
Young Bucks vs Hardys Match Date Set

Worlds are colliding.

Ring of Honor vs TNA.

Champions vs Champions.

The Young Bucks will face Matt & Jeff Hardy.

It's happening. It's really happening.

Matt Jackson posted this to his Twitter page yesterday

And now, just minutes ago:

April 1st. Wrestlemania Weekend. At Supercard of Honor XI.

The speculation began early last month at Ring of Honor: Final Battle, when Matt Hardy appeared on the Jumbotron after the Young Bucks' successful title defense and said he was coming to "delete" them.

There was some back and forth over the past six weeks on social media, and on the teams' respective programming, most notably with Broken Matt Hardy inviting "The Bucks of Youth" to Total Nonstop Deletion. Even though the Bucks didn't show, the exchanges and trash talking continued.

(Although, the trash being talked in that video was probably more directed at 205 Live.)

Everyone pretty much assumed that the original challenge by Matt Hardy would not have been made without plans to actually go through with the match, seeing a date set in stone–on the biggest weekend of the Pro Wrestling calendar no less–certainly does change things.

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