
AEW Dynamite 11/18/20 Results: NWA Women’s Title Match, Death Triangle Reunites & More!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. Top Flight (Darrius & Daunte Martin)

The match begins with Darrius avoiding super kick attempts from Nick, Nick goes for a top rope arm drag and Darrius lands on his feet. Matt tags in and he gets double teamed by Top Flight, Matt gets Daunte in a headlock and Daunte gets free before landing a drop kick on Matt. Daunte then hits Matt with a corner clothesline before landing a slingshot swanton bomb, Darrius tags in and he works with Daunte to clear the ring and then fake a suicide dive. Matt gets back in the ring and he gets Daunte in a headlock, Daunte gets free and Nick makes a blind tag. Nick nails Daunte with a super kick before The Bucks take Darrius out, Nick nails Daunte with a knee strike before landing a bulldog. Matt tags in he lands a fist drop on Daunte before applying a sharp shooter to him, Darrius gets in the ring and he attacks Matt before getting corners by Nick. Matt the power bombs Daunte into a cornered Darrius, Nick tags in and he nails Daunte with a springboard double stomp before hitting Darrius with a back stabber. Matt tags back in and The Bucks go for the Meltzer Driver before Daunte breaks it up, Darrius tags in and he cracks Matt with a clothesline.

Darrius then hits Matt with a standing Spanish fly for a near fall, Darrius clears the ring before hitting The Bucks with a suicide dive. Daunte follows up by nailing The Bucks with a suicide dive of his own, Daunte tags in and he double teams The Bucks with Darrius. The teams battle back and forth until Daunte nails Matt with a huracanrana for a near fall, Daunte goes to the top rope and he misses his leap off before eating a spear from Matt. Nick tags in and he nails Darrius with a penalty kick from the ring apron, The Bucks get Daunte on the top rope before nailing him with a super sliced bread for a near fall. Darrius gets in the ring and Nick sends him back out of it, The Bucks go for More Bang For Your Buck and Daunte counters with a roll up on Nick for a near fall. The Bucks then hit Daunte with a BTE Trigger for a three count.

Winners: The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

After the match, The Hybrid 2 attack Top Flight until The Young Bucks chase them off.

– Highlights are shown of The Inner Circle’s trip to Las Vegas, Chris Jericho and MJF leave the first casino drunk and Konnan joins the party to get them all high. Wardlow and Jake Hager take turns beating random people up.

– AEW World Champion Jon Moxley appears, who says he has been on a crazy ass ride for 16 years and the world finally makes sense to him. Moxley says he has been AEW World Champion so long because of his dad, Moxley tells a story about the time his dad picked him up from jail and the advice his father gave him. Moxley talks about his personal life and how wrestling has affected it, Moxley says he’ll sign the contract tonight while telling Kenny Omega that he is the best wrestler in the world.

– Miro joins the commentary team before the next match.

Orange Cassidy vs. Kip Sabian w/ Penelope Ford

The match begins with Cassidy slapping Sabian in the face before putting his elbow pad on, Sabian gets Cassidy down with a headlock. Cassidy gets free and he gets Sabian in a headlock, Sabian goes for a headlock again and Cassidy takes him down with one of his own. Sabian kicks Cassidy in the midsection before wrenching away on his arm, Cassidy tries getting free and Sabian drags him to the ground. Cassidy goes for a head scissors takedown and Sabian counters with a power slam for a near fall, Sabian goes back to working over Cassidy’s arm. Sabian goes for a drop toe hold and Cassidy shows him up, Cassidy misses a drop kick before landing a second attempt on Sabian. Cassidy sends Sabian out of the ring before nailing him with a suicide dive, Ford distracts Cassidy and that allows Sabian to land a springboard head kick on him. Sabian then hits Cassidy with a gut buster for a near fall, Sabian corners Cassidy before landing a few running drop kicks on him. Sabian sends Cassidy out of the ring and Ford attacks him while the ref is distracted, Sabian traps Cassidy in the ropes while choking him.

Sabian drags Cassidy back in the ring before stomping away on him, Sabian corners Cassidy while attacking him with a bunch of strikes. Cassidy tries fighting back and Sabian nails him with a clothesline for a near fall, Sabian follows up by nailing Cassidy with a second clothesline. Sabian goes for a running drop kick and Cassidy gets out of the way, Cassidy goes to the top rope and Sabian meets him up there. Cassidy knocks Sabian off the ropes and Sabian kicks him in the head, Sabian returns to the ropes and Cassidy knocks him off before landing a high cross body. Cassidy follows up by nailing Sabian with a tornado DDT for a near fall, Cassidy goes to the top rope and he goes for a diving DDT. Sabian avoids it and he gets Cassidy to the ring apron, Sabian misses a springboard enziguri and Cassidy sends him into the turnbuckle pad a few times. Cassidy then hits Sabian with a top rope diving DDT for a near fall, Sabian rolls to the ring apron and he drops Cassidy neck first on the top rope. Sabian slips while going to the ropes and he still manages to hit Cassidy with a brain buster, Sabian follows up with a penalty kick on Cassidy for a near fall.

