
Mance Warner On Matt Tremont’s Retirement: “He’s A Legend”

Mance Warner looks back on Matt Tremont’s retirement and his career.

Tremont recently retired from pro wrestling after going through a retirement tour in the past couple of months, wrestling for a number of different promotions. Warner, who has shared the ring with Tremont in the past, spoke with Andrew Thompson of POST Wrestling and said it was great seeing him wrestle in his last match against Rickey Shane Page in October. 

Warner said he’s happy that Tremont is content with ending his career, he does hope that he could get one more match.

“It was awesome man. I was watching. I was sitting in here drinking and I was watching that one. It was him and R.S.P. [Rickey Shane Page], and you know, Matty’s been doing this sh*t a long time and he’s another one of them guys that I always say, ‘He’s a legend.’ He’s been everywhere, he’s done everything. So you feel kind of bad because for me, I’m going like, ‘Well I know he’s happy to be done with it. He ain’t gotta be on the road, you ain’t gotta be beating your body up.’ But as a fan, because we’re still fans at the end of the day, I’m sitting there like, ‘Well I don’t want him to stop because I want to fight him.’ I want another fight. Me and him, I want to get him [in] there again. I want him at GCW, I want guys like him to be there and give advice to all of us and to the next crop of guys and keep it going, to pass down the knowledge. I think that’s something that kind of over time goes away from pro wrestling too. A lot of people just think they know everything when — people forget they got to pass that knowledge on. So, I’m happy for him but at the same [time], you’re like, ‘Damn it, I want a couple more fights’ so…” Warner said.

The full interview can be seen in the video at the top of the page. Credit to Andrew Thompson for the quotes.

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