes into One Final Beat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Johnny Gargano retains his NXT North American Championship by defeating Leon Ruff via pinfall.

– We end the show with Dexter Lumis and his drawings with a breakdown for the card for next week’s special show; New Year’s Evil as we go off the air.

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