Sabian then hits Cassidy with a modified Michinoku Driver for a near fall, Sabian goes for a swinging neck breaker and Cassidy counters with a roll up. Sabian then hits Cassidy with a knee strike followed by a right, Sabian goes for the spinning neck breaker again and Cassidy counters with a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

After the match, Miro attacks Orange Cassidy until Best Friends make the save.

– Tony Schiavone is in the ring for the contract signing with AEW World Champion Jon Moxley and Kenny Omega, Omega makes his way to the ring first and Moxley is shown laid out backstage. Omega gets a microphone and he claims Moxley is avoiding the match with him, Omega then signs the contract for the title match.

– More highlights are shown of The Inner Circle’s trip to Las Vegas, a drunk Chris Jericho says Elvis is a part of The Inner Circle. MJF says he always considered himself to be a lone wolf before joining The Inner Circle, the entire group howls at the full moon. A hungover Jericho wakes up the next day with Elvis in his bed, MJF wakes up in a bathtub while Sammy Guevara is in a water fountain. Guevara also wrote on MJF’s face while he was sleeping, Ortiz is working out while Guevara reveals he got married three times while drunk. Santana is playing with a bunch of chickens while Hornswoggle is found crying in a diaper.

– Chris Jericho is a part of the commentary team now.

– Eddie Kingston comes to the commentary booth before the next match.

The Blade w/ The Butcher & The Bunny vs. Pac

The match begins with Pac immediately nailing Blade with a shotgun drop kick, Pac corners and stomps away on a downed Blade. Pac traps Blade in the ropes while choking him, Pac sends Blade out of the ring and he follows him out there before sending him into the barricade a few times. Pac gets Blade back into the ring before going to the top rope and landing a missile drop kick, Pac leaves the ring and he goes face to face with Butcher before eating a drop kick from Blade. Blade follows up by sending Pac into the barricade a few times, Blade gets Pac back in the ring before dropping him on the top rope. Pac fights back and he nails Blade with a slingshot DDT, Pac follows up by dropping Blade with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Pac stands Blade up while attacking him with various kicks, Bunny interferes and Pac goes after her before Butcher attacks him from behind. Pac is sent into the ring and Blade nails him with a gut wrench power bomb for a near fall, Blade mounts a downed Pac while attacking him with a bunch of strikes. Blade follows up by nailing Pac with a clothesline, Blade traps Pac in the corner before choking him on the bottom rope.

Pac fights back and Blade drops him with a knee lift to the midsection, Blade also cracks Pac with a clothesline before landing more strikes. Blade keeps Pac down while choking him on the middle rope, Pac gets up as Blade exchanges strikes with him. Pac misses a charge in the corner before landing a follow up pump kick on Blade, Pac follows up by nailing Blade with a super kick. Blade recovers and he nails a charging Pac with a power slam for a near fall, Blade goes to the top rope and Pac kicks him in the face. Pac meets Blade on the top rope and he nails Blade with a superplex for a near fall, Pac drops Blade with a running European uppercut. Pac goes to the top rope and Bunny distracts him, Butcher tries interfering and Pac nails him with a super kick. Pac drops Blade again before going to the top rope and landing a shooting star press on him, Pac gets Blade in the Brutalizer and Blade taps out.

Winner: Pac

After the match, Pac gets the microphone and The Butcher attacks him from behind, The Blade and Eddie Kingston join in on the beatdown of Pac. Kingston gets the microphone and he mocks Pac before saying he’ll put Pac through the gauntlet, Rey Fenix comes out and he helps Pac before getting overwhelmed. Penta El Zero M comes out with a steel chair and he saves Fenix and Pac from the beatdown.

– Nyla Rose and Jade attack Brandi Rhodes backstage until Big Swole and others make the save.

