
WWE 205 Live Results for 11/27/20 Stallion vs Mendoza, Grey vs Daivari

The new number one contender for the Cruiserweight title takes on one third of Legado Del Fantasma!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for tonight’s edition of WWE 205 Live!

August Grey vs Ariya Daivari

Ariya backs August into the corner for a clean break before they exchange waist and wrist locks before August mocks Ariya when he covers up for a superkick tease. August hits a hurricanrana into a slam for two before hitting a bulldog for two and Ariya rolls out onto the apron before snapping the neck of August across the top rope. Ariya wraps the knee of August around the post before putting him in the tree of woe and focusing on his now injured left knee. August sends Ariya out of the ring and into the barricade before chopping him and rocking him with a closed right hand. Back in the ring Ariya chop blocks August before locking in a figure four before August sends him out of the ring.

Ariya gets back in and August hits a belly to back suplex before hitting a jawbreaker into a neckbreaker. Ariya gets back out of the ring and grabs his chain before August drops him and sends him back inside. Ariya hits a twisting springboard cross body into a superkick for two before Ariya locks the figure four in a second time. August rolls to the ropes for the break before hitting a twisting back drop driver for a near fall before Ariya hits a diving splash for a near fall of his own. Ariya then hits a uranage right after for a third consecutive near fall and Grey counters the Hammerlock Lariat into a variation of the Unprettier for the pin and the win.

Winner: August Grey defeats Ariya Daivari via pinfall.

– Earlier today Mendoza and Wilde of Legado Del Fantasma cut a promo towards Curt ahead of his match against Raul, saying that he isn’t worthy of a match against Escobar.

Curt Stallion vs Raul Mendoza w/Joaquin Wilde

They lock up before Raul takes Curt down and the two exchange wrist and head locks before Raul chops him in the corner. Raul hits a springboard dropkick for one before stomping Curt in the corner and applying a shoulder lock. Raul whips Curt into the corner and hits a clothesline into a low dropkick for a two count that Raul breaks himself. Raul mocks Curt before Curt comes back with right hands and a knee lift into a discus forearm that sends Raul out of the ring. Back inside Curt hits a running pump kick in the corner before hitting a running knee into a running dropkick.

Curt hits a slingshot DDT for two before hitting a jumping stomp for two and following up by going up top where Raul cuts him off. Raul hits a frankensteiner for two before Curt counters a suplex and Raul gets a near fall off of a sunset flip. Curt then counters a Driver into a pin for the win.

Winner: Curt Stallion defeats Raul Mendoza via pinfall.

– Curt briefly fights off LDF when they attack him after the match before hitting an enzuigiri into a side Russian leg sweep and leaving Curt laid out in the center of the ring. LDF then get up to the stage where Santos Escobar joins them and smugly acknowledges Curt as we go off the air.

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