NWA Women’s World Championship
Serena Deeb (c) vs. Thunder Rosa

The match begins with Deeb backing Rosa into the corner before letting her go free, Rose trips up Deeb before getting her in an STF. Rosa keeps Deeb down while transitioning into a camel clutch on her, Deeb gets free and Rosa works over her arm. Deeb stands up and she drop Rosa with an arm drag before rolling her up for a near fall, Rosa drags Deeb back to the mat with a headlock takedown. Deeb briefly gets free and Rosa reapplies the headlock to her, Deeb gets free and she takes Rosa down with a headlock. Rosa gets free and she exchanges strikes with Deeb, Rosa ends the exchange by nailing Deeb with an arm drag and a slam. Rosa then hits Deeb with a senton bomb for a near fall, Rosa then sends a charging Deeb into the ropes before landing a running seated senton. Deeb recovers and she nails Rosa with multiple rope assisted dragon screw leg whips, Deeb then sends Rosa into the corner and Rosa goes down. Deeb gets Rosa in the top rope and she follows her up there, Deeb briefly looks Rosa in a submission while they are on the ropes. Rosa falls to the mat below and Deeb attacks him with a multitude of strikes, Deeb gets Rosa in a chin lock and Rosa nails her with a jaw breaker as we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Rosa sending a charging Deeb into the middle turnbuckle, Rosa then hits Deeb with multiple corner clotheslines. Rosa follows up by dropping Deeb and landing a double knee drop afterwards, Rosa traps Deeb in the ropes before landing a drop kick and butterfly suplex for a near fall. Deeb fights back and she hits Rosa with a rope assisted neck breaker, Deeb meets Rosa on the ring apron and she nails her with a spear. Deeb gets Rosa back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Rosa fights back and she attacks Deeb with a variety of kicks followed by a release German suplex. Rosa then knocks Deeb out of the ring after landing a missile drop kick, Reba comes out from the crowd to distract the ref. Dr. Britt Baker nails Rosa with a spinning fisherman neck breaker on the entrance ramp, Deeb then hits Rosa with a power bomb for a near fall. Rosa fights back and she rolls up Deeb for a near fall, Deeb catches Rosa in a leg assisted full nelson and Rosa gets free to hit Deeb with a double stomp. Deeb recovers and Rosa catches her in a roll up for a near fall, Rosa and Deeb have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring.

Rosa then hits Deeb with a bow & arrow bomb for a near fall, Rosa and Deeb exchange roll ups for some near falls. Deeb then hits Rosa with a modified Styles Clash for a three count.

Winner: Serena Deeb, still the NWA Women’s World Champion

After the match, Thunder Rosa attacks Dr. Britt Baker, as she was in the crowd, and a bunch of officials have to break it all up.

– John Silver & Anna Jay are backstage and Silver talks about everything Dark Order has done for her, Silver announces that Jay will get a shot at the AEW Women’s World Championship next week.

– A Darby Allin vodeo airs, featuring Allin posing with the AEW TNT Championship all around a cathedral while also lighting a skateboard on fire.

Team Taz (Brian Cage & Ricky Starks) w/ Taz vs. Cody Rhodes & Darby Allin w/ Arn Anderson

The match begins with Allin getting Starks in a front headlock, Starks gets free and he briefly gets Allin to the mat while working on his arm. Allin gets free and some chain wrestling takes place with Starks, Starks misses a spear and Allin works over his arm. Starks and Allin exchange some slaps before a brawl breaks out between the two, Cage and Rhodes are tagged into the match. Rhodes quickly cracks cage with a few jabs before eating a back breaker, Rhodes fights back and he nails Cage with a drop kick. Rhodes sends a charging Cage into the corner before landing a top rope moonsault for a near fall, Allin tags in and he double teams Cage alongside Rhodes. Rhodes tags back in and he nails Cage with some strikes, Taz interferes and the distraction allows Cage to clothesline Rhodes out of the ring. The referee sends Anderson backstage while Cage power bombs Rhodes on the arena floor, Cage gets Rhodes back in the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt. Cage keeps Rhodes down while holding him in a chin lock, Cage releases the hold and he continues working over Rhodes.

Rhodes fights back and Starks attacks Allin to prevent a tag, Cage then nails Rhodes with a release German suplex for a near fall. Starks tags in and he stomps away on a downed Rhodes, Starks corners Rhodes while landing a bunch of strikes and stomps on him. Starks holds Rhodes down while applying a chin lock to him, Rhodes gets free and he nails Starks with a back body drop. Allin tags into the match and he quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Cage returns to nail Starks and Allin with a double release German suplex. Rhodes goes after Taz before landing a Disaster Kick on Cage, Starks then nails Rhodes with a spear from out of nowhere. Cage returns and he nails Allin with a power bomb before eating a code red for a near fall, Allin looks for a stunner and Starks defends it before Cody nails him with a Cross Rhodes. Cage then takes out Cody with a super kick before dropping him on his head, Cage gets Allin on the top rope and he follows him up there. Allin knocks Cage off the ropes and Starks grabs his leg, Cage hits Allin with a jumping head kick and a super Drill Claw for a three count.

Winners: Team Taz (Brian Cage & Ricky Starks) w/ Taz

After the match, Team Taz attacks Cody Rhodes & Darby Allin until Will Hobbs chases them off with a steel chair. Hobbs grabs the FTW Title belt and he hits Cody with it to reveal that he has joined Team Taz.

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